Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I am told that the number “999” means; “get to work light workers, mother earth needs you now.” Most light workers know who they are, and the rest of us just continue to build upon our faith, gradually slipping in and out of belief of what we are praying for. Those of stronger unwavering faith know that the stronger the faith, the brighter the innate light that emanates from us, straight to the heavens. Faith and belief is still the key to the Source and to salvation.
Some feel that the energy field around our home, “Planet Earth” is weakening, because of a timely change that is due to happen to her, and our inborn energy connected with our inner light will strengthen the weakened force field around our home/planet. The Philanthropists, honest and God fearing folks, Faith Leaders, our supportive Earth Angels and Heavenly Angels; even the young at heart, etc. all house this massive energy within, and most of us don’t even believe that we have such personal strength. I was also told that this is the energy that ascends up into Heaven when we depart this plain, (pass away).                                                                                                                   
With this inborn energy, some folks know how to move objects with this same energy with or even with their mind and or body. There are those who honestly can see spirits, a vortex and they can even sense spirits around them although they cannot see them. This is one-in-the same energy that helps to support the core of our planet, whether you know it or not. So when we see the number “999”, have no doubt that help is needed from mankind. For those who seem to constantly see this number in their goings and comings, daily or even periodically, this is what it is asking you for; “Your Faith”.  
This collective energy, along with those which I haven’t been made privy to, yet, will conjoin with our outer planetary energy, and our prayer, when the solar flares jettison towards our home, Planet Earth, they will deflect them away from us and strengthen any weakening areas of our outer energy field. There will be no “Doomsday” on December 21, 2012, however we could be sent back into a sort of “Dark Age” where we will need to learn to do with much less, sooner than later.
Thanks to our President, Obama, he will see to it that we will start living “Greener” from now on however what could it hurt if we personally, in our hearts and minds; secretly pray for a brighter tomorrow today. I believe that we should keep that energy flowing during that date and even up to thirty (30) days after; I mean how grateful are we going to feel the evening of that date when all is as it was, and we have a chance to fix it. I love my life and appreciate my planet, so if energy is what she needs to reject the flairs, then I say by all means, let’s give it to her... it costs us nothing but a strong feeling and innerness thought.

What do you think about this energy that’s needed from you?

So, humanity, if you have any ounce of insight, love of mankind, self, and the only home that we’ve ever known, then, please, let’s all think positive thoughts toward God, Universe, and Mankind in our inner core and in every aspect of our being that houses this light. Remember “the stronger the faith, the brighter the light/energy.”                                         

Saturday, November 17, 2012

They Ask Us To Increase Our Faith To The High Point Of Love

As you come to know how the Creator, Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels and the entire angelic realm works with mankind, you will see how the “Angel Numbers” come into play in our daily lives. Just because we weren’t taught this thing in church as we were growing up, doesn’t mean that all the Angels and God do all day; is merely sit up in Heaven and watch us bump into each other; wondering what’s next. Yes, it has been told to me that, the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, once completing their “Divine Life Mission”, was to sit on the right hand side of God, and wait for the “Day Of  Judgment” to come, however They asked Him if they could assist man in his life mission so that they will know that there truly are beings in Heaven watching over and working with them.

If we had been taught these things, for centuries, from our ministers and parents, there would be no need for them to intervene, and to assist us in this manner. There was also told to me that there is a book of numbers, and in this book are the very things that I am attempting to convey to you.

Just don’t stop learning, and keep asking questions. We may not ever get that book; so what are we suppose to do…just leave humanities fate to chance? Mother Earth and Father Sky need us now, and Heaven is hoping that we get it right, and make that negative energy around us; a liar.

I would have hoped that by now someone else would have just signed onto “Amazon.com” and looked up “Doreen Virtue Angel Numbers (Kindle Locations 701-702)-KindleEdition.”, and to read and or research for themselves. They really are trying to talk with us you know? They are attempting to help mankind to not destroy himself/herself and to flourish to the next episode.

Remember that it is written, as my preacher taught us, that “no man will know the day nor hour of the end of days”…so why are we so bent on even entertaining the idea that on December 21, 2012, we are doomed to be destroyed. Couldn’t it just be that the Universe is telling us that we are destroying ourselves and perhaps creating peril for our planetary neighbors in our surrounding part of the Universe with the debris surrounding our planet, and the emission(s) and spills of pollution which will cause changes we are making to our home (Earth) that may even trickle down, and or even, to them.

Now without adding the numerical portion of the message, I just thought I’d enlighten you with some of the things our agents, helpers, team mates say to us when we are paying attention. Faith is the key, and to receive our prayers, we must increase our faith that they are real and here to help mankind. I am no preacher, minister or clergy, however I do believe that this is part of my “Divine Life Purpose” and sharing what I remember and am being taught is just a small part of my mission.

