According to most of our leading Astronomers, on the date of; 10/10/10 a new and stronger energy came into play within our universe. This new energy can't be considered as being positive or negative, since all change is but a natural part of life's flow. This new energy; "just is". Now everybody can emotionally feel this energy. Most of us didn't know what they were feeling, but it was said that we became a bit anxious and agitated during that period. The people who knew what was transpiring understood how to maneuver around and through this energy and seemed to just flow with it. They knew that something special was happening to, within and around us and most were very excited with this new change.
As I watched The "Planet Earth" program of cable T.V., the Astronomers also said that the "Mayan Calendar" ends on the date; 12/21/2012, they said that this was felt because we (man) determine what will be written into our existence past that date. According to our actions and behavior, up until that date we will see what transpires after that date. We make our future what it will become. The more we know about the energies in place, the better we should learn to govern ourselves and the life we live.
Now the 2010 date I mentioned earlier ushered in this new and, ever so, powerful energy and was followed by the date 1/1/11. The next power date to come at the end of this year is; 11/11/11 and will be even stronger. So, 1/1/11 brought to us; opportunity! It didn't come easy for us; no, we had to put in some intuitive as well as physical work on that day to make our aspirations come true. Whatever we are experiencing right now, is due to the energy that we expended on 1/1/11. It suggested to us, to be aware of the lessons available to us and take the appropriate actions necessary to reap the rewards of doing so. The more we learn about our universe, the better empowered we are as to our intuition and how to read the signs of the cosmos.
The 11 is tied to our intuition, instinct and faith in ourselves and our inner processes. Now anyone who is even remotely familiar with the "Master Numbers"; 11, 22, 33 understand that 11/11/11 will speak to us in volumes when it arrives; even louder than the date 10/10/10 did. It will be different for each of us, so we just have to wait and see what transpires on that date. However I'm really interested in bringing to your attention how I've noticed the coming together of human beings since the first power date showed up. We really began to take charge/control of our place in the universe, in-as-much-as we are now volunteering more to help people we don't even know, and may never meet; across the glob and most of us aren't as cynical these days.
We pay more attention to abused animals, of all types, and actually pitch in to help where we can. We connect with our next door neighbors and our community more often than before. Every living thing, in general, seems now, to be allowed in our good graces. People just seem more "aware" now! I think that our self-awareness speaks to the universe as to if we deserve extended time here, or not! As we pass by someone on the street, we may just meet one another eye-to-eye and just smile; as we continue to walk on by. Trust me, I didn't bother with such things a short time ago. I see young men and women give up their seat on a crowded bus or even help seniors and pregnant women, etc. off, and on the bus with their packages, effortlessly. I live it a crowded city and that wasn't seen often around here. I mean it starts small, and you can tell it will get more involved as this new energy engulfs our awareness. It's good to see.
Remembering to remain positive:

Special people are put in place to bring news to us:
I read an article written by: Doreen Virtue that I found on "".
• She said that the 111 is telling us that; "there's a window of opportunity beginning to open, and the Universe just took a picture of your thoughts and it is being made manifest at record speed. If you don't like what your thinking of at the time you notice the 111 number, quickly change you thoughts to only think of what you want, not what you don't want".
• She also shared that 222 tells us; "that yours and the Ascended Masters newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts; keep affirming, and continue visualizing".
• And, 333 tell us; "The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan, Yin, and Yogananda".

I learned more about prophetic guidance by this process:
When I'm working and notice number sequences, I jot them down, and save them for later until I've copied all the numbers I saw in a specific time frame. It actually reads like a conversation between me and someone; when I go to see what the numbers are referring to. I figured; why not try to follow the advise and see where it leads me. Well, I am now using this website to share articles and things that come to mind to share with others, as well as joining other suggested programs. This is one of the many enjoyable ways that I appreciate connecting with the universe. It adds a whole new awareness to the reality that there is someone out there watching us, and really wishes us well.
They were supposedly assigned to us when we were born. It was suggested to me, in one of my number sequence readings, that with my medical condition, I should keep myself busy, and my brain active by considering, doing some sort of work from home, like Internet Marketing/Network Marketing/ Blogging, etc., to perhaps, earn additional income for myself if I'm lucky and to better my families financial position for when I'm no longer here; as well as to keep my mental juices flowing. It wasn't exactly in those words, but it eventually materialized to my doing just that, right!
I've learned that the more you can communicate with your guardian angels and spirit guides, the better you can intuitively hear them, and then you can meet any challenge head on, and as a result your self esteem and productivity will improve. I knew that I repeatedly saw number sequences on the clock, in the calendar, etc. but I didn't know that someone was trying to connect with me. It would all but drive me bonkers to see these numbers over and over again, not being able to decipher their meaning. I'll add a link at the bottom of my article just in case you want to read what I found, and judge for yourself; as well. If it's no longer there, just request it from that site.
I actually enjoyed talking to you like this. It is sort of liberating! I don't get out much these days, so I pay more attention to my environment as well as my intuition and psychic abilities. Well, no worries, we'll chat again, and I look forward to hearing what you think about our new and extremely powerful universal energy. There is a new website in my resource box that houses a page which is also a quick way to reach a broader explanation of what I am saying here which is also a self serving link.
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