Becoming Of Age
When I was about two and one half to three years of age, I use to love hanging around my grandmother. I latched on to her apron hem and off we went as she did her housework. She use to talk to me about things then, that I didn't know was the history of my family, remember, I was very young and did not actually know what much of the words she used meant. However, I was glad to be in her company, so I just listened. As I got older, I did understand, and remember some of the scenarios that she would constantly refer to (over and over) so that I would remember the family history.
I was told much later in years, that I would say or tell her things of people of long ago in our family and their friends; that I shouldn't have even known about. I asked; "were these people we talked about"? Nope mommy said! My mother told me that my grandmother's and her generation didn't speak of such things or let people know that they could see what was in another's thoughts or even in a person's heart. Mommy went on to say that; "people will think that you were crazy; or either be afraid of you and cause you to be the brunt of many jokes, and it would hurt badly, so don't ever tell anyone you could see things, people, or especially, don't say exactly what the person is thinking as they are thinking it". Well, I was still young, and a bit too emotional to remember such things. I kept forgetting that most folks are afraid of such things.
Learning Acceptance
Well, I made a few of those mistakes growing up, and the looks I got were disturbing to me, at best, and I wasn't ready for the outcome (the feelings I got inside). It actually made me feel as if I was crazy! I learned to dismiss this gift, never to acknowledge it again, for many years I told myself that it was all in my mind. I was in church one Sunday, and as I went to the altar where the minister was "laying-on-of-hands", I noticed that she was looking at me very strangely and said to me in my ear, just before she put her hand to my forehead; "you should be up here, doing this, why are you back there?" Again, I didn't put it together because at the time, I was going through so many emotional and financial trials and tribulations that I felt almost broken inside. It wasn't time for me to hear her.
All throughout my life people would tell me this same thing, as the minister said that day. I still felt that childhood fear inside of me, almost to point that I wanted to hang up, or tell them that they were crazy. I'm almost sixty years of again now, and now I know it's time for me to give back what was so freely given to me, from my ancestors, and to acknowledge that this actually is a gift and part of my legacy, and that it is handed down within families to whomever the Creator deems worthy or strong enough to see and or feel special things.
Now, I didn't know that my grandmother knew I was the one, but her children did. You see, my grandmother died at a very young age. My mother and her sisters and brothers were afraid of the gift, and it wasn't until mommy was very sick and much, much older, that I found out that she had the gift as well. All of my grandmother's children had it, but never spoke of it. I could see all but fear in their faces, as they listened to me speak. I didn't know what was wrong, only that; maybe I shouldn't speak so openly anymore. I learned to become somewhat of an introvert.
I remember that she and I had the same vision. I was starting Kindergarten that day, and I told her what I saw, and again, she told me; "don't tell anybody, they'll think your crazy". So, again, I didn't. But as I grew up, and remembered the fear and frozen stair on her face that morning as we were getting ready for school, I knew that she had seen what I saw. Why were they so afraid in those days?
It is said that the Creator will reveal; "What He will, When He will, To Whom He will". Let's stay focused and unafraid!!!.... NAMASTé
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
How to Improve Your Awareness and Feel More Confident
According to most of our leading Astronomers, on the date of; 10/10/10 a new and stronger energy came into play within our universe. This new energy can't be considered as being positive or negative, since all change is but a natural part of life's flow. This new energy; "just is". Now everybody can emotionally feel this energy. Most of us didn't know what they were feeling, but it was said that we became a bit anxious and agitated during that period. The people who knew what was transpiring understood how to maneuver around and through this energy and seemed to just flow with it. They knew that something special was happening to, within and around us and most were very excited with this new change.
As I watched The "Planet Earth" program of cable T.V., the Astronomers also said that the "Mayan Calendar" ends on the date; 12/21/2012, they said that this was felt because we (man) determine what will be written into our existence past that date. According to our actions and behavior, up until that date we will see what transpires after that date. We make our future what it will become. The more we know about the energies in place, the better we should learn to govern ourselves and the life we live.
Now the 2010 date I mentioned earlier ushered in this new and, ever so, powerful energy and was followed by the date 1/1/11. The next power date to come at the end of this year is; 11/11/11 and will be even stronger. So, 1/1/11 brought to us; opportunity! It didn't come easy for us; no, we had to put in some intuitive as well as physical work on that day to make our aspirations come true. Whatever we are experiencing right now, is due to the energy that we expended on 1/1/11. It suggested to us, to be aware of the lessons available to us and take the appropriate actions necessary to reap the rewards of doing so. The more we learn about our universe, the better empowered we are as to our intuition and how to read the signs of the cosmos.
The 11 is tied to our intuition, instinct and faith in ourselves and our inner processes. Now anyone who is even remotely familiar with the "Master Numbers"; 11, 22, 33 understand that 11/11/11 will speak to us in volumes when it arrives; even louder than the date 10/10/10 did. It will be different for each of us, so we just have to wait and see what transpires on that date. However I'm really interested in bringing to your attention how I've noticed the coming together of human beings since the first power date showed up. We really began to take charge/control of our place in the universe, in-as-much-as we are now volunteering more to help people we don't even know, and may never meet; across the glob and most of us aren't as cynical these days.
We pay more attention to abused animals, of all types, and actually pitch in to help where we can. We connect with our next door neighbors and our community more often than before. Every living thing, in general, seems now, to be allowed in our good graces. People just seem more "aware" now! I think that our self-awareness speaks to the universe as to if we deserve extended time here, or not! As we pass by someone on the street, we may just meet one another eye-to-eye and just smile; as we continue to walk on by. Trust me, I didn't bother with such things a short time ago. I see young men and women give up their seat on a crowded bus or even help seniors and pregnant women, etc. off, and on the bus with their packages, effortlessly. I live it a crowded city and that wasn't seen often around here. I mean it starts small, and you can tell it will get more involved as this new energy engulfs our awareness. It's good to see.
Remembering to remain positive:

Special people are put in place to bring news to us:
I read an article written by: Doreen Virtue that I found on "".
• She said that the 111 is telling us that; "there's a window of opportunity beginning to open, and the Universe just took a picture of your thoughts and it is being made manifest at record speed. If you don't like what your thinking of at the time you notice the 111 number, quickly change you thoughts to only think of what you want, not what you don't want".
• She also shared that 222 tells us; "that yours and the Ascended Masters newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts; keep affirming, and continue visualizing".
• And, 333 tell us; "The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan, Yin, and Yogananda".

I learned more about prophetic guidance by this process:
When I'm working and notice number sequences, I jot them down, and save them for later until I've copied all the numbers I saw in a specific time frame. It actually reads like a conversation between me and someone; when I go to see what the numbers are referring to. I figured; why not try to follow the advise and see where it leads me. Well, I am now using this website to share articles and things that come to mind to share with others, as well as joining other suggested programs. This is one of the many enjoyable ways that I appreciate connecting with the universe. It adds a whole new awareness to the reality that there is someone out there watching us, and really wishes us well.
They were supposedly assigned to us when we were born. It was suggested to me, in one of my number sequence readings, that with my medical condition, I should keep myself busy, and my brain active by considering, doing some sort of work from home, like Internet Marketing/Network Marketing/ Blogging, etc., to perhaps, earn additional income for myself if I'm lucky and to better my families financial position for when I'm no longer here; as well as to keep my mental juices flowing. It wasn't exactly in those words, but it eventually materialized to my doing just that, right!
I've learned that the more you can communicate with your guardian angels and spirit guides, the better you can intuitively hear them, and then you can meet any challenge head on, and as a result your self esteem and productivity will improve. I knew that I repeatedly saw number sequences on the clock, in the calendar, etc. but I didn't know that someone was trying to connect with me. It would all but drive me bonkers to see these numbers over and over again, not being able to decipher their meaning. I'll add a link at the bottom of my article just in case you want to read what I found, and judge for yourself; as well. If it's no longer there, just request it from that site.
I actually enjoyed talking to you like this. It is sort of liberating! I don't get out much these days, so I pay more attention to my environment as well as my intuition and psychic abilities. Well, no worries, we'll chat again, and I look forward to hearing what you think about our new and extremely powerful universal energy. There is a new website in my resource box that houses a page which is also a quick way to reach a broader explanation of what I am saying here which is also a self serving link.
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
What Manner Of Time Is This?
It Is Time To Clean Our Spiritual House?
These days we are living in a time called not only soul searching, but both an external and internal cleansing process, as well. This process can only be derived from what each of us sees, wants and or doesn't want for ourselves in this lifetime. Combined with all we have learned from our religious upbringing and lifestyle, we have embraced for ourselves in our chosen way of living; and we can wholeheartedly and honestly decide which spiritual and physical part to embrace as we move forward. We will know which aspects of our character to discard and to keep, for our future as we see it. The new energy that the universe has in place for our use to embrace, strengthens our birthright of free will. Those who choose to live the life of a lie will do so, but will eventually or maybe automatically find themselves alone because most of us can feel the pull of the Almighty Creator bringing us together in all manner of ways. No matter what nationality or race we are, we cannot doubt that we feel the change in the air.
The way of the human being is to not ever stop learning and growing or we are doomed to die off. We are not the only beings the Creator of all things has created in the universe, nor will the changes he has directed to our consciousness stop flowing, and we will not stop learning. I've always been told that He said; "The Universe is made but to serve man". We have to figure out what he means by this.
Finding Our Way Back To The Path:
It is true that this earth was plush with all sort of green trees which bore fruit, and grass foliage whether eatable for human consumption or not. From these trees some were good for animals to eat. Some were good for medicinal purposes as well. The air was fresh, sweet and crisp. There were sweet tasting waters that flowed throughout this earth, with fresh fish and all manner of things for man to consume as food. All was plentiful for man to use, however, we have all but destroyed what this earth has afforded us, and the way it reproduced itself. Now, we are faced with many decisions and it's sort of like the witch hunts of old. We want to point the finger and shift the blame onto any and everyone. Some deserve the blame, but that won't put things to right, will it? As it stands we are all still in the same boat, as far as our future goes on this planet.
