Sunday, June 12, 2011

 Respect First - The Rest Will Follow

It’s a most gracious thing that we bloggers do when we share our experiences, as well as what we’ve learned from our worldly travels. Learning to communicate information to the masses through blogging is a thing that’s time has truly come. There is always a large amount of integrity involved in writing a blog. This is all new to me and I have learned to appreciate the input from other bloggers and non-bloggers alike. Sharing from a level of experience in “Relationships”, “Respect”, and “Communication” is what time and hit-or-miss will teach you.

When communicating on relationships and the like, you know that people would like to make their own mark when it comes to love, however others have tried and gone the same route as most of us and found that it didn’t work. They read articles such as these on how to better communicate and about self respect via respecting others. If you know a certain way that will help someone out, let’s say a newbie in the way of relationships; who doesn’t want to hit all of the pits and walls of romance and would like to read what others have learned in a specific area in relationships, respect, and or communication this is where your writings or blog will help them. Most of us older more experienced folks, in matters of the heart, know that ... what was old is new.

Now it has been proven true more than ever that the less is more theory will save you a lot of heartache and disrespect when practiced to benefit ones self in matters of the heart. It is definitely alright to date more than one person however it is suggested to save the intimacy for the right one. There are ways to communicate to maintain the strength in your position in any given relationship. For instance when you are displeased with something that a date does or doesn’t do, you merely keep eye contact with them, and don’t lean forward, but slightly backwards when you communicate how this thing that was done made you feel, i.e.; “I feel hurt when you... or I feel disconnected from you when you say... etc. Remember that blame in any relationship does you no good and will get you only the adverse to what you’re looking for in response to your actions.
There are a few ways that help in relationship communication excluding being judgmental and accusatory. That never solved anything nor did it help anyone to get their point across. Not to worry though, most of us learn from trial and error. However, if you find a writer who has good advise what’s the harm in checking it out and seeing where it takes you.

Most of us don’t want to go cold turkey in our sexual relationships, but then afterwards we wonder why it turns out like it does. Sometimes, you just got to know when to hold ‘um and know when to fold ‘um. Trust me, it only makes you more desirable and that goes for women and men alike. I enjoy talking to readers this way. It helps me understand why I do what I do. I’m not perfect either. One day I just had an epiphany and decided to go with it. It works and it will only make it better when we connect with “The One!”.
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607

Monday, May 30, 2011

Women Have A Gift Called "The Magical Feminine" Part 2

Set Up Your Partner To Win Not Fail:

The masculine mode of the "provider, protector" is the ultimate accountability for our entire family team, even when the other partner is working or in school. The feminine mode is the supporter, enhancer aspect of the family team who is the emotional and overall; the one who picks up on and supports the emotions and needs and concerns which the provider, protector is experiencing. What she is doing is thought of as support. There are two differing ideas in this dueling "provider" union as to who is responsible for what tasks in the relationship. Now he feels that he is responsible and accountable for the life and upkeep of the family, and she feels that she is accountable and responsible for the life and upkeep of the home and the children.

Why not just ask him what support looks like to him. He might say that support might be; your massaging his shoulders from time to time to help him unwind or allowing him to unwind and reorient himself after returning home from work i.e. his leisurely changing his clothes into those ole ratty jeans and tea shirts, removing the coins and excess from his pockets, without anyone asking him for, or to do anything while he's doing this. And or allowing his to sit alone in his favorite place, for a bit, and just read, or view the news channel, etc. At that very moment he is a hunter who is transitioning, but until he has that personal space/time, he can't hear you. You get the idea ladies? The scenario may differ, however support is support.

If you just give him that half hour or so; he might come over to you and say; "hay sweetie, how was your day?" You might reply, "ok honey, thanks for asking, can we talk?" "I just realized something, and I got this idea that maybe there are some things that we might be bumping heads about." "It's nothing that you're doing wrong, I just want to know what you think about what I heard." "This might only take an hour or so." Now, his support in the process is only to listening, and remember ladies; this is only a conversation, not a put-down and you only want to discuss this with him, and later your looking for his verbal response.

Whatever topic you want to discuss, remember to be non-argumentative and open minded. We pick up on each others emotions and mannerisms. If he senses your upset, you can believe that he'll shut off immediately, and the conversation is over. He could feel that you're just trying to bate him into an argument, which is far from the truth. People, we need to learn to program ourselves in to learning how to leave old baggage, from childhood and old relationships, on the other side of the door when we're home, in an effort to get that lifelong relationship we want. As those little chat sessions between the two of you begin to work, you'll find that the both of you may end up having little gabfests like this, after work, more often. Soon the air is cleared of wondering; "what if's" and you can get back to that ole (when you were dating) frame of mind/feeling.

How will you know that you've gotten what you need from the relationship?

You need to tell him what you want out of your union, and what you are willing to provide to that union. So, if you want more affection from him, more intimacy and alone time with him; then here's the perfect time to say it. Don't be accusatory or whinny just use a monotone voice and say it. If it has to do with intimacy, you might ask him if there's anything you can do to help him get in the mood, etc. You should be able to give affection without feeling that you're over giving, and maybe that he's contributing very little. Now if you know that you want to have sex every two minutes, or more than twice a week, than girl, you need to choose a partner who wants the same type of sexual experiences that you do. If you know that you only want sex once a week or not every week, than by George, you'd better make sure that your partner feels the same way too. First, again, you need to know what you want, and then tell him what you want. If you don't verbalize it, how's he to know how to help the relationship along and to help secure your needs?

