Think - Emotions:
When we find ourselves emotionally acting in a certain manner, we feel that we are doing it for a good reason however we are told by others that our actions and mannerisms are unacceptable. By the same token, others tell us that our behavior is all wrong; so when we strain to figure out why we act the way we do; we realize that we need to fix whatever it is so that our actions become more acceptable to our mate, and we don't appear so out of control.
Both men and women feel that in modern society, we can't seem to win in our relationships, and we feel hurt by the other mate, because we feel that they are slighting us, and we don't understand why. Women feel torn by their desire to be in a warm lifelong relationship and we also want to pursue a career to fulfill our personal needs as well and be successful in our chosen pursuit. Sometimes we women feel torn between the two. It appears that women have a very weak relationship with our needs. We are externally and internally pulled in many directions i.e. what our family needs, or what our boss needs from us, etc. We seem to be confused as to what action to take by everything that's happening around us.
I heard it said that; "Women have been taught that society values hunters." Now these hunters are single focused, and committed to getting results, they produce results and they need to drive whatever action home to its conclusion; to produce and realize why they derive satisfaction in what they do. This emotionally driven impulse within some of us is all out of balance with who we truly are. Yes, there are women who can handle this, hard driven productive, force within themselves, and they are highly productive doing so, but there are also women, maybe only thirty years of age, who are suffering from adrenal fatigue and get burnt out from the pressure of this, emotionally driven, chase. Some of us are pushing ourselves too hard. Testosterone creates this hard driven focus in we women. As I understand it, men get this adrenal rush from their testacies and women get it from their adrenal glands. This is what is referred to as "masculine energy" and I have heard it referred to with both sexes.
The Magical Powers Of Women:
The question remains; how do we get our needs met and control this emotional stimuli? First we have to understand what our needs are, and what those needs provide for you; maybe then we can figure out how to control it so we don't continue to get burnt out. When we can identify these things within ourselves, we can understand what having them fulfilled offers us, whether in a partnership, boss, and in our family. I believe that as our cup runnith over with abundant fulfillment and satisfaction; it can spill over into them (out partner, boss, and family) then our strength is not depleted. This is where the magic of women really comes into play. Because we are not depleted of energy, we will feel full with life, and with beauty that this creative, forceful and powerful.
This helps us to provide for ourselves and our family just by our understanding what it is that we need and what this thing helps us to achieve once we have it. The thing is our God given power of emotion and how to properly expend it to empower ourselves and then share that energy/strength with our loved ones so there will be balance in our circle. We will allow ourselves to think, feel and the act in a rational and productive manner. I heard it shared that there is a magical force in all women, and it's called: "The Magical Feminine". Now plainly put; this is when a women knows what it takes to create a personal life for herself and a partnership as well so that results are producible, if she so desires, and she doesn't have to get there, running on empty.
This Is What Happens If We Are Too Focused:
Instead of trying to create a relationship from our hunter gatherer side; consider this. Now if we are not of the "hunter gatherer" mind, and are fully focused on what we need to do in our career and in our family life to the point that we are not aware of the context around us; we are not multitasking. The diffused awareness of the hunter gatherer, in mental awareness spreads her awareness out around her entire territory or daily circle. She seems to pick up on all that she knows, she needs to remember to get her tasks complete and not burn herself out in the process. She makes a point to notice her partner's mental state as well so that he too remains productive, She tried to assist him when, and where needed. The more we do this sort of multitasking it seems to become second nature to us. You might even hear folks say, "I don't know how she does it!"
So I don't think that because we have this sort of superpower which is an emotional gift; that we should feel superior to men. However we do have to take charge of this feminine power because it was entrusted to us and is a part of our makeup. We need to do what a woman is suppose to do, whether in a partnership or single. We have to do this task effortlessly in order to keep balance in our lives. We need to remember that men were taught that that's there job to do, and even though we know he doesn't have that emotional adaptive skills that we have, this still intensifies frustration in us because if we don't learn to control this energy, we fell put upon and drained. We start to feel that we women are not being appreciated for our efforts, and that we feel we're doing the wrong job, and we don't want to work this way anymore.
All of a sudden we begin to wonder why the relationship isn't working. Remember now ladies; this is a God given gift which is only ours. Men have certain God given gifts only endowed to them and we don't possess any aspect of their gifts. It's no wonder that our men probably feel; "what's left for me to achieve in the relationship if she wants to be miss superwoman?" They probably feel that they have nothing to shoot for. After awhile the man feels like he can't make us happy, he can't please or provide for us, and maybe even that he has nothing viable to offer the union. Maybe he feels that he needs to find some place else to be. We women can sense when someone else is displeased with us. If men feel that they have disappointed us in some way, that feeling is very personal to them, and that means to them; they have failed.