Maybe there are some of us who feel that they can book passage to another world, while leaving others behind, when times become too dire on this planet. Somehow they feel that they can prepare for themselves another home elsewhere. I wonder what makes them feel, honestly, that their best laid planes are somehow infallible and won't leave them wanting?
What Other Choices Have We?
Our best bet is to fix our own planet, now before our time runs out! Just like the political leaders in Jesus' time said when he just kept moving forward to spread God's word, not knowing what would transpire or who, and how many would listen to his words; "What Manner Of Man Is This"?
He's not afraid of what we can do to him, and how he speaks of this God and disregards us. He just keeps on pushing forward, he must be afraid, but shows no fear. Now it's our time to move fearlessly into our earth's future. We have no choice in the matter so we have to make this work. Through courage, strength and faith in ourselves and our leaders, we can make such changes work. The plight of our human brotherhood depends on it. I was always taught that; "ways and actions speak louder than words".
So our future generations won't be ashamed of what we've done with such a beautiful gift as this once awesome planet was. They will be able to enjoy the cleanliness of our once again, purified water, regenerated soil with the ability for vegetables, fruit and the trees to flourish again. We will learn to barter again with our neighbor and once again help one another.
A Continued Strong Path Towards The Future:
Commerce is the way of the future, but in a more congenial and humane posture, we will also move diligently into the future. Has it dawned on you yet; as to what manner of time we are living in, and what small part, if any can you play in it; here and now?
He wishes us all well, and knows that together we will come up with the way to replenish our world. We will build a path to our future, and we will survive against all odds. The answer to our questions, as to how to get this huge task done; is born within our thoughts.
No fears, no worries; let's just "git-ur-done"!
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607

The way of the human being is to not ever stop learning and growing or we are doomed to die off. We are not the only beings the Creator of all things has created in the universe, nor will the changes he has directed to our consciousness stop flowing, and we will not stop learning. I've always been told that He said; "The Universe is made but to serve man". We have to figure out what he means by this.
Finding Our Way Back To The Path:
Maybe there are some of us who feel that they can book passage to another world, while leaving others behind, when times become too dire on this planet. Somehow they feel that they can prepare for themselves another home elsewhere. I wonder what makes them feel, honestly, that their best laid planes are somehow infallible and won't leave them wanting?
What Other Choices Have We?

He's not afraid of what we can do to him, and how he speaks of this God and disregards us. He just keeps on pushing forward, he must be afraid, but shows no fear. Now it's our time to move fearlessly into our earth's future. We have no choice in the matter so we have to make this work. Through courage, strength and faith in ourselves and our leaders, we can make such changes work. The plight of our human brotherhood depends on it. I was always taught that; "ways and actions speak louder than words".
So our future generations won't be ashamed of what we've done with such a beautiful gift as this once awesome planet was. They will be able to enjoy the cleanliness of our once again, purified water, regenerated soil with the ability for vegetables, fruit and the trees to flourish again. We will learn to barter again with our neighbor and once again help one another.
A Continued Strong Path Towards The Future:
Commerce is the way of the future, but in a more congenial and humane posture, we will also move diligently into the future. Has it dawned on you yet; as to what manner of time we are living in, and what small part, if any can you play in it; here and now?
He wishes us all well, and knows that together we will come up with the way to replenish our world. We will build a path to our future, and we will survive against all odds. The answer to our questions, as to how to get this huge task done; is born within our thoughts.
No fears, no worries; let's just "git-ur-done"!
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
How Do You Beat The Odds, Learn How To Love Yourself First

I have realized that the more we learn to love ourselves it helps to boost our self esteem. You learn to form a force field around your heart and emotions just enough to let others in, and to protect yourself from those who would design to harm you emotionally. Let's say that job you're vying for, or the business you are designing to start for yourself. Through love of self, you can become stronger in your convictions and that you can present your best foot forward and have others to see you in that special, professional light. That outstanding light that is awesomely you!
It Prepares Us For This Next Step:
How about as you set out to get the love of your life. I've noticed that only love of self and self esteem, as well as self control draw the perfect mate to you, and you to them. If you are unsure of yourself it will show through your demeanor and eye contact with others. Would you be attracted to a person who appears fearful of everything, everyone and doesn't even seem to trust themselves? I think not!
Now is the time for our seeking self love, if there ever was a time. And through learning to love, appreciate and embrace our true selves, we can learn to love and accept others.
Learn To Share The Wealth:
Albeit, that this is a learned process and the older we get, the more the process changes and matures. However, wisdom comes with age and self love. It is my experience that the more we teach it to our sons and daughters we will propagate this experience and the lesson of self love, we help the upcoming generations become stronger. Give them the tools, the encouragement to make their mark. Trust that if taught correctly, they will pass it on to people that they love in order to help empower those people too.
Try it, you'll like it, and it's liberating!
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
How To Find The Perfect Relationship, And How To Get There
Sometime Guys Share Information Too:
It's been my experience throughout my years of dating, and as I talked to the men in my family, my male friends, and noticing how my girlfriends and sisters interacted with men; that connecting to the right person is a learned process. There are certain patterns to follow and others to just leave alone. Most of the men in my life said; as they finally decided to settle down, they were looking for the proverbial "girl you can take home to momma", not necessarily the "girl next door".
So ladies, when you're out on the town and find yourself in a club with your girlfriends, just become your best self, as long as the person you are really shines without being brazen or to boisterous. If you find during your fun nights out, that you can't help being loose, loud and wild, then I'm sure you've come to grips with yourself, that a special and or long lasting relationship just isn't for you, and that you are just not the marring type. Some women don't act like any of the above adjectives and still feel that they aren't the marrying kind, and that's alright to; as long as that's the perfect choice for you.
Ladies, if you know that your soul mate is somewhere out there waiting to meet and get to know you, then continue being honest with yourself and dress, act and be in a respectful manner, always, when you are in public. However, the energies that are currently being provided for us out there in the cosmos, to help us to make thing happen, just have a few rules for us to govern ourselves by.
We Ladies Are Known To Share Information Also:
For instance, one night in a club, I met a group of ladies who told me that they tried being the ladylike type, and they found that they screwed up the balance and stayed at home too long, not interacting with men or even their girl friends for a very long time, in order to get a grip of their social mannerism, but when they went out again to clubs, they felt out of sorts; not like their fun loving self, and didn't know how to interact with guys anymore, and they felt that they, themselves were too boring.
That's overkill! Locking yourself away in your home isn't the way to get on the right track. You find that you're still playing yourself cheap. That's too much to the extreme. Put one foot in front of the other; take one step at a time, i.e. go to the library, museum, get yourself jogging in the park, ride your bike through the park, etc. You don't just sit home like a frightened child waiting for circumstances to change; no, you just change the pattern of the way you do things. Slow and steady wins the race! Find balance in your life, because ways and actions speak louder than words. Believe me, you'll find the right words when you meet a potential mate or friend. Because you are steadily meeting people, guys, in your daily travels as you step out of the house and interact with others.
You can notice someone looking at you from across a room, and if you're interested, give a sweet subtle smile, as your eyes connect with his gaze, then wait about three seconds and slowly look away. This way he knows that you are interested also. If a guy is constantly only talking about himself, then he's probably only interested in himself and not worth much of your time, and you slowly and eventually turn your body or gaze in another direction and he'll quickly get the message, and move on. This way if Mr. Right is trying to get your attention, you'll be able to pick up on it, and he will know that you are merely having a conversation and it's nothing special with; Mr. Self-absorbed and he can than make his move towards you.
Remember Momma Told You about Having - Your Mad Money:
Always have your own money when going out, don't expect to get all of your meals and drinks from the kindness of strangers, because you've got to know what they are expecting at the end of the evening. How are you going to feel in the morning? If you don't intend to oblige them, then keep your own company until a gentleman offers, and then it's understood that they offered; you merely accepted and everything's all "Kool and the Gang"; so to speak!
Here's another one ladies; don't look to the advice of your girlfriends, especially if they want you to disrespect yourself by doing things that they themselves wouldn't even do, for their amusement, and talk about you the next day; because of what transpired. If you realize that after a certain amount of drinks, you act other than you'd care to remember later on; try just going out to dance off that bit of stress and flirt a bit instead of over drinking, in order to loosen up. This is another way to change some of the negative night out habits.
You will remember the next day, whose eyes connected with yours and what a time you actually had that evening. You'll come to know if this new partying method works for you, or should you continue trying it a bit longer and or make some changes. Girls, you actually never know who's watching you and is just too shy to approach you. They don't know if you are interested in knowing them, or maybe they don't approach you because you're a turn off in your extravagant manner. Some of us, with out our knowing it, appear too standoffish and give across to a guy watching us; a cold nature when they see us. This couldn't be farther from the truth as far as our personality goes.
Well, it's said that the easiest way to loosen up is to have a sort of (half smile) on your face. Not necessarily showing a toothy smile, but soften your facial muscles. It takes a bit of practice, but it works. You'll never know if you don't attempt to try something different. If you find that none of these fits your profile, but still you don't meet anyone worth knowing when you're out, try going with your girls who just like to have fun, and are not overly promiscuous in their nature as well. You see; guys still think that "birds of a feather flock together" but won't admit that to us ladies. Ask your brothers!
You're True Friends Won't Let You Down:
Friends help us, and we help them to loosen up and feel more relaxed when out for the evening. As long as they are true friends or potential new friends; try going out together and see how it goes. A real friend wouldn't try to upstage you or jump in front of you to get the attention of someone you show interest in. That person is just insecure and isn't the type you need to associate with anyway. If you have a friend who tries to make you or others the butt of her jokes, but constantly say; "Oh girl, you know I'm only fooling around" or "we're just having fun, right?" Kick her to the curve, and quickly. Cut and dry: (that's all there is to it)!