These are just some of “My Thoughts Out Loud” and I know that most of you can reach me, or maybe it is that you’re just not sure if you should dare to venture out for yourself in this aspect and see if just maybe, maybe they are trying to tell us something, or letting us know that they heard our prayers and how to bring those blessings/miracles to us quickly.

·         The angels ask that you to stay positive as you work with them to manifest your desires into reality. You and the angels are a team.

·         Have faith that your prayers, affirmations, and visualizations are

·         manifesting with Divine timing and in perfect order. The more you walk in faith, the more you experience the flow of supply coming to you.

·         It's essential for you to keep your thoughts about your material supply focused upon your desires, not your fears.
·         Doreen Virtue. Angel Numbers (Kindle Location 724). Kindle Edition. It's essential for you to keep your thoughts about your material supply focused upon your desires, not your fears.
·         Your positive thoughts and affirmations co-create an infinite of supply of good for you and your loved ones.
·         God helps you manifest everything you need for your Divine life mission. Let go, and let God help you completely.
·         Give all money worries to God, and he open to receiving all the blessings and abundance that are coming to you in mysterious and miraculous ways.
·         God blesses the path you're on, and meets all your material needs.
·         Allow God to be the center of your support so that all third-dimensional needs flow easily to you and your loved ones
·         God is helping you change your work life so that your spiritual and physical needs are always met.
·         The Creator and the angels have heard, and answered, your prayers. Be open to receiving in wonderfully surprising ways.
·         Have faith in God's loving power to heal and supply everything you need. Ask the Creator for help, and expect miracles!
·         Pray and affirm that God meets all your needs, and it is done.
·         God and the Universe supply all your needs. Give any cares or worries about your material supply to the Creator, and be open to receiving miracles and blessings.
·         Make your Divine life purpose your top priority. Change or heal anything that's blocking you, as your mission is very important and needed right now.
·         Focus solely on giving spiritual service to the world, which is your Divine mission, and your life automatically changes and heals for the better.
·         The ascended masters urge you to make the necessary changes to commit to your life mission. You and your purpose are very important, so focus upon it without fear or delay.
·         Have faith that the changes you're making support your Divine mission.
·         God asks you to change your life to fully commit to your Divine life purpose. Put love at the core of everything, without delay, and give any cares to God for healing.
·         The change you're considering assists you in claiming your abundance. Release any fears, and allow your abundance to flow to you easily and comfortably.
·         You're on the right path to shifting and increasing the flow of your abundance.
·         The changes you're making improve your financial situation and help you meet all your (and your loved ones') needs.
The angels are with you, helping you make important life changes. Your flow of abundance is changing
for the better, thanks to your work with the angels.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Everyone is wondering what is making thousands of birds fall from the sky that fateful day of December 24, 2011. I was reading an article in “CNN” that was posted on January 3rd, 2012 at 10:41am EST, and it stated that in Beebe, Arkansas there were between 4,000 or 5,000 birds that fell from the sky that day. This was referred to as the “Hitchcockian” event, because similar red-winged blackbirds were the type of birds who fell that day. Most of us read about this happening, and was not only amazed, confused, and afraid, but was hoping that it had nothing to do with the “Doomsday” prophecy that we were told of at a young age in church.

Now some of the theories that officials and scientists have suggested for this happening are; that the incident is not that unusual. They go on to say that this is usually caused by;
·         High lightning strikes and high altitude hail. (4,000 or 5,000 birds?).
·         Local New Year’s Eve celebrations may be the blame.
·         They were even leaning towards, maybe even a street event, and maybe folks were shooting fireworks while the birds were roosting.
·         Poisoning is highly unlikely, because it only happened to one type of bird, and they all fell from the sky.
·         Air test quality came back clean.
I have even walked pass numerous birds during that period, that had no head and no blood was spilling from them, and not pooling around the body. Now let’s discuss a bit about our wondering why whales and dolphins beach themselves, and don’t even try to somehow free themselves from their plight. They seem to swim towards those tight places deliberately as if they either didn’t know where they were going or were guided there and they then remain there. Few things in nature are so tragic as to hear of or even see the sight of a whale, and or a dolphin…some of the most magnificent and intelligent creatures on Earth, lying helpless and dying on those beaches, and or shallow water.

In an article in “About.com” it was written that; “some scientists have theories that a single whale or dolphin may strand itself due to illness or injury, swimming in close to shore to take refuge in shallow water and getting trapped by the changing tide. Since whales and dolphins are highly social creatures, a single whale or dolphin may strand itself due to illness or injury, swimming in close to shore to take refuge in shallow water and getting trapped by the changing tide. Because whales are so social, they travel in communities called pods. Some mass stranding may occur when healthy whales refuse to abandon a sick or injured pod member and follow them into shallow water.”

