I have realized that the more we learn to love ourselves it helps to boost our self esteem. You learn to form a force field around your heart and emotions just enough to let others in, and to protect yourself from those who would design to harm you emotionally. Let's say that job you're vying for, or the business you are designing to start for yourself. Through love of self, you can become stronger in your convictions and that you can present your best foot forward and have others to see you in that special, professional light. That outstanding light that is awesomely you!
It Prepares Us For This Next Step:
How about as you set out to get the love of your life. I've noticed that only love of self and self esteem, as well as self control draw the perfect mate to you, and you to them. If you are unsure of yourself it will show through your demeanor and eye contact with others. Would you be attracted to a person who appears fearful of everything, everyone and doesn't even seem to trust themselves? I think not!
Now is the time for our seeking self love, if there ever was a time. And through learning to love, appreciate and embrace our true selves, we can learn to love and accept others.
Learn To Share The Wealth:
Albeit, that this is a learned process and the older we get, the more the process changes and matures. However, wisdom comes with age and self love. It is my experience that the more we teach it to our sons and daughters we will propagate this experience and the lesson of self love, we help the upcoming generations become stronger. Give them the tools, the encouragement to make their mark. Trust that if taught correctly, they will pass it on to people that they love in order to help empower those people too.
Try it, you'll like it, and it's liberating!
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