You don't need to hang around anyone who is constantly trying to tear down your self esteem.
Honestly, the dating scene has gotten much more sophisticated since we were younger. It all depends on the places we choose to frequent. The more upscale the establishment, the better the clientele. We just need to rise to the occasion, ladies. See you at the clubs!
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
It's been my experience throughout my years of dating, and as I talked to the men in my family, my male friends, and noticing how my girlfriends and sisters interacted with men; that connecting to the right person is a learned process. There are certain patterns to follow and others to just leave alone. Most of the men in my life said; as they finally decided to settle down, they were looking for the proverbial "girl you can take home to momma", not necessarily the "girl next door".
So ladies, when you're out on the town and find yourself in a club with your girlfriends, just become your best self, as long as the person you are really shines without being brazen or to boisterous. If you find during your fun nights out, that you can't help being loose, loud and wild, then I'm sure you've come to grips with yourself, that a special and or long lasting relationship just isn't for you, and that you are just not the marring type. Some women don't act like any of the above adjectives and still feel that they aren't the marrying kind, and that's alright to; as long as that's the perfect choice for you.
Ladies, if you know that your soul mate is somewhere out there waiting to meet and get to know you, then continue being honest with yourself and dress, act and be in a respectful manner, always, when you are in public. However, the energies that are currently being provided for us out there in the cosmos, to help us to make thing happen, just have a few rules for us to govern ourselves by.
We Ladies Are Known To Share Information Also:
For instance, one night in a club, I met a group of ladies who told me that they tried being the ladylike type, and they found that they screwed up the balance and stayed at home too long, not interacting with men or even their girl friends for a very long time, in order to get a grip of their social mannerism, but when they went out again to clubs, they felt out of sorts; not like their fun loving self, and didn't know how to interact with guys anymore, and they felt that they, themselves were too boring.
That's overkill! Locking yourself away in your home isn't the way to get on the right track. You find that you're still playing yourself cheap. That's too much to the extreme. Put one foot in front of the other; take one step at a time, i.e. go to the library, museum, get yourself jogging in the park, ride your bike through the park, etc. You don't just sit home like a frightened child waiting for circumstances to change; no, you just change the pattern of the way you do things. Slow and steady wins the race! Find balance in your life, because ways and actions speak louder than words. Believe me, you'll find the right words when you meet a potential mate or friend. Because you are steadily meeting people, guys, in your daily travels as you step out of the house and interact with others.
You can notice someone looking at you from across a room, and if you're interested, give a sweet subtle smile, as your eyes connect with his gaze, then wait about three seconds and slowly look away. This way he knows that you are interested also. If a guy is constantly only talking about himself, then he's probably only interested in himself and not worth much of your time, and you slowly and eventually turn your body or gaze in another direction and he'll quickly get the message, and move on. This way if Mr. Right is trying to get your attention, you'll be able to pick up on it, and he will know that you are merely having a conversation and it's nothing special with; Mr. Self-absorbed and he can than make his move towards you.
Remember Momma Told You about Having - Your Mad Money:
Always have your own money when going out, don't expect to get all of your meals and drinks from the kindness of strangers, because you've got to know what they are expecting at the end of the evening. How are you going to feel in the morning? If you don't intend to oblige them, then keep your own company until a gentleman offers, and then it's understood that they offered; you merely accepted and everything's all "Kool and the Gang"; so to speak!
Here's another one ladies; don't look to the advice of your girlfriends, especially if they want you to disrespect yourself by doing things that they themselves wouldn't even do, for their amusement, and talk about you the next day; because of what transpired. If you realize that after a certain amount of drinks, you act other than you'd care to remember later on; try just going out to dance off that bit of stress and flirt a bit instead of over drinking, in order to loosen up. This is another way to change some of the negative night out habits.
You will remember the next day, whose eyes connected with yours and what a time you actually had that evening. You'll come to know if this new partying method works for you, or should you continue trying it a bit longer and or make some changes. Girls, you actually never know who's watching you and is just too shy to approach you. They don't know if you are interested in knowing them, or maybe they don't approach you because you're a turn off in your extravagant manner. Some of us, with out our knowing it, appear too standoffish and give across to a guy watching us; a cold nature when they see us. This couldn't be farther from the truth as far as our personality goes.
Well, it's said that the easiest way to loosen up is to have a sort of (half smile) on your face. Not necessarily showing a toothy smile, but soften your facial muscles. It takes a bit of practice, but it works. You'll never know if you don't attempt to try something different. If you find that none of these fits your profile, but still you don't meet anyone worth knowing when you're out, try going with your girls who just like to have fun, and are not overly promiscuous in their nature as well. You see; guys still think that "birds of a feather flock together" but won't admit that to us ladies. Ask your brothers!
You're True Friends Won't Let You Down:
Friends help us, and we help them to loosen up and feel more relaxed when out for the evening. As long as they are true friends or potential new friends; try going out together and see how it goes. A real friend wouldn't try to upstage you or jump in front of you to get the attention of someone you show interest in. That person is just insecure and isn't the type you need to associate with anyway. If you have a friend who tries to make you or others the butt of her jokes, but constantly say; "Oh girl, you know I'm only fooling around" or "we're just having fun, right?" Kick her to the curve, and quickly. Cut and dry: (that's all there is to it)!
You don't need to hang around anyone who is constantly trying to tear down your self esteem.
Honestly, the dating scene has gotten much more sophisticated since we were younger. It all depends on the places we choose to frequent. The more upscale the establishment, the better the clientele. We just need to rise to the occasion, ladies. See you at the clubs!
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
Learning The Art Of Proper Exercise For People Who Live With Health Defects
Now Here Is How We Get Started
Our doctor and specialists remind us during each and every visit that we should keep our joints, bones and muscles active and lubricated; through exercise. They also remind us that through keeping these parts of our body active, the natural fluids within these body parts will continue to reconstruct themselves naturally and the fluids within them will flow, which gives strength to those areas of our body. It depends on how severe our ailment is that we decide on which form of exercise will work for us.
Walking is always suggested by doctors because of the benefits to our joints, bones and muscles, however, most of us have to be realistic in understanding that when we come up with a good workout plan; we should have someone to accompany us on our chosen exercise regime. We are to start out slowly, and gradually build up the momentum as we walk, and later as we have been exercising for a good while, the amount of days we work out can increase as well. Some doctors suggest a light jog to a moderate bicycle ride on an open, well traveled path. The path we choose should have a lot of people traveling along them so that we are not in a secluded area as we workout. This way we are being smart about the potential of our safety being in question.
As we set up our workout program, we don't dare leave out proper eating habits. My doctor immediately sent me to see a nutritionist before I started. Another instance of working out could be in a controlled gym. There we have lots of coaches, machinery and various programs that are set in place that could help us look and feel our best as we reach that younger feeling phase attributed to working out. In most gyms, we meet like minded people who also have health issues and or have family members who are working out to feel better also.
Our doctors tell us that a good, consistent workout plan helps us to live longer and happier, as well. All it takes is one step at a time to get our health to the point of healthy living, coupled with a well structured nutrition plan. Our medical advisors want us to adopt this sort of lifestyle for ourselves. After some time of practicing a healthy eating and workout program, it becomes second nature to our keeping up with the plan.
Coupled With The Start Of Our Plan We Learn To Eat Right
We learn to eat healthier as we change our negative or, maybe even, lax lifestyle patterns. It is said that by eating more fresh vegetables, fruit, bran and wholegrain, and by drinking plenty of water; will give us that initial energy boost that we need to get started each day, and to help us to be willing and ready to start out workout program for that day. It depends on our health concerns, which restrictions our nutritionist and doctors places on us, and our eating plan. Some vegetables and or fruit may not work well with what's going on in our body. So, we stick to the plan, and it will all work out swimmingly and at a much quicker rate than if we fight against the better advice of our coaching team.
Eventually we find diligent and like minded people who are looking for workout buddies to join them on their crusade. Sometimes, we slack off of the program formulated for us by our doctor, nutritionist and gym instructors, for what ever reason however all we need to do is to just jump back on that ole wagon and keep it moving. If we fall off of our exercise plan, we should just get up and get back on it.
Happy trails ya'll.
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
Our doctor and specialists remind us during each and every visit that we should keep our joints, bones and muscles active and lubricated; through exercise. They also remind us that through keeping these parts of our body active, the natural fluids within these body parts will continue to reconstruct themselves naturally and the fluids within them will flow, which gives strength to those areas of our body. It depends on how severe our ailment is that we decide on which form of exercise will work for us.
Walking is always suggested by doctors because of the benefits to our joints, bones and muscles, however, most of us have to be realistic in understanding that when we come up with a good workout plan; we should have someone to accompany us on our chosen exercise regime. We are to start out slowly, and gradually build up the momentum as we walk, and later as we have been exercising for a good while, the amount of days we work out can increase as well. Some doctors suggest a light jog to a moderate bicycle ride on an open, well traveled path. The path we choose should have a lot of people traveling along them so that we are not in a secluded area as we workout. This way we are being smart about the potential of our safety being in question.
As we set up our workout program, we don't dare leave out proper eating habits. My doctor immediately sent me to see a nutritionist before I started. Another instance of working out could be in a controlled gym. There we have lots of coaches, machinery and various programs that are set in place that could help us look and feel our best as we reach that younger feeling phase attributed to working out. In most gyms, we meet like minded people who also have health issues and or have family members who are working out to feel better also.
Our doctors tell us that a good, consistent workout plan helps us to live longer and happier, as well. All it takes is one step at a time to get our health to the point of healthy living, coupled with a well structured nutrition plan. Our medical advisors want us to adopt this sort of lifestyle for ourselves. After some time of practicing a healthy eating and workout program, it becomes second nature to our keeping up with the plan.