No, it's not a contest, but if men feel that they can't please us, if they can't make us happy, or even middle-of-the-road us and if your efforts are looking better than his, he may feel; "why should he even bother to come home." He wants to be able to use his God given skills, knowledge and insight to contribute mammoth sized amazing things to make us happy too. He wants to help build a world around us, and we feel that we are over working instead of helping to uplift this man's esteem. We got the gift thing all wrong, and we are running around trying to control everything instead of letting the team work this thing out and just stick to our innate gift of balancing things. He may also feel that he can't seem to ever top what it is that we do for whatever reason, or even do what we do. Now there are some men who can do exactly what we do, but not most men. God will reveal what He will, to whom He will, when He will, and of that we have no control of either!
Yes, men love strong women. We can pick up the slack when they need the support. He needs to know that when all is well with him and he's over whatever crisis, that there is still something left for him to be able to contribute in the relationship. Yes ladies; we are that good, however let's not emasculate the man in our life just because we are. Heck! Women love strong men too. We have to recognize their strengths as well as there weakness, just as they should see and understand ours. We need each other to make that union a whole. There are men who carry the whole load for their families just like some women do, and you don't hear a peep out of them; well at least most men anyway. In fact these male homemaker, hunter gatherer's take pride in doing so and don't even flinch. And then there are men who can't take the pressure of being the sole provider, let alone doing extra chores around the home; so they just leave, emotionally and or physically.
We women are trying so hard to make our relationship work and bring it to that lifelong love fest, that we don't realize we are pushing our men out of the picture and out the door. We find ourselves feeling terrible in the process, and we are carrying all of the pressure all on our own. No one asked us to do it that way, either. It isn't always the fault of your mate that you took this pressure onto yourself. I believe that women have a hard time "receiving." Look at it like this; maybe we feel it's not safe to take something from a man, even if he's our life mate, because to us it's saying; "what do I owe him for him giving me this or doing that for me? Try this one; if I let him do this thing for me he'll probably want me to be his slave." I know what you're thinking, that this is a deep seated problem that this woman is dealing with. The woman that thinks this way is screwed up.
However, thoughts like this still exists within some women, and we won't let them in. So we have to do it all on our own so we don't owe anybody anything, and in fact now they owe us. For instance she might be thinking; "if I let him take care of me, he may want me to; clean the house all on my own; do his laundry and stay home constantly waiting on him, and he knows that I'm in school or that I work too." That scene could get really ugly and the scenario could go on in many different ways if not rationally and emotionally thought out. When actually, he probably was only thinking; "if I am the sole provider; keeping a roof over our heads; food on the table and the bills paid all on my own, the least she could do is keep the house cleaned, our clothes in order and the children cared for." Now if you don't have or know your "magical feminine" powers yet, you wouldn't know how to respond to his request.
All you'll see is that he wants a slave! That's so far from the truth. He's just looking for support in your keeping up the domestic chores. He just doesn't know how to verbalize it. I guess he'd better learn quickly, huh? This action is called: provider, protector (him) supporter enhancer (you). Now, while his strengths lie in one place, yours lie in another. You are a team, don't forget!
When we find ourselves emotionally acting in a certain manner, we feel that we are doing it for a good reason however we are told by others that our actions and mannerisms are unacceptable. By the same token, others tell us that our behavior is all wrong; so when we strain to figure out why we act the way we do; we realize that we need to fix whatever it is so that our actions become more acceptable to our mate, and we don't appear so out of control.
Both men and women feel that in modern society, we can't seem to win in our relationships, and we feel hurt by the other mate, because we feel that they are slighting us, and we don't understand why. Women feel torn by their desire to be in a warm lifelong relationship and we also want to pursue a career to fulfill our personal needs as well and be successful in our chosen pursuit. Sometimes we women feel torn between the two. It appears that women have a very weak relationship with our needs. We are externally and internally pulled in many directions i.e. what our family needs, or what our boss needs from us, etc. We seem to be confused as to what action to take by everything that's happening around us.
I heard it said that; "Women have been taught that society values hunters." Now these hunters are single focused, and committed to getting results, they produce results and they need to drive whatever action home to its conclusion; to produce and realize why they derive satisfaction in what they do. This emotionally driven impulse within some of us is all out of balance with who we truly are. Yes, there are women who can handle this, hard driven productive, force within themselves, and they are highly productive doing so, but there are also women, maybe only thirty years of age, who are suffering from adrenal fatigue and get burnt out from the pressure of this, emotionally driven, chase. Some of us are pushing ourselves too hard. Testosterone creates this hard driven focus in we women. As I understand it, men get this adrenal rush from their testacies and women get it from their adrenal glands. This is what is referred to as "masculine energy" and I have heard it referred to with both sexes.
The Magical Powers Of Women:
The question remains; how do we get our needs met and control this emotional stimuli? First we have to understand what our needs are, and what those needs provide for you; maybe then we can figure out how to control it so we don't continue to get burnt out. When we can identify these things within ourselves, we can understand what having them fulfilled offers us, whether in a partnership, boss, and in our family. I believe that as our cup runnith over with abundant fulfillment and satisfaction; it can spill over into them (out partner, boss, and family) then our strength is not depleted. This is where the magic of women really comes into play. Because we are not depleted of energy, we will feel full with life, and with beauty that this creative, forceful and powerful.
