If we
had been taught these things, for centuries, from our ministers and parents,
there would be no need for them to intervene, and to assist us in this manner.
There was also told to me that there is a book of numbers, and in this book are
the very things that I am attempting to convey to you.

don’t stop learning, and keep asking questions. We may not ever get that book;
so what are we suppose to do…just leave humanities fate to chance? Mother Earth
and Father Sky need us now, and Heaven is hoping that we get it right, and make
that negative energy around us; a liar.
I would
have hoped that by now someone else would have just signed onto “Amazon.com”
and looked up “Doreen Virtue Angel Numbers (Kindle Locations 701-702)-KindleEdition.”, and to read and or research for themselves. They really are trying to
talk with us you know? They are attempting to help mankind to not destroy
himself/herself and to flourish to the next episode.

without adding the numerical portion of the message, I just thought I’d
enlighten you with some of the things our agents, helpers, team mates say to us
when we are paying attention. Faith is the key, and to receive our prayers, we
must increase our faith that they are real and here to help mankind. I am no
preacher, minister or clergy, however I do believe that this is part of my
“Divine Life Purpose” and sharing what I remember and am being taught is just a
small part of my mission.

angels ask that you to stay positive as you work with them to manifest your
desires into reality. You and the angels are a team.
faith that your prayers, affirmations, and visualizations are
with Divine timing and in perfect order. The more you walk in faith, the more
you experience the flow of supply coming to you.
essential for you to keep your thoughts about your material supply focused upon
your desires, not your fears.
Virtue. Angel Numbers (Kindle Location 724). Kindle Edition. It's essential for
you to keep your thoughts about your material supply focused upon your desires,
not your fears.
positive thoughts and affirmations co-create an infinite of supply of good for
you and your loved ones.
helps you manifest everything you need for your Divine life mission. Let go,
and let God help you completely.
all money worries to God, and he open to receiving all the blessings and
abundance that are coming to you in mysterious and miraculous ways.
blesses the path you're on, and meets all your material needs.
God to be the center of your support so that all third-dimensional needs flow
easily to you and your loved ones
is helping you change your work life so that your spiritual and physical needs
are always met.
Creator and the angels have heard, and answered, your prayers. Be open to
receiving in wonderfully surprising ways.
faith in God's loving power to heal and supply everything you need. Ask the
Creator for help, and expect miracles!
and affirm that God meets all your needs, and it is done.
and the Universe supply all your needs. Give any cares or worries about your
material supply to the Creator, and be open to receiving miracles and
your Divine life purpose your top priority. Change or heal anything that's
blocking you, as your mission is very important and needed right now.
solely on giving spiritual service to the world, which is your Divine mission,
and your life automatically changes and heals for the better.
ascended masters urge you to make the necessary changes to commit to your life
mission. You and your purpose are very important, so focus upon it without fear
or delay.
faith that the changes you're making support your Divine mission.
asks you to change your life to fully commit to your Divine life purpose. Put
love at the core of everything, without delay, and give any cares to God for
change you're considering assists you in claiming your abundance. Release any
fears, and allow your abundance to flow to you easily and comfortably.
on the right path to shifting and increasing the flow of your abundance.
changes you're making improve your financial situation and help you meet all
your (and your loved ones') needs.
The angels are with
you, helping you make important life changes. Your flow of abundance is
for the better, thanks to your work with the angels.
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