Coupled With The Start Of Our Plan We Learn To Eat Right
We learn to eat healthier as we change our negative or, maybe even, lax lifestyle patterns. It is said that by eating more fresh vegetables, fruit, bran and wholegrain, and by drinking plenty of water; will give us that initial energy boost that we need to get started each day, and to help us to be willing and ready to start out workout program for that day. It depends on our health concerns, which restrictions our nutritionist and doctors places on us, and our eating plan. Some vegetables and or fruit may not work well with what's going on in our body. So, we stick to the plan, and it will all work out swimmingly and at a much quicker rate than if we fight against the better advice of our coaching team.
Eventually we find diligent and like minded people who are looking for workout buddies to join them on their crusade. Sometimes, we slack off of the program formulated for us by our doctor, nutritionist and gym instructors, for what ever reason however all we need to do is to just jump back on that ole wagon and keep it moving. If we fall off of our exercise plan, we should just get up and get back on it.
Happy trails ya'll.
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
What Is The Path To The Better Niche? Go Straight
Let Us Be Clear On This One:
When searching for the best content for our online or off line business, we look for only the best that is offered out there and we hope to actually find it. I know that we all appreciate quality and state-of-the-arts items when we are building our business, and the ability to save time in choosing the quality of our selections and the learning tools that come with them. As we peruse the content of various sites that help us decide which niche(s) to choose from, for our businesses, we learn how to enter the strongest and proper keyword structure offered through various niche-finder sites. I can tell that it is really hard work in researching the most commonly used keywords to choose from that bring up niches which create a strong market. What is searched for and or offered on such sites is available for the savviest marketer and who already know what their needs are, and how to make that perfectly related connection to the information or niche that they are in search of.
It is suggested that we look for that clear and concise difference in the most sought after keyword that some are afraid to touch on. The truly skilled marketer is prepared to extensively research and find the information that helps us make up our minds as to the best way to choose the perfect niche(s) for us to work with. There are entire programs throughout some web sites that help us to get past all of the pomp and fanfare of trying to convince us that they have all of the most sought after niches on the internet. I have viewed many lists of suggested niche(s), pulled out by some of the most well placed keywords; we enter to find a specific item. The well-educated and skilled marketer pulls from those that are offered, and shows us why they believe that we can make a good income by choosing the niches they have listed, among many, and even have other programs on their sites to show us how to get started in implementing an appropriate niche to grow an outstanding web site from.
At First We Need To Keep It Light:
There are sites which seemed to have made it a game whereas a few qualified marketers get together and brainstorm niches and list, what each person feels is, the strongest of all. I don't know, but it really helped me to see much clearer, the importance of finding that much sought after niche to work from, that you can wrap your brain around and through their guidance, set up a really good blog and or web site on it as well. It's just up to you how strong the content will be once your niches are selected, and where you will lead your readers to; in order to help them make an educated guess, and refer them back to the area where you got your information from. In these trying economic times of woe, and want, we have to choose wisely and not just throw good money and time, after bad. I am becoming much more confident in my niche finding abilities through being educated by those who actually know how to teach. Now when I look at such sites, I can honestly see the potential of my choices, and then read on further to see what my next step should be to make my selection stronger than the other niches markets like mine.
At first, I just flipped through the many blogs and web sites expecting to see if it was just more of the same. Wow! I'm glad that I was patient enough to continue to search further. There are really blogs and sites out there that are truly forthcoming with pertinent information for us to use; and work from. Now most people have already learned what it takes to choose a good niche and how to market it. However, there are most of us who are just only learning the process. I guess the others think that if they honestly shared what they've learned with the multitudes, it would lessen their financial marketing experience. The truly gifted aren't worried about such things. They learn, teach and continue to learn as they teach. It's truly awesome and I, for one, appreciate them for it. I look forward to becoming a top earner in this industry and sharing with others as they've done from their chosen market.
I Am Sharing Fresh New Ideas:
I can now start to see a light at the end of the tunnel and am not as fearful in choosing what I would consider a strong niche market; as I use to be in this process. I and others have read some of the best suggestions out there, on how to research a potential niche market, and how to use the learning tools available in order to do so. I enjoy finding well documented and educated suggestions as well as offers from our fellow marketing wizards and business builders. Some sites introduce us to ways of being able to earn extra income as we build our business. Why not just take the time to see just what is usable, and make an educated decision on your personal niche preferences. I honestly believe the niche(s) that you choose for yourself, will help to draw interested, savvy readers to your web site as well.
Nevertheless, we should share what we learn with others, and who knows, we might just have found that money-making niche market for ourselves. It has worked for countless others, why not us!
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607

It is suggested that we look for that clear and concise difference in the most sought after keyword that some are afraid to touch on. The truly skilled marketer is prepared to extensively research and find the information that helps us make up our minds as to the best way to choose the perfect niche(s) for us to work with. There are entire programs throughout some web sites that help us to get past all of the pomp and fanfare of trying to convince us that they have all of the most sought after niches on the internet. I have viewed many lists of suggested niche(s), pulled out by some of the most well placed keywords; we enter to find a specific item. The well-educated and skilled marketer pulls from those that are offered, and shows us why they believe that we can make a good income by choosing the niches they have listed, among many, and even have other programs on their sites to show us how to get started in implementing an appropriate niche to grow an outstanding web site from.
At First We Need To Keep It Light:
There are sites which seemed to have made it a game whereas a few qualified marketers get together and brainstorm niches and list, what each person feels is, the strongest of all. I don't know, but it really helped me to see much clearer, the importance of finding that much sought after niche to work from, that you can wrap your brain around and through their guidance, set up a really good blog and or web site on it as well. It's just up to you how strong the content will be once your niches are selected, and where you will lead your readers to; in order to help them make an educated guess, and refer them back to the area where you got your information from. In these trying economic times of woe, and want, we have to choose wisely and not just throw good money and time, after bad. I am becoming much more confident in my niche finding abilities through being educated by those who actually know how to teach. Now when I look at such sites, I can honestly see the potential of my choices, and then read on further to see what my next step should be to make my selection stronger than the other niches markets like mine.
At first, I just flipped through the many blogs and web sites expecting to see if it was just more of the same. Wow! I'm glad that I was patient enough to continue to search further. There are really blogs and sites out there that are truly forthcoming with pertinent information for us to use; and work from. Now most people have already learned what it takes to choose a good niche and how to market it. However, there are most of us who are just only learning the process. I guess the others think that if they honestly shared what they've learned with the multitudes, it would lessen their financial marketing experience. The truly gifted aren't worried about such things. They learn, teach and continue to learn as they teach. It's truly awesome and I, for one, appreciate them for it. I look forward to becoming a top earner in this industry and sharing with others as they've done from their chosen market.
I Am Sharing Fresh New Ideas:
I can now start to see a light at the end of the tunnel and am not as fearful in choosing what I would consider a strong niche market; as I use to be in this process. I and others have read some of the best suggestions out there, on how to research a potential niche market, and how to use the learning tools available in order to do so. I enjoy finding well documented and educated suggestions as well as offers from our fellow marketing wizards and business builders. Some sites introduce us to ways of being able to earn extra income as we build our business. Why not just take the time to see just what is usable, and make an educated decision on your personal niche preferences. I honestly believe the niche(s) that you choose for yourself, will help to draw interested, savvy readers to your web site as well.
Nevertheless, we should share what we learn with others, and who knows, we might just have found that money-making niche market for ourselves. It has worked for countless others, why not us!
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
Here Is Another Path To The Promised Land And It Is Straight

I am a sixty years young woman. I threw my hat in the (internet marketing) ring, so-to-speak, to join the ranks of the up and coming marketers. I'm not among the top earners on the internet, yet, I don't drive a new or expensive car either, yet. I am the proud and conscientious parent of two outstanding, young adults. I also have four wonderful grandchildren, as well as many creative and loving friends. I have been blessed to continuously meet like minded and interesting people, daily, in my new work.
Now, in this down turned economy, my internet; home based business has afforded me extra time and finance to visit with all of them. My business promises to allow us more time to visit together, later on, and a better future.
The Truth Of The Matter:
The conventional job I enjoyed and appreciated went the way of the dinosaurs in last September 2010. I truly enjoyed the work that I did. I am now learning a whole new field of operation and I endeavor to experience a very vital industry that; if you research your niche market properly, and learn who the winners and true players are on the internet, and through their various niches; you will find a good, productive niche and you are promised to begin to generate a substantial income in this industry, as well. In my most recent 9-5 job, I was a member of a vital "Administrative Support" team for a very productive and outstanding leader in my city's municipal government; through the "Employment and Training" department.
I was laid off; like so many others in our city, state and country, so I had to think outside the box and learn to generate my own income. Finding work was becoming harder and harder. My health started to take a downward spiral, as well.
It became clear to me that I needed to give the internet industry a serious look. Not only is the experience of loss scary, the new and roughly chartered wilderness of creating your own business is just as scary; especially for a young woman my years, and I refused to let this new uncertainty get the better of me. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme that I put to you. You will have to do your due diligence to see your investment succeed. If you are here because you think this is an easy way out; you are sadly mistaken, and I wish you all the luck.

So, I rolled up my sleeves, set off to find that close to perfect niche market that most folks are in search of on the internet; and the numbers of those searches proved promising. I have chosen a few and am ready to put them onto my web site for your use and our financial betterment. The products and services you will find there, now, are just the beginning. As I really start networking, and learning I will incorporate other marketer's sites and pertinent information that I have found; for you to use as well. It appears that the fair minded and honest marketers are very young people who truly don't mind sharing and teaching. I wish they were around when I was bumping my head on those fly-by-night scam artists I was fated to learn from. Yes, I have lost quite a bit of my hard earned income while learning this business. People, now, it is truly wonderful!