Always tell the truth to each other, no matter what. Respect is, key in all relationships. Respect is not criticizing your partner in public either. Don't correct him in public if he tells a whopper of a story to the group you're out with; even though he knows you know the true story. Allow him his story to his friends. You can both laugh about it on the way home. I believe you understand where I going with this, people! Now, for instance, if you both have just paid the bills, and the car payment is due; don't say that you want to go out to a lobster dinner knowing that the rest of the money is budgeted until the next pay day. If your income isn't an issue and it doesn't matter than have at it. But don't belittle his manhood by asking for things that aren't practical at the time, and that he's unable to provide for you just then. If you really don't want to cook that evening, just allow the both of you to come up with the solution together, and again don't give him a hard time about the outcome. These things will limit his creativity and the possibility of your getting your needs met.

Having Relationship Success:

Let him know what your need is, and how to provide it for you. Let him also know how much it means to you and then it's more of a pleasure for him to provide it for you. Spontaneity is excellent, however consider taking the time to figure out, together, something new and exciting to do. Come up with something amazingly unthought of together, now that's sexy. For instance, you are tired of doing the same ole thing all of the time. Let's say for instance, you both pick a day to get together and come up with 5 or 6 options to do on your date. Then roll the dice and do whatever you choose when the dice lands. Just stick to it. It's fun and there's no intellect involved and no brainstorming needed; be like Nike and just do it. You can go to a restaurant, picked 6 things off of the menu, 3 dishes you neither of you ever tried before, and 3 dishes you both are familiar with. After dinner you might have agreed to drive through the hills to a scenic area over looking the city.

The air is crisp and sweet, the night lights are perfect and serene. Next, you might choose to go back to the house and watched videos or sports, as you drink "Jell-O Shots" or something like that. Some folks don't drink, but again, the choice is yours, and no holds barred. Just stick to the agreement you make when you rolled the dice. Remember, your looking for something out of the norm that you both wouldn't have ever thought of, and I bet it will be very memorable and different which will make it exciting. Just roll the dice.

His goal is to be the provider, protector:
Now, let's go back to the "provider, protector" scenario to learn the way that you can use these tools together and understand what your mate is committed to doing, and what support looks like to them. I've always heard it said that men don't listen to conversations like women do. In a gabfest, we might talk over one another and at the same time, but we actually hear every word. We bond this way! In a man's way of listening there are values and opinions that's it. When in a discussion, some women think that men tell them what to do because they must think she's stupid. Now if a woman tells her man what to do, it's only because she think that he just can't get it right on their own.

If men offer us their opinion, it's because they feel that they're trying to provide some valuable information to us, although their opinions may seem like so much rambling to us. When we tell them how to do something, they think that we are telling them that they are stupid and again, emasculating them, but that's not our intention at all when we offer advice. Actually men don't care if we don't agree with them. They are only interested in getting respect from us in the process of a discussion. His opinions are based on what he knows of himself and the facts he's been able to establish from a credible source. He doesn't like to be made wrong because that's disrespecting who he is, and the research and time as well as energy that he put into creating his opinion.

Most women don't dare disagree with her man when he's seriously explaining something to her. We are afraid that if we disagree with him, there will be this distance between us, and that means that if something came up; he wouldn't be there for us because we disagreed with himm. So instead of making him wrong, so-to-speak, just say, straight out, that you disagree with what he said; and not imply that what he said was stupid or incorrect.

Allow Me To Interject This Thought:

A man always has his own plan, even if it's not to have a plan, and you cannot talk them into or out of anything; really. They may allow you to think you changed there mind, but in all actuality, you didn't. And no, you cannot talk him into marrying you. There clock ticks differently than ours. Men only, mostly, need to know two things; where they're going and who they're going with. Women value men who are decisive, who make solid strong decisions even if they're stupid ones. Now, of course, we may try to get them to change their decision later, because we don't like that decision. If he says; "I'm not ready yet" he means exactly what he's saying. Most men take commitment very seriously and if he's not in a place where he can make that solid and well thoughout commitment, he won't do it. He feels that it is dishonest, dishonorable and wrong for him to say that he will commitment when the timing isn't right.

He feels that he can't do right by her or that union for whatever reason and that just might make him run if you persist. Men feel if they have the right resources, the right plan and the right team, they can accomplish anything. He will loose face with his friends and himself, because they will know that he's not ready and he committed to something that's time isn't right or maybe even not with the right person and he allowed himself to be dishonorable. Do you really want to get him that way?

If he gets to the point that he really wants to be with you, really badly, in spite of how his boys rag on him, then he won't want to do anything to mess that up and he will tell them that he's made a decision, and he's going after you. Whether they like it or not! He believes that if he can't provide a good life for you, and fulfill your needs; then he has no business being with you and he knows that. We can't fix that mechanism in their head that's telling them; "committing right now is just wrong" even if we constantly say to him "we can make it, everything will work out alright." No, any red blooded man, worth his salt won't bite that apple.

When He Feels Pushed, and Hurried:

Again, the time is just wrong for you to get together, and he knows that. And what's more, do you know that men are really listening to us when we speak to them? Whether you know it or not, they are. This is what most men share with me, as I research some articles. Who knew! Even if they don't respond to what we're saying at the time, they're listening. Men don't change, they just grow. And if they are honest with themselves; they won't ever allow themselves to be talked into anything just to make someone else happy, because they know that it will all, very quickly, turn sour.

Men are the very partner in the relationship who will spend massive amounts of money on their education, and then make a complete about face in the way they want to work in their chosen profession. Maybe after working for a big corporation for decades, and much money, they might end up wanting to work for a non-profit organization after going through their midlife crisis or something emotional. Now the wife doesn't understand what he's thinking, but that's what he probably wanted to do from the beginning, but that wasn't what was expected of him right after college and by society and his family. Appreciation is like putting fuel in a man's tank. It's like filling him up with high octane gas. If he gets to be your hero when you respect what he does and his convictions. He feels like he's your knight in shinning armor, and you appreciate that, and it's an honest appreciation. He'll trust and follow you forever. If there's no trust, there's no relationship.