This helps us to provide for ourselves and our family just by our understanding what it is that we need and what this thing helps us to achieve once we have it. The thing is our God given power of emotion and how to properly expend it to empower ourselves and then share that energy/strength with our loved ones so there will be balance in our circle. We will allow ourselves to think, feel and the act in a rational and productive manner. I heard it shared that there is a magical force in all women, and it's called: "The Magical Feminine". Now plainly put; this is when a women knows what it takes to create a personal life for herself and a partnership as well so that results are producible, if she so desires, and she doesn't have to get there, running on empty.
This Is What Happens If We Are Too Focused:
Instead of trying to create a relationship from our hunter gatherer side; consider this. Now if we are not of the "hunter gatherer" mind, and are fully focused on what we need to do in our career and in our family life to the point that we are not aware of the context around us; we are not multitasking. The diffused awareness of the hunter gatherer, in mental awareness spreads her awareness out around her entire territory or daily circle. She seems to pick up on all that she knows, she needs to remember to get her tasks complete and not burn herself out in the process. She makes a point to notice her partner's mental state as well so that he too remains productive, She tried to assist him when, and where needed. The more we do this sort of multitasking it seems to become second nature to us. You might even hear folks say, "I don't know how she does it!"

All of a sudden we begin to wonder why the relationship isn't working. Remember now ladies; this is a God given gift which is only ours. Men have certain God given gifts only endowed to them and we don't possess any aspect of their gifts. It's no wonder that our men probably feel; "what's left for me to achieve in the relationship if she wants to be miss superwoman?" They probably feel that they have nothing to shoot for. After awhile the man feels like he can't make us happy, he can't please or provide for us, and maybe even that he has nothing viable to offer the union. Maybe he feels that he needs to find some place else to be. We women can sense when someone else is displeased with us. If men feel that they have disappointed us in some way, that feeling is very personal to them, and that means to them; they have failed.
No, it's not a contest, but if men feel that they can't please us, if they can't make us happy, or even middle-of-the-road us and if your efforts are looking better than his, he may feel; "why should he even bother to come home." He wants to be able to use his God given skills, knowledge and insight to contribute mammoth sized amazing things to make us happy too. He wants to help build a world around us, and we feel that we are over working instead of helping to uplift this man's esteem. We got the gift thing all wrong, and we are running around trying to control everything instead of letting the team work this thing out and just stick to our innate gift of balancing things. He may also feel that he can't seem to ever top what it is that we do for whatever reason, or even do what we do. Now there are some men who can do exactly what we do, but not most men. God will reveal what He will, to whom He will, when He will, and of that we have no control of either!
Yes, men love strong women. We can pick up the slack when they need the support. He needs to know that when all is well with him and he's over whatever crisis, that there is still something left for him to be able to contribute in the relationship. Yes ladies; we are that good, however let's not emasculate the man in our life just because we are. Heck! Women love strong men too. We have to recognize their strengths as well as there weakness, just as they should see and understand ours. We need each other to make that union a whole. There are men who carry the whole load for their families just like some women do, and you don't hear a peep out of them; well at least most men anyway. In fact these male homemaker, hunter gatherer's take pride in doing so and don't even flinch. And then there are men who can't take the pressure of being the sole provider, let alone doing extra chores around the home; so they just leave, emotionally and or physically.
We women are trying so hard to make our relationship work and bring it to that lifelong love fest, that we don't realize we are pushing our men out of the picture and out the door. We find ourselves feeling terrible in the process, and we are carrying all of the pressure all on our own. No one asked us to do it that way, either. It isn't always the fault of your mate that you took this pressure onto yourself. I believe that women have a hard time "receiving." Look at it like this; maybe we feel it's not safe to take something from a man, even if he's our life mate, because to us it's saying; "what do I owe him for him giving me this or doing that for me? Try this one; if I let him do this thing for me he'll probably want me to be his slave." I know what you're thinking, that this is a deep seated problem that this woman is dealing with. The woman that thinks this way is screwed up.
However, thoughts like this still exists within some women, and we won't let them in. So we have to do it all on our own so we don't owe anybody anything, and in fact now they owe us. For instance she might be thinking; "if I let him take care of me, he may want me to; clean the house all on my own; do his laundry and stay home constantly waiting on him, and he knows that I'm in school or that I work too." That scene could get really ugly and the scenario could go on in many different ways if not rationally and emotionally thought out. When actually, he probably was only thinking; "if I am the sole provider; keeping a roof over our heads; food on the table and the bills paid all on my own, the least she could do is keep the house cleaned, our clothes in order and the children cared for." Now if you don't have or know your "magical feminine" powers yet, you wouldn't know how to respond to his request.
All you'll see is that he wants a slave! That's so far from the truth. He's just looking for support in your keeping up the domestic chores. He just doesn't know how to verbalize it. I guess he'd better learn quickly, huh? This action is called: provider, protector (him) supporter enhancer (you). Now, while his strengths lie in one place, yours lie in another. You are a team, don't forget!
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