I want to help other newcomers, as I am, and or that home based business owner who is still fishing for the better mousetrap on the internet, and help them as I have been helped. And show them that it can be done; one step at a time. They say that the shortest distance between two points, is straight so we'll get our facts straight from the horses mouth and work our businesses from that point. The folks I will introduce you to aren't gurus; however, they've worked hard at building their business. As I stated earlier, there's no get-rich-quick formula here on the internet and if you think so, then you're sadly mistaken. You will learn, and or already have a formula in place to help you get off of the running board. Be serious at your work, and you'll do just fine as your business shows vast improvement.
Again I Submit This Reality To You:
This industry can be very, very rewarding or unforgiving and unyielding if you just sit back on your laurels and wait for success to merely come at you. You can truly see the fruits of your labor become manifest as you remain steadfast, honest to yourself and your customers, and put in a fair amount of work; on your web site daily. Yes, you can and will get paid for your efforts.
I offer you to subscribe to my mailing list, and to update yourself on the process that lay before you, and that I've been privy to find in this market; and to enjoy reading more about what's been shared with me.
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
How To Succeed In Business With Very Little Effort, Get Started Now On A Home Based Business
How most of us got started:
Finally, you can fashion a complete and simple formula for your home based business, which will generate scores of satisfied customers, from the products and services you decide to offer. This will attract many more savvy prospects to your business. Network Marketing is my passion, and I have learned, from some of the best in this industry, that you should prepare to bring to you customers the very best of the best in products, goods and services. I chose my niche market, and I follow the very same tried and true formula that was imparted to me. Now I want you to consider bringing your customers substantial savings by way of your website through a home based business.
I have enjoyed learning, and absorbing all that I can, from the masters in the marketing industry. Yes, I have run into my share of scam artists as well as fraudulent training courses, and lost a substantial amount of my hard earned dollars while learning about this industry. And, although I didn't fall for those get-rich-quick schemes, I still lost a large amount of my families bread and butter when I started out. Unless you know someone who will give you sound advice, you will be challenged, and you can turn those challenges into opportunities.
However, there's one thing that I did know; that you could only acquire a truly lucrative business through hard work and honest dealings with your customers. I mean, I already knew how it felt to get financially taken by the "confidence man", so to speak, via choosing my internet marketing niche. And, putting my faith and money behind a venture only to be let down by the company I had joined and trusted; and never to hear from them again, not even so much as for the training that I paid for; was disheartening.
I knew that I had to find a better way to get my business off the running board. I had to support my family the best way that I knew how, and that was only to be done through hard work, and dedication. Now, it was through trial, time, and error, and the Creator smiling on me, that I came to understand that when you stay the course and choose an outstanding market; you will definitely succeed. Now, not really knowing who and what to trust, however, I did know that I had already done my research, as well as learning to be much more cautious, in order to find that honest and lucrative marketing opportunity that I would finally be able to use as, let's call it my "Plan B" and finally be able to start my home based business.
Ever since I opened my personal business my income has more than doubled, and I truly feel much more independent than when I was just working my 9-5. After facing the mass downsizing of my department, really had to think outside the box, so to speak. Now I have much more control over my time, and am finally seeing a personal life for myself sprouting up. My children are now grown, however, we are still a family, and if mom is needed, than I say; I'm glad that I can truly be of emotional and financial support; if needed. I can teach them what I've learned about this industry, as well, so that they can make an extra income, and feel the newly found independence that mom is enjoying.
We all have to choose for ourselves:
You know that old adage about "how you give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day, but teach him how to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime!" I now have four beautiful grandchildren, and I look forward to being able to visit them more often now that I have the time to relax and enjoy life much more. As I learn, I teach what I've learned to my children, brothers and sisters. Now ask yourself these few questions for starters:
• Is it time to make a change in my life?
• Are you spending enough time with your family?
• Is your retirement plan on course?
• Are you financially prepared for the college fund of your children?
• Do you travel as much as you would like to?
• Are you really living the life that you deserve?
If your answer is no, then it's time for a change. It's time to get control of your life again, by starting a business that helps you control your time and money. We are living in a time where business ownership and financial success is no longer dependent on where you live or how much experience you have. You need to start setting up a business that lets you set your own hours, and has no limit on your earning potential. The only requirement for success in today's business market; is to have the ability to recognize a wealth trend, than place yourself in front of it, and capitalize on it.
The key to success in business today is; being in the right place at the right time. Today, the hottest trend of the telecommunications industry is "VoIP", Voice Over Internet Protocol. The telecom industry is exploding by cutting the cost of phone service up to 50% or more, and removing the limits associated with traditional phone service. There are currently more than 15 million subscribers in the US alone. And, the industry experts had already predicted the number of new customers to VoIP would exceed 24 million last year, and now here we are in 2011. The sky's the limit for this industry people. Last years prediction was nearly 1,000,000 new telephone customers each month. Now we use the three-in-one aspect of cable and satellite components for our home and business telephone service. Ladies and gentlemen this is the big boom for our new "green" lifestyles. This is a thing who's time has indeed come, and the energy in place for us, from the universe, is making the companies who supply our telephones; burst at the seams. They can't help but join this new energy.
Now, this shift of wealth is happening with, or without us -
There are many companies out there who have created an exciting opportunity where you can position yourself in front of this massive shift of wealth, and capitalize on the incredible growth in the telecommunication industry. Network Marketing provides an excellent opportunity for financial independence. Today's technology makes building a business easy, all you need is a computer, a cell phone, and or home phone, and a valuable product to offer with a simple system to follow!
Now your niche market doesn't have to be in the telecommunications field. I mentioned "VoIP", because it is the newest up and coming market which is growing by leaps and bounds today. The internet provides you with everything you need to get started; however, you can start on your own and have someone else research the perfect niche for you, and it will cost you a pretty penny too. If you have the money to start from scratch; then go for it. Simply by plugging into the training and support systems provided for you through a tried and true company, via the worldwide web, and a successful program; the average person can see financial results, with very little effort on their part and through careful planning and, just by being dedicated and committed to their own success.
With your chosen niche market, through your home based business, via Network Marketing, Internet Marketing or even Direct Sales, you can earn the financial freedom that will give you the time to do what you want, when you want and almost, even, how you want. You can spend the better part of your day fashioning your home based business toward success. It's time for you to change your life for the better and take control of your future. We are the captain of our own ship! It is being said that big business isn't interested in hiring the unemployed; at this point. And, that there are a lot of careers currently in effect, which once the economy is stable again; won't be coming back. If you want to have more time and money in your life, and to be able to live the lifestyle you deserve; then, you have the perfect opportunity through a home based business. Choose wisely, grasshopper.
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
Finally, you can fashion a complete and simple formula for your home based business, which will generate scores of satisfied customers, from the products and services you decide to offer. This will attract many more savvy prospects to your business. Network Marketing is my passion, and I have learned, from some of the best in this industry, that you should prepare to bring to you customers the very best of the best in products, goods and services. I chose my niche market, and I follow the very same tried and true formula that was imparted to me. Now I want you to consider bringing your customers substantial savings by way of your website through a home based business.
I have enjoyed learning, and absorbing all that I can, from the masters in the marketing industry. Yes, I have run into my share of scam artists as well as fraudulent training courses, and lost a substantial amount of my hard earned dollars while learning about this industry. And, although I didn't fall for those get-rich-quick schemes, I still lost a large amount of my families bread and butter when I started out. Unless you know someone who will give you sound advice, you will be challenged, and you can turn those challenges into opportunities.
However, there's one thing that I did know; that you could only acquire a truly lucrative business through hard work and honest dealings with your customers. I mean, I already knew how it felt to get financially taken by the "confidence man", so to speak, via choosing my internet marketing niche. And, putting my faith and money behind a venture only to be let down by the company I had joined and trusted; and never to hear from them again, not even so much as for the training that I paid for; was disheartening.
I knew that I had to find a better way to get my business off the running board. I had to support my family the best way that I knew how, and that was only to be done through hard work, and dedication. Now, it was through trial, time, and error, and the Creator smiling on me, that I came to understand that when you stay the course and choose an outstanding market; you will definitely succeed. Now, not really knowing who and what to trust, however, I did know that I had already done my research, as well as learning to be much more cautious, in order to find that honest and lucrative marketing opportunity that I would finally be able to use as, let's call it my "Plan B" and finally be able to start my home based business.
Ever since I opened my personal business my income has more than doubled, and I truly feel much more independent than when I was just working my 9-5. After facing the mass downsizing of my department, really had to think outside the box, so to speak. Now I have much more control over my time, and am finally seeing a personal life for myself sprouting up. My children are now grown, however, we are still a family, and if mom is needed, than I say; I'm glad that I can truly be of emotional and financial support; if needed. I can teach them what I've learned about this industry, as well, so that they can make an extra income, and feel the newly found independence that mom is enjoying.
We all have to choose for ourselves:
You know that old adage about "how you give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day, but teach him how to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime!" I now have four beautiful grandchildren, and I look forward to being able to visit them more often now that I have the time to relax and enjoy life much more. As I learn, I teach what I've learned to my children, brothers and sisters. Now ask yourself these few questions for starters:
• Is it time to make a change in my life?
• Are you spending enough time with your family?
• Is your retirement plan on course?
• Are you financially prepared for the college fund of your children?
• Do you travel as much as you would like to?
• Are you really living the life that you deserve?
If your answer is no, then it's time for a change. It's time to get control of your life again, by starting a business that helps you control your time and money. We are living in a time where business ownership and financial success is no longer dependent on where you live or how much experience you have. You need to start setting up a business that lets you set your own hours, and has no limit on your earning potential. The only requirement for success in today's business market; is to have the ability to recognize a wealth trend, than place yourself in front of it, and capitalize on it.