Values And Opinions:

Now let's figure out what's important to both people in their union? Again, I remember hearing that there is a process called; "Waiting For The Well." When you ask a guy a question and he thinks that the questions is serious enough to answer, and he is seriously considering his answer based on what he knows about himself and the facts that he's been able to establish. It is suggested that you will, as a woman, have to put an imaginary duct tape over your mouth, and you have to be prepared to wait for at least thirty seconds (which by the way seems like forever), and then he'll give you his answer.

If it's a serious question like: "what does respect look like to you?" You need to just let him pour forth and find his own answer without your interrupting him, and you will find that he comes up with the most amazingly profound, non shallow response to your question that you would have ever thought you could hear from his lips. You will find out his true opinions, what he believes, what's important to him and he'll probably share mostly all of his feelings like; "this is what I know, and this is what's important to me" etc. It's said that; to them being trusted and being respected is what they've actually always wanted mostly in life.
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Women Have A Gift Called "The Magical Feminine" Part 1

Think - Emotions:

When we find ourselves emotionally acting in a certain manner, we feel that we are doing it for a good reason however we are told by others that our actions and mannerisms are unacceptable. By the same token, others tell us that our behavior is all wrong; so when we strain to figure out why we act the way we do; we realize that we need to fix whatever it is so that our actions become more acceptable to our mate, and we don't appear so out of control.

Both men and women feel that in modern society, we can't seem to win in our relationships, and we feel hurt by the other mate, because we feel that they are slighting us, and we don't understand why. Women feel torn by their desire to be in a warm lifelong relationship and we also want to pursue a career to fulfill our personal needs as well and be successful in our chosen pursuit. Sometimes we women feel torn between the two. It appears that women have a very weak relationship with our needs. We are externally and internally pulled in many directions i.e. what our family needs, or what our boss needs from us, etc. We seem to be confused as to what action to take by everything that's happening around us.

I heard it said that; "Women have been taught that society values hunters." Now these hunters are single focused, and committed to getting results, they produce results and they need to drive whatever action home to its conclusion; to produce and realize why they derive satisfaction in what they do. This emotionally driven impulse within some of us is all out of balance with who we truly are. Yes, there are women who can handle this, hard driven productive, force within themselves, and they are highly productive doing so, but there are also women, maybe only thirty years of age, who are suffering from adrenal fatigue and get burnt out from the pressure of this, emotionally driven, chase. Some of us are pushing ourselves too hard. Testosterone creates this hard driven focus in we women. As I understand it, men get this adrenal rush from their testacies and women get it from their adrenal glands. This is what is referred to as "masculine energy" and I have heard it referred to with both sexes.

The Magical Powers Of Women:

The question remains; how do we get our needs met and control this emotional stimuli? First we have to understand what our needs are, and what those needs provide for you; maybe then we can figure out how to control it so we don't continue to get burnt out. When we can identify these things within ourselves, we can understand what having them fulfilled offers us, whether in a partnership, boss, and in our family. I believe that as our cup runnith over with abundant fulfillment and satisfaction; it can spill over into them (out partner, boss, and family) then our strength is not depleted. This is where the magic of women really comes into play. Because we are not depleted of energy, we will feel full with life, and with beauty that this creative, forceful and powerful.

This helps us to provide for ourselves and our family just by our understanding what it is that we need and what this thing helps us to achieve once we have it. The thing is our God given power of emotion and how to properly expend it to empower ourselves and then share that energy/strength with our loved ones so there will be balance in our circle. We will allow ourselves to think, feel and the act in a rational and productive manner. I heard it shared that there is a magical force in all women, and it's called: "The Magical Feminine". Now plainly put; this is when a women knows what it takes to create a personal life for herself and a partnership as well so that results are producible, if she so desires, and she doesn't have to get there, running on empty.

This Is What Happens If We Are Too Focused:

Instead of trying to create a relationship from our hunter gatherer side; consider this. Now if we are not of the "hunter gatherer" mind, and are fully focused on what we need to do in our career and in our family life to the point that we are not aware of the context around us; we are not multitasking. The diffused awareness of the hunter gatherer, in mental awareness spreads her awareness out around her entire territory or daily circle. She seems to pick up on all that she knows, she needs to remember to get her tasks complete and not burn herself out in the process. She makes a point to notice her partner's mental state as well so that he too remains productive, She tried to assist him when, and where needed. The more we do this sort of multitasking it seems to become second nature to us. You might even hear folks say, "I don't know how she does it!"

So I don't think that because we have this sort of superpower which is an emotional gift; that we should feel superior to men. However we do have to take charge of this feminine power because it was entrusted to us and is a part of our makeup. We need to do what a woman is suppose to do, whether in a partnership or single. We have to do this task effortlessly in order to keep balance in our lives. We need to remember that men were taught that that's there job to do, and even though we know he doesn't have that emotional adaptive skills that we have, this still intensifies frustration in us because if we don't learn to control this energy, we fell put upon and drained.  We start to feel that we women are not being appreciated for our efforts, and that we feel we're doing the wrong job, and we don't want to work this way anymore.

All of a sudden we begin to wonder why the relationship isn't working. Remember now ladies; this is a God given gift which is only ours. Men have certain God given gifts only endowed to them and we don't possess any aspect of their gifts. It's no wonder that our men probably feel; "what's left for me to achieve in the relationship if she wants to be miss superwoman?" They probably feel that they have nothing to shoot for. After awhile the man feels like he can't make us happy, he can't please or provide for us, and maybe even that he has nothing viable to offer the union. Maybe he feels that he needs to find some place else to be. We women can sense when someone else is displeased with us. If men feel that they have disappointed us in some way, that feeling is very personal to them, and that means to them; they have failed.

