• We must learn to enhance our femininity. The feminine mystic that girls carry within themselves throughout their adolescent and young adult years, helps to both define and refine these qualities which have become a large part of her makeup. As she learns to make these qualities manifest within and throughout her very being, and as she learns to effortlessly fine tune her intelligence through much study and the application of her chosen academia and her life experiences.
• When we learn about captivating the opposite sex. First she realizes that she's able to captivate her family when they talk with her or tuck her into bed at night at a very young age, or when she looks at her daddy; she notices that his heart seems to melt and this also happens with all of the men in her family. The mommy's heart is also touched as she starts to display her own character.
• The special gift of being able to mesmerize someone with our straightforwardness or of playing the emotional game is not an easy feat. It seems that as she learns to recognize words, and to put them together with the appropriate emotion and notices that she hears certain words directed to her, for instance, she'll hear "you have such a captivating smile, and it just touches my heart" or "just look how her eyes seem to captivate a room; with their gaze". She has another (ahha!) moment. We don't really know what they mean, but as we grow and become more self-aware, we remember that we heard such phrases directed at us which helps us somehow get in touch with our femininity.
True Femininity Is An Art Form, As Well As A Learned Process

• Through it all, our intellect, and the way we implement it in our dealings with people wins them over every time. Through years of practice, and understanding, we enhance our intelligence through bringing together all that we have learned. We as girls and or women can cause the opposite sex to give us what we want, almost when we want, through our feminine prowess. Our formal education also teaches us that it is much more mesmerizing to a man when we get him to truly hear us through our intelligence and succumb to our emotional vulnerability than if we just try to play on his emotions. They're already on the lookout for that one. We become much more captivating this way, because we don't use our femininity to get what we want from them. Our personality steps forward and towers over the superficiality that usually get's us what we want; and when we actually succeed at this gift, we appreciate the spoils all the more.
Our friends' daughters and nieces will benefit from our life experiences as well. When the girls get together and reminisce about the old days, and what we got up to during those days, the younger girls will be privy to such conversations; if we feel that it will help them to understand better what girls can do; and what girls should do in order to get what they want from anyone, not only from the opposite sex. There is always an opportunity to share what special creatures girls are, and how we can become the best that we can be through allowing our intelligence, and fair play, to shine through.
When we are allowed to freely express our femininity in supportive, nurturing and non intrusive ways, we leave with our young ones, a legacy of courage, strength as well as honesty of who we as women are, and how we intend to live our lives. We will be blessed to share and build upon the intelligence, grace and fortitude that the Creator, of all things, has give us through our pride, sense of fair play, and our elders.
Visit me at: http://www.mlm2jmmarket.com
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