The key to success in business today is; being in the right place at the right time. Today, the hottest trend of the telecommunications industry is "VoIP", Voice Over Internet Protocol. The telecom industry is exploding by cutting the cost of phone service up to 50% or more, and removing the limits associated with traditional phone service. There are currently more than 15 million subscribers in the US alone. And, the industry experts had already predicted the number of new customers to VoIP would exceed 24 million last year, and now here we are in 2011. The sky's the limit for this industry people. Last years prediction was nearly 1,000,000 new telephone customers each month. Now we use the three-in-one aspect of cable and satellite components for our home and business telephone service. Ladies and gentlemen this is the big boom for our new "green" lifestyles. This is a thing who's time has indeed come, and the energy in place for us, from the universe, is making the companies who supply our telephones; burst at the seams. They can't help but join this new energy.
Now, this shift of wealth is happening with, or without us -
There are many companies out there who have created an exciting opportunity where you can position yourself in front of this massive shift of wealth, and capitalize on the incredible growth in the telecommunication industry. Network Marketing provides an excellent opportunity for financial independence. Today's technology makes building a business easy, all you need is a computer, a cell phone, and or home phone, and a valuable product to offer with a simple system to follow!
Now your niche market doesn't have to be in the telecommunications field. I mentioned "VoIP", because it is the newest up and coming market which is growing by leaps and bounds today. The internet provides you with everything you need to get started; however, you can start on your own and have someone else research the perfect niche for you, and it will cost you a pretty penny too. If you have the money to start from scratch; then go for it. Simply by plugging into the training and support systems provided for you through a tried and true company, via the worldwide web, and a successful program; the average person can see financial results, with very little effort on their part and through careful planning and, just by being dedicated and committed to their own success.
With your chosen niche market, through your home based business, via Network Marketing, Internet Marketing or even Direct Sales, you can earn the financial freedom that will give you the time to do what you want, when you want and almost, even, how you want. You can spend the better part of your day fashioning your home based business toward success. It's time for you to change your life for the better and take control of your future. We are the captain of our own ship! It is being said that big business isn't interested in hiring the unemployed; at this point. And, that there are a lot of careers currently in effect, which once the economy is stable again; won't be coming back. If you want to have more time and money in your life, and to be able to live the lifestyle you deserve; then, you have the perfect opportunity through a home based business. Choose wisely, grasshopper.
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
Gratitude - A Revelation For A Woman Sixty Years Young And Beyond
A Birthday Gift From Above
On the morning of February 25, 2011, immediately as I looked over to the time piece hanging on the wall, I watched the clock change to 12:00am, my daughter and I wished me a rousing Happy Birthday! as she was just completing the final primps to my just finished hairdo. Now as a single woman, I almost thought to myself, "oh my God, here's another birthday and I've yet to find that special one" however, I quickly collected myself and thanked the Creator, of all things, for what I have at this very moment, in this frozen frame of time. It was a new beginning for me, I realized.
All the men who missed their opportunity from my ages of twenty to fifty-nine merely blew any hopes of landing this extra special woman that they've been praying for. By their not paying attention to their surrounding and the people who were placed in their lives for a second, is a missed opportunity. I mean, God is merely positioning the universe to align with specific elements and time for me and that unique man to cross paths and recognize each other for who and what we are. It will all be so causal we could almost miss it, if we aren't careful. I believe that "He" feels we deserve this special meeting and that's how it is supposed to play out. This isn't a fantasy, it just is. I realize that I need to maintain an attitude of gratitude for what I have and where I am in my life, right now, and keep the faith. If I play this instance down, I'll be playing myself out of pocket, as we use to say.
Change Is Gonna Do Me Good
In coming to grips with the changing of the season, as it were, in regard to my age change, I realize that younger men are more interested in women my age, because these are the responses I get. Don't get me wrong, it is very flattering, however, I already had the younger man, and it wasn't all it was promised to be. I know that all people can't be all things to us, but I did indeed give it the ole college try. I'm looking for that well seasoned gentleman who has things he doesn't mind sharing with an intelligent woman who also has much to share. I woman who is open for this new change that has come about in her life, and must admit that she is a bit vulnerable in her newly found world. I haven't ever experienced the sixty's, and the health differences now in place for me. So much is new, and I am grateful that I still look good. Who knew!
Remain Open And Honest With Yourself

So folks; here's a happy birthday to everyone who just had one and those whose day is yet to come. If you find that you just can't help for felling some-kind-a-way on your personal day, and you still feel angry or resentful at those who have their exceptional someone, just remember that "hate and love are both four letter words, and are only emotions". No worries mate, and no fears. It's just a new beginning.
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When Love Takes Wings
There Is Always A Beginning:
We all know that before love, there should first, and always, be friendship. We need to have more to fall back on when our love for our mate seems to falter. By starting out slowly with our relationships, we can get to see which characteristics we appreciate in someone, and of course what might be lacking. Friends and soul mates come in many forms, yet again we need to gauge what sort of friends we are first.
Maybe friendship is all we should strive for with some people, and that's ok too. True friends are worth their weight in gold and are they type we should always strive for in all of our relationships, however, there are times when mere acquaintances are the most we can achieve with some folks. So it is strongly suggested that by maintaining at a realistic and honest pace with our intimate relationships, we can avoid emotional and sometimes even physical hardship. As we get to know our friends, and times passes, more will be revealed whether or not we want to face the reality of what we have.
Time And Again, Change Comes:
I just want to remind you that time, and our universe with its infinite wisdom and energy, has changed. The energy is telling us even more now, to make better choices in all areas of our life; including intimate matters. The more we patiently persevere in all that we do, especially choosing our life mate, the better and easier it will be to spot the better choices for us. We will better understand that we shouldn't attempt to make something out of nothing as we clearly see what we each have to offer one another in a friendship.
We've come to understand that love is sweeter when cultivated. Even if it's with a current friend or mate, and we decide that we want to give it a second or even third chance; we will understand what didn't work the time before and how much do we really want this person to remain in our life and we should even consider if they want to remain with us. However, when we first are blessed with the realization that we just seem to click with our new friend, we still need to go even further to see how they react when all isn't in their favor and there is a difference of opinion, or when we encounter other friends when we are together. Our former lover might appear to be a bit jealous when they encounter us, and it can be clearly felt between us both and that's alright, too.
More Will Be Revealed:
We will hold our ground and believe that we can help others understand how much we respect and like them, although this person with us is our new and special friend. We won't walk away from our new friend and have a private conversation with our former lover. That would cause a certain amount of insecurity in our new friend and rightly so. You might find yourself having to overly defend your actions with the choice you made in stepping away to chat with the other person. I mean, it is just not worth it in the end; if you truly want that relationship to grow and strengthen between the two of you.
Just try to remain honest, above all else, in all that you do to and for your new friend. As the seasons change, so does our opportunities. So, don't be afraid not to commit so quickly, for fear that you will lose your chance with this fantastic person. If they are meant for you, they will remain and if not; than let them go. That only means that they aren't the one. Patience grasshopper!
Relax and enjoy your life with your family and your long time and new friends. Do yourself a huge favor and hold up on the intimacies. It only makes them want you more and also makes for even better communication as well as commitment between the two of you. There could be a strong change that one or the both of you would rather keep on looking elsewhere. No matter what the reason for your not continuing together, it just might be that you both are only to be friend and nothing more. Because you didn't give the better part of yourself to them early on; the adventure continues and so do you.
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A Better Relationship With Your Child
Some say to successfully rear your child, you shouldn't be their friend because they will only end up disrespecting you when you discipline them or when you lay down certain rules to benefit them. They say that you have to bring your child almost to the point of fearing you in order for them to take you seriously and respect your rules. It is also said that being a strict and hard parent is the only successful parenting technique. Imagine that, if you can, in this day in time.
Well, that may have worked in ancient times, but not now, nor did it work when we were living in our parent's home. Some children find it hard to make friends outside of the home. They are still attempting to build friendships with their siblings, unless they are an only child, which is sometimes even tougher for them to learn the art of making friends. Sometimes in large families, it is unnecessary for a child to venture out right away for friends because their brothers, sisters and cousins are all they need. Even then, before school, there is the child who makes friends no matter where they go or who they're with.
During our adolescence we learn how to interact with people from all walks of life, if we're lucky. Our parents are our first experience of what friendship must be like. If they treat us with kindness and just light up when we greet one another, this is what we learn to look for in a childhood friend to gauge if we will get along or not with them. If our parent treats us badly or doesn't interact with us at all, we won't know how to make friends away from home, and or feel that we aren't a likable person and that no one likes us or even wants to be our friend. This isn't necessarily so, however the child doesn't know this. They don't know that mom or dad has something else on their mind or they just don't know how to talk to children. It is a new and sometimes intrusive experience in becoming a friend to a small child, but we must understand that this is how they will learn to differentiate good people from bad people; because the parent helps them to know the difference.
Open Communication Works
As we open up to our children, they will learn how to communicate with the parent, no matter what age the child is, and they learn to strengthen their bond with us. However the younger they are, the process gets easier and then they are of the age that they need to know things that they should feel free discussing with the parent before they venture out to find things out from their friends who may have learned it from someone other than a reputable person. They have developed a certain rapport with their parents and usually find it easier to discuss most things with them, that their friends would feel embarrass to discuss with an adult, let alone their parent.
Then there is the child who is the only child of the family. Maybe the parent is an only child as well, so cousins are out of the question for them to interact with and learn from. There could only just be the child and one parent in their family unit. Now, who needs a friend more than an only child? Adults have learned that true and honest friends are worth their weight in gold; and the parent would be even more of a confidant or trustworthy friend to a potential loner than most people that they would learn to trust and learn from.
It is a learned and shared process, so don't be afraid that if you are your child's friend that they won't listen to your or respect your words. Unless something really untoward happened to that child, and they had no one to go to with it; they will always come to mom or dad first. And please believe that you are not ruining the child if you spare the rod, as the old folks use to say. Again, it's a learned process and who knows, you are probably better at opening up to your children than most, which is why you don't need the rod.