No, it's not a contest, but if men feel that they can't please us, if they can't make us happy, or even middle-of-the-road us and if your efforts are looking better than his, he may feel; "why should he even bother to come home." He wants to be able to use his God given skills, knowledge and insight to contribute mammoth sized amazing things to make us happy too. He wants to help build a world around us, and we feel that we are over working instead of helping to uplift this man's esteem. We got the gift thing all wrong, and we are running around trying to control everything instead of letting the team work this thing out and just stick to our innate gift of balancing things. He may also feel that he can't seem to ever top what it is that we do for whatever reason, or even do what we do. Now there are some men who can do exactly what we do, but not most men. God will reveal what He will, to whom He will, when He will, and of that we have no control of either!

Yes, men love strong women. We can pick up the slack when they need the support. He needs to know that when all is well with him and he's over whatever crisis, that there is still something left for him to be able to contribute in the relationship. Yes ladies; we are that good, however let's not emasculate the man in our life just because we are. Heck! Women love strong men too. We have to recognize their strengths as well as there weakness, just as they should see and understand ours. We need each other to make that union a whole. There are men who carry the whole load for their families just like some women do, and you don't hear a peep out of them; well at least most men anyway. In fact these male homemaker, hunter gatherer's take pride in doing so and don't even flinch. And then there are men who can't take the pressure of being the sole provider, let alone doing extra chores around the home; so they just leave, emotionally and or physically.

We women are trying so hard to make our relationship work and bring it to that lifelong love fest, that we don't realize we are pushing our men out of the picture and out the door. We find ourselves feeling terrible in the process, and we are carrying all of the pressure all on our own. No one asked us to do it that way, either. It isn't always the fault of your mate that you took this pressure onto yourself. I believe that women have a hard time "receiving." Look at it like this; maybe we feel it's not safe to take something from a man, even if he's our life mate, because to us it's saying; "what do I owe him for him giving me this or doing that for me? Try this one;  if I let him do this thing for me he'll probably want me to be his slave." I know what you're thinking, that this is a deep seated problem that this woman is dealing with. The woman that thinks this way is screwed up.

However, thoughts like this still exists within some women, and we won't let them in. So we have to do it all on our own so we don't owe anybody anything, and in fact now they owe us.
For instance she might be thinking; "if I let him take care of me, he may want me to; clean the house all on my own; do his laundry and stay home constantly waiting on him, and he knows that I'm in school or that I work too." That scene could get really ugly and the scenario could go on in many different ways if not rationally and emotionally thought out. When actually, he probably was only thinking; "if I am the sole provider; keeping a roof over our heads; food on the table and the bills paid all on my own, the least she could do is keep the house cleaned, our clothes in order and the children cared for." Now if you don't have or know your "magical feminine" powers yet, you wouldn't know how to respond to his request.

All you'll see is that he wants a slave! That's so far from the truth. He's just looking for support in your keeping up the domestic chores. He just doesn't know how to verbalize it. I guess he'd better learn quickly, huh? This action is called: provider, protector (him) supporter enhancer (you). Now, while his strengths lie in one place, yours lie in another. You are a team, don't forget!

1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Art To Catching Him-And Keeping Him-Part 2

The Negative Programming Goes Both Ways:

However, sometimes men do these same things too. Just like Christian Carter says that we act, early on in a relationship. He admitted to being guilty of the same actions, at times. For instance, a man might say; “I don’t want to be with anyone but you, you are the only one for me, let’s have sex”. That’s only the physical attraction that men feel for us, talking, and after we succumb to the moment; that emotion has passed and he still only wants to be in our company and maintain a casual friendship. That sexual act doesn’t naturally make him want to commit to you. It’s just something that happened. And yes, he wanted you physically because you turn him on as he does you, but he’s probably still not ready for any serious commitment between the two of you. His tempo to commit is actually much lower.

This is why in most of my blog posts on relationship concerns; I suggest that we slow our tempo on having sexual intercourse right away. When I say you are giving away your power, I don’t mean; power over your man, I mean your emotional stability and how you will feel when you realize that that wasn’t the way to get him. It’s just something that happened. Win or loose, you have to be adult about the outcome if and when you make adult decision and it might not turn out as you expected. These are life choices we make.
Because he wants to be here for you, be with you; he still doesn’t want a committed relationship right now.

Let’s slow your roll, let things flow naturally and have fun getting there, if it’s indeed with this particular person. Imagine that he wants to take you on a romantic or fun trip that still doesn’t mean that he wants an exclusive commitment. He loves being with you because you’re a fund girl to be with. So, if you; ladies or men, expect to have an amazing relationship, we are going to need to become much more mature in our ability to be hones with ourselves and them in learning how to admit the way we honestly feel. Again, this has nothing to do with our learning to think newly and or differently, but just fine tune the way we already act. Just perfect it a bit in-as-much as we don’t push him/them into something that they don’t want or that probably scares them away.
Truthfully, a lot of us are afraid of being pushed into a relationship that’s not right for us and having to deal with the effort of getting ourselves out of it, unscathed. There has got to be a mutual give and take in a relationship for men to want to commit, and even for us to want to commit, for that matter.

Helpful Tips To Remember:

Christian Carter suggests these few things for us to consider:

·         If he only wants to hang out with you for, let’s say … once a week or only once every two weeks, this is a man who isn’t into you for a long term relationship. Now, if you can pick up on this most subtle language early enough, you won’t get upset so easily. You’ll just move one and not try to get revenge or to make it into something other than it is.

·         Be more fun and playful in your mannerism around men, and people in general. You guy, and other men are watching you and consider that type of playful and openness to be very, very attractive. Men love to be around that sort of woman. This type of woman will leave whatever is troubling her at home, and when invited out to tea or dinner or a party, she’s light, funny, engaging with all others and especially him. She is just plain fun to be around and is not overbearing or trying to dominate the evening or a situation. She just is! And, that makes her just that much more adorable. When you are interesting to be around and he realizes that you enjoy being with him, he wants to make you happy all the time, so he will choose you to join him on outings. He will even want to bring his friends around to meet this fun loving lovable girl that he’s found. The kind of women most men want to marry.

