A Birthday Gift From Above
On the morning of February 25, 2011, immediately as I looked over to the time piece hanging on the wall, I watched the clock change to 12:00am, my daughter and I wished me a rousing Happy Birthday! as she was just completing the final primps to my just finished hairdo. Now as a single woman, I almost thought to myself, "oh my God, here's another birthday and I've yet to find that special one" however, I quickly collected myself and thanked the Creator, of all things, for what I have at this very moment, in this frozen frame of time. It was a new beginning for me, I realized.
All the men who missed their opportunity from my ages of twenty to fifty-nine merely blew any hopes of landing this extra special woman that they've been praying for. By their not paying attention to their surrounding and the people who were placed in their lives for a second, is a missed opportunity. I mean, God is merely positioning the universe to align with specific elements and time for me and that unique man to cross paths and recognize each other for who and what we are. It will all be so causal we could almost miss it, if we aren't careful. I believe that "He" feels we deserve this special meeting and that's how it is supposed to play out. This isn't a fantasy, it just is. I realize that I need to maintain an attitude of gratitude for what I have and where I am in my life, right now, and keep the faith. If I play this instance down, I'll be playing myself out of pocket, as we use to say.
Change Is Gonna Do Me Good
In coming to grips with the changing of the season, as it were, in regard to my age change, I realize that younger men are more interested in women my age, because these are the responses I get. Don't get me wrong, it is very flattering, however, I already had the younger man, and it wasn't all it was promised to be. I know that all people can't be all things to us, but I did indeed give it the ole college try. I'm looking for that well seasoned gentleman who has things he doesn't mind sharing with an intelligent woman who also has much to share. I woman who is open for this new change that has come about in her life, and must admit that she is a bit vulnerable in her newly found world. I haven't ever experienced the sixty's, and the health differences now in place for me. So much is new, and I am grateful that I still look good. Who knew!
Remain Open And Honest With Yourself

So folks; here's a happy birthday to everyone who just had one and those whose day is yet to come. If you find that you just can't help for felling some-kind-a-way on your personal day, and you still feel angry or resentful at those who have their exceptional someone, just remember that "hate and love are both four letter words, and are only emotions". No worries mate, and no fears. It's just a new beginning.
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