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Monday, April 25, 2011
Have You Ever Experienced Real Love - And Have You Offered It?
I would like to talk a bit about that unconditional love; you know the kind where we are forgiven for the nonsensical, irrational, selfish things we do. And those certain things we think of as being unforgivable. Sitting around with a couple of friends in the lounge area at a social club, this subject came up, and I'd like to know what your thoughts are on the matter.
Usually, you find this special forgiveness from our Lord, and from your family. You may even be lucky enough to receive this same forgiveness, or maybe a very similar forgiveness from your significant other, life mate or even a life long friend.
The Creator, of all things, has placed this gift, for being so selfless, in all of our hearts. However, not all of us are as forgiving. It's been said that all we need to do in order to bring it to the forefront of our hearts; is to fight really, really hard to let go and let God come in and soften our heart; but is it really that easy? We all need and hope to be forgiven for the wrong that we do, and the hurt that we could cause people we love. Even if we cause harm to folks that we may never ever meet, if we are remorseful, we'd hope to be forgiven.
You see, hurt and pain seems to have a rippling effect once the hurt has been set in motion. At times, we aren't able to take back what we say or do. We have the regret or sometimes even arrogance to watch the harm we cause build and fester until it has run its course, and hope after all that, that everyone can find it in their heart to forgive us.
Is This Something That You Could Relate To?
Have you ever done something that no one knew about; but you could feel how much it would hurt others if they knew what you had done or caused to happen? Would you expect or wish to be forgiven for that thing if and when it was brought to the light? How about doing a thing that only one other person knew, you did or caused, and they said that they would never tell a living soul, and would take it to the grave with them. How would that remembrance eat away at you as the guilt of your deed made you feel paranoid as to whether that person would be able to keep your secret.
Now wouldn't you always feel on pins and needles, wondering just how trustworthy this persons word is, or if they could even hold your secret for a second. Would or could they hold this thing over your head to get you to do their bidding for that secret they are holding about your misdeed?
Actually, as far as I'm concerned, I would tell on myself first before this person could have a slip of the lip. I'd tell the truth on myself and hope to be forgiven by whomever I caused the hurt to. This is the way I've always been taught; and in order to have a certain amount of control over how secret got; just tell it yourself.
So, I can appreciate the gift of forgiveness and the people who allow themselves to forgive, no matter how painful it is for them.
How forgiving are you? And, just what things do you find unforgivable?
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The Games We Learn To Play-On The Road To Womanhood
We Are Taught From An Early Age How Girls and Boys Differ
I understand that there are many other qualities that when brought together comprise what we perceive as being a real woman. At a very young age little girls have these aspects drummed into their conscious and subconscious, from the day that they start school. The lessons girls are taught, follow them throughout their formative years and on into adulthood. The little boys learn to recognize the qualities that are attractive, to them, in girls and the posture that is unattractive in girls, to them. They seem to make up their mind about their preference, from that point on. Let us simply go through these four steps.
• We must learn to enhance our femininity. The feminine mystic that girls carry within themselves throughout their adolescent and young adult years, helps to both define and refine these qualities which have become a large part of her makeup. As she learns to make these qualities manifest within and throughout her very being, and as she learns to effortlessly fine tune her intelligence through much study and the application of her chosen academia and her life experiences.
• When we learn about captivating the opposite sex. First she realizes that she's able to captivate her family when they talk with her or tuck her into bed at night at a very young age, or when she looks at her daddy; she notices that his heart seems to melt and this also happens with all of the men in her family. The mommy's heart is also touched as she starts to display her own character.
• The special gift of being able to mesmerize someone with our straightforwardness or of playing the emotional game is not an easy feat. It seems that as she learns to recognize words, and to put them together with the appropriate emotion and notices that she hears certain words directed to her, for instance, she'll hear "you have such a captivating smile, and it just touches my heart" or "just look how her eyes seem to captivate a room; with their gaze". She has another (ahha!) moment. We don't really know what they mean, but as we grow and become more self-aware, we remember that we heard such phrases directed at us which helps us somehow get in touch with our femininity.
True Femininity Is An Art Form, As Well As A Learned Process
From birth, and throughout the early years of womanhood, young ladies are reared in the art of inwardly molding the kind of woman, and female adult that they want to become. We find that by using our femininity while talking and or dancing with boys/men, we are able to mesmerize the opposite sex. They seem to demonstrate a softer demeanor than when we are just being ourselves or not in a distressed way when we talk to them. At times, with this new found energy, we get a bit ahead of ourselves and over use our feminine wilds when we see what it can afford us, however, most young women find that it's no real challenge just getting what we want through questionable means, so we snap-out-of-it, so to speak, and learn to be more creative with our femininity instead of getting guys to do our bidding just using the basics. Sometimes we get a bit lost, but eventually we end up just where we should have been from the start which makes us; every inch a lady and even better a woman, which helps us to perfect our womanhood. Actually as long as we are blessed with nurturing parents; we find that we are able to bring forth this outstanding woman, within us, that only gets better with time.
• Through it all, our intellect, and the way we implement it in our dealings with people wins them over every time. Through years of practice, and understanding, we enhance our intelligence through bringing together all that we have learned. We as girls and or women can cause the opposite sex to give us what we want, almost when we want, through our feminine prowess. Our formal education also teaches us that it is much more mesmerizing to a man when we get him to truly hear us through our intelligence and succumb to our emotional vulnerability than if we just try to play on his emotions. They're already on the lookout for that one. We become much more captivating this way, because we don't use our femininity to get what we want from them. Our personality steps forward and towers over the superficiality that usually get's us what we want; and when we actually succeed at this gift, we appreciate the spoils all the more.
Again, we are daughters who will, hopefully, later be blessed to become mothers. The husbands that we choose and who chooses us will then be a huge factor in helping us to perpetuate the cycle all over again, as our fathers did, through our daughters and the young girls, within our family circle; who we are in close contact with. The blessing may also be that we have all boys in stead of girls in our family group. We will still be able to share our feminine prowess with our sons as well as with our daughters.
Our friends' daughters and nieces will benefit from our life experiences as well. When the girls get together and reminisce about the old days, and what we got up to during those days, the younger girls will be privy to such conversations; if we feel that it will help them to understand better what girls can do; and what girls should do in order to get what they want from anyone, not only from the opposite sex. There is always an opportunity to share what special creatures girls are, and how we can become the best that we can be through allowing our intelligence, and fair play, to shine through.
When we are allowed to freely express our femininity in supportive, nurturing and non intrusive ways, we leave with our young ones, a legacy of courage, strength as well as honesty of who we as women are, and how we intend to live our lives. We will be blessed to share and build upon the intelligence, grace and fortitude that the Creator, of all things, has give us through our pride, sense of fair play, and our elders.
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• We must learn to enhance our femininity. The feminine mystic that girls carry within themselves throughout their adolescent and young adult years, helps to both define and refine these qualities which have become a large part of her makeup. As she learns to make these qualities manifest within and throughout her very being, and as she learns to effortlessly fine tune her intelligence through much study and the application of her chosen academia and her life experiences.
• When we learn about captivating the opposite sex. First she realizes that she's able to captivate her family when they talk with her or tuck her into bed at night at a very young age, or when she looks at her daddy; she notices that his heart seems to melt and this also happens with all of the men in her family. The mommy's heart is also touched as she starts to display her own character.
• The special gift of being able to mesmerize someone with our straightforwardness or of playing the emotional game is not an easy feat. It seems that as she learns to recognize words, and to put them together with the appropriate emotion and notices that she hears certain words directed to her, for instance, she'll hear "you have such a captivating smile, and it just touches my heart" or "just look how her eyes seem to captivate a room; with their gaze". She has another (ahha!) moment. We don't really know what they mean, but as we grow and become more self-aware, we remember that we heard such phrases directed at us which helps us somehow get in touch with our femininity.
True Femininity Is An Art Form, As Well As A Learned Process

• Through it all, our intellect, and the way we implement it in our dealings with people wins them over every time. Through years of practice, and understanding, we enhance our intelligence through bringing together all that we have learned. We as girls and or women can cause the opposite sex to give us what we want, almost when we want, through our feminine prowess. Our formal education also teaches us that it is much more mesmerizing to a man when we get him to truly hear us through our intelligence and succumb to our emotional vulnerability than if we just try to play on his emotions. They're already on the lookout for that one. We become much more captivating this way, because we don't use our femininity to get what we want from them. Our personality steps forward and towers over the superficiality that usually get's us what we want; and when we actually succeed at this gift, we appreciate the spoils all the more.
Our friends' daughters and nieces will benefit from our life experiences as well. When the girls get together and reminisce about the old days, and what we got up to during those days, the younger girls will be privy to such conversations; if we feel that it will help them to understand better what girls can do; and what girls should do in order to get what they want from anyone, not only from the opposite sex. There is always an opportunity to share what special creatures girls are, and how we can become the best that we can be through allowing our intelligence, and fair play, to shine through.
When we are allowed to freely express our femininity in supportive, nurturing and non intrusive ways, we leave with our young ones, a legacy of courage, strength as well as honesty of who we as women are, and how we intend to live our lives. We will be blessed to share and build upon the intelligence, grace and fortitude that the Creator, of all things, has give us through our pride, sense of fair play, and our elders.
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Communicate Effectively And You Will Respect Yourself And Your Mate
It's As Easy As One-Two-Three:
To get the most positive effect in communication with our partner, we should try a more interactive approach. You will see that it will more than strengthen your relationship. Straight-away let me say that when we build upon our listening skills, we notice a new spark in our partners and our listening abilities. When they speak to you, look them straight in their left eye. In this way, it will be to them, less domineering on your part, and a much smoother and a softer connection from them to you. When you are speaking to them, it is suggested that you look straight into their right eye they will be more inclined to do what you suggest, and will more readily accept what you are saying. This will capture the eye-to-eye affect and you will have their full attention, and they will be more inclined to listen to you, because this gaze will say that: "I'm serious and I want to too hear me". You don't have to arch your brow or make a stern face to get their attention or for them to actually hear what you're saying with this perfectly placed eye contact. It's just another form of communication.