·         Pressure, to a man, is if you try to inflict your wants and desires on him and make him fell that he has no part or say in the process of where the relationship goes. That will certainly not be what will get him or keep him with you. In fact, he’s long gone; first emotionally and then physically. You will find that first he will become much more distant and closed off just before you don’t see him again.

·         The question to ask yourself is; “how, or what can I do to help fulfill his needs for the desire of his wanting to remain or commit to me?” You should really try your best to put yourself in his shoes and then more, on how to please yourself and him will be revealed. Seeing him relaxed and happy will make you feel no stress, and be happier in return.

·         Sometimes, it only takes listening, and not even so much as maturity. This is a whole new magic or the art of growing up emotionally; enough to share of ourselves with them. These things are contagious once you start to practice them.

·         Again, a man loves to be with a woman that is always happy to be around him, because he feels that he can make her happy and that pleases and sort of empowers him where doing the right thing for her and himself is concerned.

Christian Carter gives us the basic skills of relationship:

1.      Identify your own needs (tell yourself what makes you happy)

2.      Be able to share your needs verbally with them (tell them how to make you happy)

3.      Get your needs met (do not always count of them to met your needs for you…learn to make yourself happy too)

4.      Don’t complain if he forgets to continue doing the things that make you happy and or if the process just stops (remember that it’s your responsibility to make you happy, first)

5.      Be grateful with what you have and don’t be angry if it’s not what you wanted (you learn and find out how to give yourself more)

6.       Being able to help your partner with steps 2-3-4-5
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The Art To Catching Him-And Keeping Him-Part 1

Things Always Have A Distinct Beginning:

It is our beliefs that influence our lives. This statement came from Christian Carter, a relationship guru as he spoke with Rori Raye on a taped session between them. The interview started out like this; for instance, there are conversations that as youngsters, we’ve heard from the senior female members of our family. As the sat around the kitchen table discussing things that may have happened to them or to others, in their love lives such as:

·         All men cheat
·         Men are jerks
·         Men don’t listen

It is like they were carrying a chip on their shoulder; saying that these actions or the lack thereof is the best that they can expect from their men or a relationship with any man. They carried on and ranted and raved as if to say they felt that they themselves were unlovable. Now mind you, these were smart, intelligent women who were feeling this way. I didn’t know that these women sitting around the kitchen table talking weren’t the only ones thinking and believing this way about men and relationships. So, unknowingly, they passed this poison tongue belief on to the younger female ears listening on. Did we become to believe this way as well? So, just how do we learn to catch him and keep him?

This learned pattern is what is getting in our way from meeting, recognizing and getting him; let alone keeping him. The anger we hold onto from our former relationship hurts is deep seated and holds on tight to subconscious, whether we realize this or not. Let us say that our man is feeling some emotional stress when he comes home after a strenuous work day. We are not aware of the programming set in place, within us, from decades ago. We expect him to react one way towards us when he gets home, but in stead he just plops down on his chair and stairs blankly at the television; saying nothing. Now Christian Carter was saying that men can feel this energy coming from us, be it positive or negative. This just happens to be anger or discontent that we might be feeling. Instantly he is thinking that; “I’m not going to deal with this right now”, then feeling even more stressed. Actually, he probably was just tired!

It Is Time To Break The Pattern:

Instead, it is suggested that you: just gradually stroll up to him, without saying anything, and just lightly touch him; while you pass him by, in a particular way that would engage him in his body, and in his affection with you. Now with no words spoken and only a light well placed touch experienced between you; you spoke volumes. Now, he is automatically engaged in the moment and instantly connected to you as you were hoping for when he came through the door. Almost instantly, all of that negative stuff you were feeling went out the window once you decided to be an emotionally bigger woman and initiate change in your life and emotions. You see, Christian Carter said that we don’t change ourselves for any man, we merely change the way we handle our emotions.

Sometimes we actually have to become the initiator and help that negative emotion change to; powerfully positive emotional reactions. When we first meet a potential lover or life mate we mustn’t start right in expecting him to act like he’s our man already or our husband and further more expecting him to pop into that roll and show us automatically, the life, only we are dreaming about. After all, we just met the man or this is only the third date. Let’s calm down ladies as we let things take their natural course. If you don’t it is said that you will only be introducing what you don’t want into your relationship; that’s just starting to grow and turning into the relationship that you do want.

You may have been on the verge of making it an instant relationship instead of allowing the process to flow freely. To become demanding and expecting to much in the beginning, will turn him off completely. The process of catching him and keeping him means that you can’t be the one calling all of the shots in the relationship, especially a new one; all of the time and wanting to know what he’s thinking about, or where he is, etc. Christian Carter says that on date number four, you shouldn’t want to know where the relationship is headed. Again, this is an instant turn-off lady’s.
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Monday, May 16, 2011

He Is Not A Mind Reader: Tell Him What You Want

Another Well Placed Gem In Communicating:

Are you ready to see your relationship take off like a rocket? Just understand that being straight forward and concise will help your union in more ways than one. Men are creatures of the "less is more" theory it seems. As told to a very, very small group of us girls, by some men in my family among male friends, it appears that they don't think like we women do, and a lot of words or commands all at once sounds like so much clatter. Go figure! It's been suggested that, for instance, if you and your man aren't good at sharing what's on your mind, then start small; when you want your man to respond a certain way to whatever you want him to do. Keep your desires confined to one topic, and only make one request at a time. Do not attack them with run on requests or demands. This way you learn how to fashion your requests and what response you get from asking in a certain manner and or what is the proper timing that you should ask them to do something.

