Thursday, November 15, 2012


Everyone is wondering what is making thousands of birds fall from the sky that fateful day of December 24, 2011. I was reading an article in “CNN” that was posted on January 3rd, 2012 at 10:41am EST, and it stated that in Beebe, Arkansas there were between 4,000 or 5,000 birds that fell from the sky that day. This was referred to as the “Hitchcockian” event, because similar red-winged blackbirds were the type of birds who fell that day. Most of us read about this happening, and was not only amazed, confused, and afraid, but was hoping that it had nothing to do with the “Doomsday” prophecy that we were told of at a young age in church.

Now some of the theories that officials and scientists have suggested for this happening are; that the incident is not that unusual. They go on to say that this is usually caused by;
·         High lightning strikes and high altitude hail. (4,000 or 5,000 birds?).
·         Local New Year’s Eve celebrations may be the blame.
·         They were even leaning towards, maybe even a street event, and maybe folks were shooting fireworks while the birds were roosting.
·         Poisoning is highly unlikely, because it only happened to one type of bird, and they all fell from the sky.
·         Air test quality came back clean.
I have even walked pass numerous birds during that period, that had no head and no blood was spilling from them, and not pooling around the body. Now let’s discuss a bit about our wondering why whales and dolphins beach themselves, and don’t even try to somehow free themselves from their plight. They seem to swim towards those tight places deliberately as if they either didn’t know where they were going or were guided there and they then remain there. Few things in nature are so tragic as to hear of or even see the sight of a whale, and or a dolphin…some of the most magnificent and intelligent creatures on Earth, lying helpless and dying on those beaches, and or shallow water.

In an article in “” it was written that; “some scientists have theories that a single whale or dolphin may strand itself due to illness or injury, swimming in close to shore to take refuge in shallow water and getting trapped by the changing tide. Since whales and dolphins are highly social creatures, a single whale or dolphin may strand itself due to illness or injury, swimming in close to shore to take refuge in shallow water and getting trapped by the changing tide. Because whales are so social, they travel in communities called pods. Some mass stranding may occur when healthy whales refuse to abandon a sick or injured pod member and follow them into shallow water.”

I watch a lot of shows on the cable channels like; “Nature”, “Ocean”, etc. and I saw a mother Sperm Whale watch her very young baby get attacked, ripped apart and eaten by a team of Orca. Now she didn’t leave her young one, however she did attempt to fight off the Orca from engulfing her baby. They began to team up on both the baby, and its mother until she became confused and they eventually killed the baby. She didn’t leave her baby until she was sure that there was no saving it. So, I don’t understand where the scientists get their theory from.
I also was reading a piece in; “Ocean Facts”, and they, as well as most of humanity, feel that protecting our ocean and coastal economies is paramount to stopping all of the negative happenings on “Mother Earth”. Ocean Facts mentioned that; “healthy oceans are critically important to marine life and to coastal communities whose economies rely on tourism and fishing. Opening up new offshore areas to drilling, risks permanent damage to our oceans and beaches without reducing our dependence on oil. When oil spills occur they can bring catastrophic harm to marine life and devastating losses for local businesses. Even routine exploration and drilling activities bring harm to many marine species.” 

Remember what happened to the jellyfish after chemical pollutants, and oil were constantly fed into our seas, etc.? There are giant jellyfish called Nomura's Jellyfish (Nemopilema nomurai)”.  There are numerous articles that can help you understand what polluting our waters is producing and even destroying in our waters, and here is on you can read for sure; 

As I was reading an article on “Mail Online” Science & Techs you could see some of the pictures that were available for us to see, and understand better that that big beautiful marble we are privy to when we see Mother Earth, isn’t really what she looks like from true outer space. I thought I would show you a few pictures from “Mail Online” Science & Techs show the debris circling the Planet Earth from the remains of what was blasted off of the space ships as they were leaving our orbit, and onto its next phase. They wrote in their article that; “Putting the ‘tip’ in tipping point: Could giant umbrellas, nets, harpoons and magnets capture the cloud of space junk scientists warn risks trapping us on Earth…

·         ‘We’ve lost control of the environment’ warns author of new report
·         Up to 370,000 objects shrouding Earth, traveling at up to 22,000mp
·         Continual collisions pose ‘potentially catastrophic risk’ to astronauts. 

I wonder is this very reason is why NASA is stopping their practice of travel? Mail Online went on the say, “The amount of space junk orbiting earth has reached a “tipping point” where continual collisions are thickening the already dense cloud shrouding the Earth, a NASA report has revealed.
In practical terms, it means that the amount of junk floating around the planet will make it increasingly difficult for spacecraft to leave the planet, effectively trapping us on Earth. It also poses ‘potentially catastrophic risk’ to astronauts, satellites and the International Space Station.” Ok, why not just read it yourself. I would love to hear your thoughts out loud !

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