Do You Know This Person?
Now people, we need to stop choosing a mate that we feel needs saving, in some way. Has it ever occurred to you why we choose needy people or someone who we feel is broken and, we feel, needs to be fixed in some way? Why do we always choose to be the "Florence Nightingale" in our mate's life? You don't even considering the amount of mental and emotional work you'd have to put into helping this person to feel useful and happy in their own skin, if this is, indeed their true story. Sometimes, it's just a game that our bleeding heart just doesn't take the time to see, before we give them our all. As soon as we begin to hear that "somebody done me wrong song", we should immediately think "what's in it for me?"
Think of it for a moment, do you fall for someone that you feel is so misunderstood and that you are convinced, if in a relationship with you, this person will definitely see how a life with you can be the best thing since sliced bread. And, that you will make them feel so strong and needed that they will be spoiled for anyone else besides you? Oh yeah wait, and that you will show them how it feels to have someone who is in their corner and will stand by them, no matter what? Yeah, right, you're not the only one who fell for that one. It is a hard habit to break, and an emotionally, deadly one to keep. We need to reprogram ourselves to cut this method totally out of the partner finding equation.
It appears that when we choose partners this way, we seem to fall for them in all of one to three months tops of just meeting them. Bad business people! Now we can't charge them for how we feel, they didn't have to do or say much before we decided to become their savior. If we had just waited a bit longer, we would have seen, clearly, the game that this person was playing. The waiting game! They are just testing the waters to see just how quickly they can get us to show our vulnerability, how easily are we fooled, our naivety etc.? This is done in order to get a feel of your level of weakness. They are wondering just what can they get from you, in, a short amount of time that they couldn't get from other women, or are you just as strong.
It's Time For That Feel Good Moment:
Effective communication will put the "ole kibosh" on such antics. Try just going with the flow at bit longer, listen to the stories they tells a bit more intently, and watch where it quickly goes from there. I'm sure you get the point. When we allow ourselves to continue to go down this road, we must ask ourselves, "do I continue to put myself last, because I feel unworthy of having the kind of relationship I deserve?" or do you reject putting yourself first, for fear that someone else will reject you first? Is this why we continue to choose or select the lower base mates for ourselves? No fears people, it's all self programming and we can reprogram ourselves to get the best of the best that's out there, if we just take our time. We go out, we have fun and it's ok when we go home alone. It's not the end of the world. We save the best for the best that the Creator has to offer us.
The better we learn the skills of communication and enhance our listening skills, we will spot them every time. Maybe we'll even get a good laugh, just before we walk away, on to the next one. Let's face it, most of us are sensitive and loving people. We deserve all of the love, nurturing, and friendship that comes to us from a mate and that we are ready to give in return. We cannot and shouldn't give away our power. This is a gift that was given to us from birth, both to women and men. The more you give away the more it chips away at your self esteem and self respect. Sometimes, both sexes are just looking for that one-night-thing. Look beyond the obvious, and that unspoken word. And don't be surprised if you get that "ha-ha!" moment.
They don't deserve that from you, and you shouldn't be willing to give it to them, so easily without investing time and patience on your part. The stronger aspect of communication is to listen more than we talk, when we first meet someone. Let them tell you about them. To show that you are actually listening by occasionally repeating what they said, or ask a question pertaining to a comment that was made and they'll know you are listening.
You Got Him, Now Keep Him:
If you are already in a stable and secure relationship, do you use that old tried and true, listening technique? Ladies, men don't know everything that they would have us to believe, on all subjects. When he is trying to share something with you for the fifteenth time about what is bothering him about you or the way your relationship is going, let's say, and why he's not so forthcoming anymore, but wants to clear the air now, you need to stop and really listen to what he is trying to tell you. Is something happening there that makes him feel inadequate? Just take a deep breath and stop talking. Listening is a huge part of communication, as well.
If you don't learn to listen to your mate, somebody else will! Maybe it's that we fast talk our way through the conversation, and they can't get a word in edgewise. This is after you asked him to loosen up just a bit and let you in. As soon as we hear a statement from them that we don't like, unzipped go the lips and off we go again. Or, we notice a slight raise in their tone of voice, or their emotional expression changes and we feel they are going on the defense. Still we need to keep our mouth shut long enough to let they say what they need to say, and be heard. If you don't the next thing you could hear from them is, "see, this is why I don't talk to you anymore!" or "you just don't listen!" and or maybe they just turn their back and walk off.
It Is Time For A Change:
Enough of that ladies, we have to change our communication methods if our relationship is important to us. It is the pattern that, if all of our past relationships went down this same road, we must stop, now. Maybe that's what they do to us, when we're trying to tell them how we feel, as well. You don't want them to push further away and seek the ear of someone else. We don't need any help from another woman, to talk to our man. Just a little silence and patience will get the job done from us. No outsiders needed, just open and relaxed one-on-one from the two of us. If that moment is too tense, wait for or create that special moment to gradually bring it up, after you both are loosened up and had a few laughs. Ask calmly if you could revisit that topic he was trying to get at, and that no matter what, you are ready to listen, and not a word from you until he's finished. Honest!
Communication is an art and if we really love and respect ourselves and our mate, then we need to practice this skill, at every possible instance, in order to get better at it. Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes us better. Honest and effective communications will help us to slay that beast. Who knows, just maybe, you've found that diamond in the rough!
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Do You Know This Person?
Now people, we need to stop choosing a mate that we feel needs saving, in some way. Has it ever occurred to you why we choose needy people or someone who we feel is broken and, we feel, needs to be fixed in some way? Why do we always choose to be the "Florence Nightingale" in our mate's life? You don't even considering the amount of mental and emotional work you'd have to put into helping this person to feel useful and happy in their own skin, if this is, indeed their true story. Sometimes, it's just a game that our bleeding heart just doesn't take the time to see, before we give them our all. As soon as we begin to hear that "somebody done me wrong song", we should immediately think "what's in it for me?"

It appears that when we choose partners this way, we seem to fall for them in all of one to three months tops of just meeting them. Bad business people! Now we can't charge them for how we feel, they didn't have to do or say much before we decided to become their savior. If we had just waited a bit longer, we would have seen, clearly, the game that this person was playing. The waiting game! They are just testing the waters to see just how quickly they can get us to show our vulnerability, how easily are we fooled, our naivety etc.? This is done in order to get a feel of your level of weakness. They are wondering just what can they get from you, in, a short amount of time that they couldn't get from other women, or are you just as strong.
It's Time For That Feel Good Moment:
Effective communication will put the "ole kibosh" on such antics. Try just going with the flow at bit longer, listen to the stories they tells a bit more intently, and watch where it quickly goes from there. I'm sure you get the point. When we allow ourselves to continue to go down this road, we must ask ourselves, "do I continue to put myself last, because I feel unworthy of having the kind of relationship I deserve?" or do you reject putting yourself first, for fear that someone else will reject you first? Is this why we continue to choose or select the lower base mates for ourselves? No fears people, it's all self programming and we can reprogram ourselves to get the best of the best that's out there, if we just take our time. We go out, we have fun and it's ok when we go home alone. It's not the end of the world. We save the best for the best that the Creator has to offer us.
The better we learn the skills of communication and enhance our listening skills, we will spot them every time. Maybe we'll even get a good laugh, just before we walk away, on to the next one. Let's face it, most of us are sensitive and loving people. We deserve all of the love, nurturing, and friendship that comes to us from a mate and that we are ready to give in return. We cannot and shouldn't give away our power. This is a gift that was given to us from birth, both to women and men. The more you give away the more it chips away at your self esteem and self respect. Sometimes, both sexes are just looking for that one-night-thing. Look beyond the obvious, and that unspoken word. And don't be surprised if you get that "ha-ha!" moment.
They don't deserve that from you, and you shouldn't be willing to give it to them, so easily without investing time and patience on your part. The stronger aspect of communication is to listen more than we talk, when we first meet someone. Let them tell you about them. To show that you are actually listening by occasionally repeating what they said, or ask a question pertaining to a comment that was made and they'll know you are listening.
You Got Him, Now Keep Him:

If you don't learn to listen to your mate, somebody else will! Maybe it's that we fast talk our way through the conversation, and they can't get a word in edgewise. This is after you asked him to loosen up just a bit and let you in. As soon as we hear a statement from them that we don't like, unzipped go the lips and off we go again. Or, we notice a slight raise in their tone of voice, or their emotional expression changes and we feel they are going on the defense. Still we need to keep our mouth shut long enough to let they say what they need to say, and be heard. If you don't the next thing you could hear from them is, "see, this is why I don't talk to you anymore!" or "you just don't listen!" and or maybe they just turn their back and walk off.
It Is Time For A Change:
Enough of that ladies, we have to change our communication methods if our relationship is important to us. It is the pattern that, if all of our past relationships went down this same road, we must stop, now. Maybe that's what they do to us, when we're trying to tell them how we feel, as well. You don't want them to push further away and seek the ear of someone else. We don't need any help from another woman, to talk to our man. Just a little silence and patience will get the job done from us. No outsiders needed, just open and relaxed one-on-one from the two of us. If that moment is too tense, wait for or create that special moment to gradually bring it up, after you both are loosened up and had a few laughs. Ask calmly if you could revisit that topic he was trying to get at, and that no matter what, you are ready to listen, and not a word from you until he's finished. Honest!
Communication is an art and if we really love and respect ourselves and our mate, then we need to practice this skill, at every possible instance, in order to get better at it. Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes us better. Honest and effective communications will help us to slay that beast. Who knows, just maybe, you've found that diamond in the rough!
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