Yes ladies, it's all quite involved you see. We were told that the emotion we put behind certain requests could frighten them, and they may just freeze up and not know which way to respond. You know, like a deer caught in the headlights of your car, as it were. Oh please, girl, just listen to the rest of what these guys said, as they laughed their heads off and slapped each other five! Maybe then, after reading this, you could imagine how we ladies were looking at them and each other.

Now they started by saying that because they are in love with their partner, they usually don't want to respond to our emotional or physical out bursts because they don't know why we are upset in the first place, and that they don't want to say something that will only make matters worse, so they won't say anything at all or maybe even just walk away. We already know that that really gets our goat, girls! It's suggested that we try this, practice making short, straight-to-the-point statements or requests. This way they can easily absorb and decipher what we are asking them to do, and that they won't have to think so hard about our request. I've been told that we usually start to discuss thing with them, for instance, when they are watching the game, working on a project or in their home office completing an assignment. They feel that it's all so confusing, because we talk when their attention is divided.

Be Gentle With Him:

It's not that they are stupid ladies, it's just that they don't seem to respond effectively to too many requests, all at once from us. For instance, if you like flowers, don't say, "you never buy me any romantic things like Joseph does for Karen" maybe try something like, "I really love Tulips. Have I ever told you that before?" Instantly, they said, he will hear that unspoken request that you'd like to receive flowers from him, instead of a (crazy flailing arm inflatable tube man) guilt fest, and he won't need to guess at it. Now there's his "ah ha" moment.

Let's say that you spend a nice chunk of your allowance on a gift for him, and he doesn't use it or, even seem to appreciate the fact that you thought enough to by it for him. Maybe you shouldn't say something like, "I'm not buying you anything else, because you don't appreciate it, and you didn't even say thank you, like you really meant it!" maybe try this, "what type sweaters do you like to wear? You have so many that it's hard for me to figure out your favorite style. I saw something in "The Man's Shop" that I thought would really look good on you." This way you get some sort of dialogue going, before you purchase something that he doesn't like, to find out just what his style is and perhaps the next time, you can surprise him from that point. No harm, no fuss, no muss.

When It Is All Said And Done:

They say that communication is, key and through it, will make a clear pathway to a lifelong pattern of connecting with one another through spirit, emotion and definitely physically. As we practice this method, conversations become much lighter, breezier and we laugh together more frequently. We could eventually, even almost seem to finish each others statement after awhile. This connection will speak volumes between you two, instead of with them and someone else. I don't understand why it's that way between us sexes that men don't feel, think or hear conversations in the same manner that we do.

But, it is what it is, true or not, I'm sharing it with you, the way it was shared with me, and others. However, it was put to us that, if we try this straightforward technique, it will work better than any, of our, emotional plea's. You don't need any help from some other woman on how to communicate with your man, right. I bet you do just fine on your own. Now, we're told, it gets even better from there. This is just a little chat between us girls, on what was delivered to me, on our behalf, straight from some horse's mouth so-to-speak! Yeeeha ladies!
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Communicate Effectively-And You Will Respect Yourself And Your Mate

It's As Easy As One-Two-Three:

To get the most positive effect in communication with our partner, we should try a more interactive approach. You will see that it will more than strengthen your relationship. Straight-away let me say that when we build upon our listening skills, we notice a new spark in our partners and our listening abilities. When they speak to you, look them straight in their left eye. In this way, it will be to them, less domineering on your part, and a much smoother and a softer connection from them to you. When you are speaking to them, it is suggested that you look straight into their right eye they will be more inclined to do what you suggest, and will more readily accept what you are saying. This will capture the eye-to-eye affect and you will have their full attention, and they will be more inclined to listen to you, because this gaze will say that: "I'm serious and I want to too hear me". You don't have to arch your brow or make a stern face to get their attention or for them to actually hear what you're saying with this perfectly placed eye contact. It's just another form of communication.

Do You Know This Person of Power?

Now people, we need to stop choosing a mate that we feel needs saving, in some way. Has it ever occurred to you why we choose needy people or someone who we feel is broken and, we feel, needs to be fixed in some way? Why do we always choose to be the "Florence Nightingale" in our mate's life? You don't even considering the amount of mental and emotional work you'd have to put into helping this person to feel useful and happy in their own skin, if this is, indeed their true story. Sometimes, it's just a game that our bleeding heart just doesn't take the time to see, before we give them our all. As soon as we begin to hear that "somebody done me wrong song", we should immediately think "what's in it for me?"

Think of it for a moment, do you fall for someone that you feel is so misunderstood and that you are convinced, if in a relationship with you, this person will definitely see how a life with you can be the best thing since sliced bread. And, that you will make them feel so strong and needed that they will be spoiled for anyone else besides you? Oh yeah wait, and that you will show them how it feels to have someone who is in their corner and will stand by them, no matter what? Yeah, right, you're not the only one who fell for that one. It is a hard habit to break, and an emotionally, deadly one to keep. We need to reprogram ourselves to cut this method totally out of the partner finding equation.

It appears that when we choose partners this way, we seem to fall for them in all of one to three months tops of just meeting them. Bad business people! Now we can't charge them for how we feel, they didn't have to do or say much before we decided to become their savior. If we had just waited a bit longer, we would have seen, clearly, the game that this person was playing. The waiting game! They are just testing the waters to see just how quickly they can get us to show our vulnerability, how easily are we fooled, our naivety etc.? This is done in order to get a feel of your level of weakness. They are wondering just what can they get from you, in, a short amount of time that they couldn't get from other women, or are you just as strong.

It's Time For That Feel Good Moment:

Effective communication will put the "ole kibosh" on such antics. Try just going with the flow at bit longer, listen to the stories they tells a bit more intently, and watch where it quickly goes from there. I'm sure you get the point. When we allow ourselves to continue to go down this road, we must ask ourselves, "do I continue to put myself last, because I feel unworthy of having the kind of relationship I deserve?" or do you reject putting yourself first, for fear that someone else will reject you first? Is this why we continue to choose or select the lower base mates for ourselves? No fears people, it's all self programming and we can reprogram ourselves to get the best of the best that's out there, if we just take our time. We go out, we have fun and it's ok when we go home alone. It's not the end of the world. We save the best for the best that the Creator has to offer us.

The better we learn the skills of communication and enhance our listening skills, we will spot them every time. Maybe we'll even get a good laugh, just before we walk away, on to the next one. Let's face it, most of us are sensitive and loving people. We deserve all of the love, nurturing, and friendship that comes to us from a mate and that we are ready to give in return. We cannot and shouldn't give away our power. This is a gift that was given to us from birth, both to women and men. The more you give away the more it chips away at your self esteem and self respect. Sometimes, both sexes are just looking for that one-night-thing. Look beyond the obvious, and that unspoken word. And don't be surprised if you get that "ha-ha!" moment.

They don't deserve that from you, and you shouldn't be willing to give it to them, so easily without investing time and patience on your part. The stronger aspect of communication is to listen more than we talk, when we first meet someone. Let them tell you about them. To show that you are actually listening by occasionally repeating what they said, or ask a question pertaining to a comment that was made and they'll know you are listening.

You Got Him, Now Keep Him:

If you are already in a stable and secure relationship, do you use that old tried and true, listening technique? Ladies, men don't know everything that they would have us to believe, on all subjects. When he is trying to share something with you for the fifteenth time about what is bothering him about you or the way your relationship is going, let's say, and why he's not so forthcoming anymore, but wants to clear the air now, you need to stop and really listen to what he is trying to tell you. Is something happening there that makes him feel inadequate? Just take a deep breath and stop talking. Listening is a huge part of communication, as well.

If you don't learn to listen to your mate, somebody else will! Maybe it's that we fast talk our way through the conversation, and they can't get a word in edgewise. This is after you asked him to loosen up just a bit and let you in. As soon as we hear a statement from them that we don't like, unzipped go the lips and off we go again. Or, we notice a slight raise in their tone of voice, or their emotional expression changes and we feel they are going on the defense. Still we need to keep our mouth shut long enough to let they say what they need to say, and be heard. If you don't the next thing you could hear from them is, "see, this is why I don't talk to you anymore!" or "you just don't listen!" and or maybe they just turn their back and walk off.

It Is Time For A Change:

Enough of that ladies, we have to change our communication methods if our relationship is important to us. It is the pattern that, if all of our past relationships went down this same road, we must stop, now. Maybe that's what they do to us, when we're trying to tell them how we feel, as well. You don't want them to push further away and seek the ear of someone else. We don't need any help from another woman, to talk to our man. Just a little silence and patience will get the job done from us. No outsiders needed, just open and relaxed one-on-one from the two of us. If that moment is too tense, wait for or create that special moment to gradually bring it up, after you both are loosened up and had a few laughs. Ask calmly if you could revisit that topic he was trying to get at, and that no matter what, you are ready to listen, and not a word from you until he's finished. Honest!

Communication is an art and if we really love and respect ourselves and our mate, then we need to practice this skill, at every possible instance, in order to get better at it. Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes us better. Honest and effective communications will help us to slay that beast. Who knows, just maybe, you've found that diamond in the rough!
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Want To Learn To Get Over Them - Try These Tips

We must understand that life goes on, and you can’t charge them for the way you feel. Just because you are still in love with them, and they aren’t in love with you; this shouldn’t stop your world from going round. We need to immediately snatch our emotions back from them and pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, and get on with it. They don’t get to hurt us or even to notice the hurt we are still going through anymore. Have yourself a good cry, and then that’s it. It’s time to try these instances before you just throw in the towel and start believing that there’s no one out there for you:

  • First, find things to do with yourself and your time after work or school. Don’t just go home and sit around reminiscing of what use to be; between the two of you. Don’t allow yourself to be alone. Go to the Library, Museum, Book Store, Gym, Park, Bike Riding, Skating, etc., or even visit some friends that you probably haven’t seen since the two of you were together; and who are probably missing your company too.

  • Don’t contact them anymore. When you feel that you just have to tell them this one last thing, and that maybe they just haven’t considered this point of view, although you know that they don’t want to talk to you anymore; don’t embarrass yourself by forcing the issue any longer. Write down every word that you want to say to them, in a letter. Be explicit, hold nothing back, I mean let them have it; just let your hand move across the paper until your wrist hurts, and your mind is empty. Now, throw that letter away. Send their energy back to the wind and the sun. This way, all of your energy comes back to you and you are ready, step-by-step to start the next process of taking your life back.

  • Now you will be feeling a bit stronger and wiser for your new found strength. And after executing that last process in the breaking up stage, of letting go; where you’re concerned. You have just moved past one of the rough patches in searching for the strength to get over them. No harm, no foul.

  • You will not allow yourself to become needy anymore. This is the number one human frailty that turns our mates off from us. We have to add to the strength of the relationship. They need to know that we have the complementary strength that they can lean on when they are feeling vulnerable. We cannot expect our mate to be the strong one all of the time.

  • We have to find things to do with ourselves as we did before we met them. We cannot put them in the position of being the begin-and-end all of our life or our relationships. We have to have a viable conversation, of what happened in our day, to bring to the table at the end of the day, and to let our next mate know that we have other interests besides them. This gives us the God given ability to now allow ourselves to be hurt and loose ourselves in another person’s reality.

    So they’re just not into you anymore, so what, life goes on. They will realize just how lucky they were to have even met you. Not holding onto you is there short coming. Your new friends will appreciate you, because you appreciate you. You had the courage and strength to find love in your world for them, and you have the courage and strength to move past them. You have a lot of love to offer the right person, and they are looking for you. Remember, in starting this next stage of your new single life; slow and steady wins the race.

    You shouldn’t become a tease to all of the new people you will meet, just because of the hurt you’ve experienced from them, however, you don’t give away your all, your whole essence, to a newcomer knowing that you don’t even really know this person yet. How could they possibly deserve all that you have to offer, so quickly? The magnificently wonderful you is endeavoring to become reacquainted with yourself. Anything else will just have to wait until feelings are mutual. Accept changes with joy and not resist them so strongly. Once you realize that change is always part of life, things will work out a lot better for you. No worries mate!
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    We Communicate From The Start-New Relationships

    Communication Is An Art:

    Communication is not as easy as one would think, but it’s not that hard either. First we need to look at it from the opposite sexes view point. The art of communication starts all the way back to the “first date” stage, and although it seems that we are only checking each other out and seeing how we “click”, so-to-speak, subconsciously we are doing more than that, and actually starting the communication stage between the two of us. It starts with eye contact to see how interested the other person is towards us regarding what we are trying to get them to understand about us. We are checking out the aesthetic differences between us and how handsome or beautiful we think the other person is. How sexy they are in their mannerisms and the inflection of their speak/voice patterns. You know, all of the little things that we quickly go over to get the preliminaries out of the way in order to get on the real important stuff.

    For instance, if a man is to look at a woman’s point of view in learning how we hope to communicate, our likes and dislikes to them; we would want them to get the point on how we’d hope for them to pay more attention to our words and body language when we are happy, upset and just need personal time to ourselves. Yes, we could just come right out and say that, but if you’re really into us, you might just pick that up. Things such as using intuitive communication mostly comes with time in a partnership, however, if he is really into you he will pick something up in your mannerisms. This is where being more romantic comes in and being able to sense the unspoken word.

    In a new relationship, women would like for the man to know that we want to build trust first before having sex right off, and I mean, not even on the second or third date. It appears that we have gone back to the times of our grandparents when we hold off until we know that the relationship is going to be worth the effort, unless that’s all we both want is sex; then we just go for it. After all, we are adults and we understand that we get what our hand calls for. We’ve come to learn that holding off from sexual relations saves us wear and tear on our emotions and gives us a sense of personal power. You know; choices!

    Sexual Communication Needs Preparation:

    By the time we get to the sexual relationship stage of a new relationship, the communication between us has already taken shape and would be that we would hope that our man has learned our body and what makes us feel good. Until we feel comfortable about the relationship; he shouldn’t demand or naturally expect that we should have sex with him. And most definitely he should not fool around with other women if he expects that we are to remain exclusive to him. If we are just dating, we both should think of dating as being fun and not so emotionally heavy with a bunch of sexual undertones and expectations. However, if we are both sure of the feelings between us is mutual in this new union, than he should pay careful attention be more romantic and learn our body, and what we like and dislike in the art of touching, holding and kissing. After all, communication is the key component.

    Now men on the other hand, I’m told, want us to not expect them to always initiate the sexual communication at all private times between us. We shouldn’t expect exclusivity in the relationship until we have discussed the same with him. He just may not be ready for such a full commitment between you two yet. Don’t push him in to committing. As I understand it, our partner would like for us to be the aggressor at times, as well. Spontaneity is a key factor, when in a new relationship or a long time connection. We shouldn’t hold onto our fears because someone else, in the past, has hurt us emotionally. We can’t charge him for how we feel. I mean he didn’t harm us in any way; in fact he’s trying to make it better and help you to relax, relate and release old inhibitions. At some point, we have to let go of old hurts.

    We need to also allow our inner core to communicate with us and we with it in learning how to, now, let go of all fears; or to at least start to learn the process of letting go. Just as women need personal space, we need to allow him his space as well. It seems that men, even more than we women, need personal time with their male counterparts; or maybe just time to be to themselves. We ladies shouldn’t expect them to say that they love us every two seconds. Especially at the onset of the new relationship, and I’ll bet that you agree that that’s definitely a bit needy. Communication goes all the way to our snooping through his things to find out what he’s been into or trying to get out of. You just might find what you’re looking for, and that will only open up a whole new can of worms, so-to-speak. Now say for instance, he has nothing to hide and he realizes that you are going through his things; that alone will make him leave and rightly so.

    Timing Is The Strong Point:

    If you find your self being judgmental towards him, don’t. Be more accepting of him for who he is and how he is. Don’t try to make him over. After all, that’s just what we expect from them, towards us. Now ladies, men aren’t as forthcoming with their emotions as we; especially early on in a relationship. So, I wouldn’t nag him into telling you word or word about how he feels about your relationship and you. If you do ask, allow for time to pass, waiting for the answer. He’s not a mind reader, so don’t expect him to react exactly as you think he should at any given moment or instance. Don’t take everything so personal. His actions aren’t meant to be an affront to what you are discussing. He’s probably being honest with his answer. This is probably how he and his male friends answer questions asked between them, and women want or expect them to answer us as our girls would respond to a question. Well, men aren’t that sensitive. Not most of them anyway.

    Say you are trying to get him to understand how you would like for him to treat you or respond to your questions. If you are going to compare him to another lover, you’d better make sure that he comes out smelling like a rose, and not up-play the other guy. Jealously isn’t the emotion that you want to get from him. Our process of communication needs to grow up as well. Do you remember when your mother used to tell you that you shouldn’t complain to your girlfriends about your man, because one of them may take that as her opportunity to try to make him hers and take back to him, everything you told her, negatively; about what he does. And, don’t you think that that would hurt him?

    Remember people, communication between us will remove a lot of wear-n-tear from our effort, emotions and relationships. It’s not as hard as it may seem. We just use some of the tips that we learn and see if it applies to our friendships/relationships. Yes, we are just that good, however, someone else might be better so we need to take care if that relationship is what we want to keep, and fine tune our communication skills with our mate and ourselves. is my web address
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