I watch a lot of shows on the cable channels like; “Nature”, “Ocean”, etc. and I saw a mother Sperm Whale watch her very young baby get attacked, ripped apart and eaten by a team of Orca. Now she didn’t leave her young one, however she did attempt to fight off the Orca from engulfing her baby. They began to team up on both the baby, and its mother until she became confused and they eventually killed the baby. She didn’t leave her baby until she was sure that there was no saving it. So, I don’t understand where the scientists get their theory from.
I also was reading a piece in; “Ocean Facts”, and they, as well as most of humanity, feel that protecting our ocean and coastal economies is paramount to stopping all of the negative happenings on “Mother Earth”. Ocean Facts mentioned that; “healthy oceans are critically important to marine life and to coastal communities whose economies rely on tourism and fishing. Opening up new offshore areas to drilling, risks permanent damage to our oceans and beaches without reducing our dependence on oil. When oil spills occur they can bring catastrophic harm to marine life and devastating losses for local businesses. Even routine exploration and drilling activities bring harm to many marine species.” 

Remember what happened to the jellyfish after chemical pollutants, and oil were constantly fed into our seas, etc.? There are giant jellyfish called Nomura's Jellyfish (Nemopilema nomurai)”.  There are numerous articles that can help you understand what polluting our waters is producing and even destroying in our waters, and here is on you can read for sure; 

As I was reading an article on “Mail Online” Science & Techs you could see some of the pictures that were available for us to see, and understand better that that big beautiful marble we are privy to when we see Mother Earth, isn’t really what she looks like from true outer space. I thought I would show you a few pictures from “Mail Online” Science & Techs show the debris circling the Planet Earth from the remains of what was blasted off of the space ships as they were leaving our orbit, and onto its next phase. They wrote in their article that; “Putting the ‘tip’ in tipping point: Could giant umbrellas, nets, harpoons and magnets capture the cloud of space junk scientists warn risks trapping us on Earth…

·         ‘We’ve lost control of the environment’ warns author of new report
·         Up to 370,000 objects shrouding Earth, traveling at up to 22,000mp
·         Continual collisions pose ‘potentially catastrophic risk’ to astronauts. 

I wonder is this very reason is why NASA is stopping their practice of travel? Mail Online went on the say, “The amount of space junk orbiting earth has reached a “tipping point” where continual collisions are thickening the already dense cloud shrouding the Earth, a NASA report has revealed.
In practical terms, it means that the amount of junk floating around the planet will make it increasingly difficult for spacecraft to leave the planet, effectively trapping us on Earth. It also poses ‘potentially catastrophic risk’ to astronauts, satellites and the International Space Station.” Ok, why not just read it yourself. I would love to hear your thoughts out loud !

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I thought that is high time that we mention theNomura's Jellyfish (Nemopilema nomurai)”.  I was viewing “National Geographic’s (Wild)” the evening; Friday, 10/26/12 at 4:00pm-5:00pm EST., and they were discussing this enormous jellyfish like “Lion’s Mane Jellyfish”.  It was so astonishing that I looked further, and Google lead me to a blog called:  “Life of Sea” Information about life, description, habitat, behaviour of sea creature.  

As I watched further, they stated that these Jellyfish are giants, and are invading the sea of Japan.  Fishermen are becoming masters at catching and killing them, and then discard them back into the sea/ocean. However, when the Namoura is under attack by the fishermen, they release billions of eggs back into the sea/ocean to ensure that their species continues. When released, the eggs adhere themselves to the ocean floor and instantly began to ensure the birth of a newly placed swarm of their species.
It is also said that they are taking over every major coastal oceanic area. It’s high time that we pay attention to this prehistoric, vastly, newly immerging massively dangerous jelly fish that threatens mankind’s food source, and physical health.

For many years scientist have studied what prompts jellyfish to bloom. In every ocean, they stated, that there are thousands of species of this massive jellyfish. Also as I continued to watch, National Geographic, they stated that this jellyfish is blooming out of control because of us. Due to polluted waters, there are highly concentrations of the pollutants that they need to multiply, as they do. This is happening in the “Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, as well as the Chesapeake Bay, etc.

On National Geographic, (Wild) they stated that climate change might be ever expanding the production of these jellyfish, besides the pollutants that man emits into the ocean(s). The commentator said that we need to co-exist with these giant, massive creatures that are quickly engulfing our oceans, and threatening the lives of coastal swimmers, divers and the fish that our fishermen catch for our consumption.

If you already know about this, then why not share more with those of us who know nothing about this fish, or who know too little. They said that they are taking over the world, and poisoning all of our eatable fish. Hopefully, we can get the “Bio Hazardous” dumpers, as well as the “Pharmaceutical Company’s” and oil drillers to look back and pay attention to the long term effects of that they are doing to us. Unless, of course, they have another place to live that we don’t know about…..than I guess they just won’t stop, huh?
Here are a few links that I thought might help you get started in becoming aware of the new takeover of our world as we know it.  Respect!

Ascended Masters, Archangels And Mankind

This upcoming Universal transition is totally to bring about “Communication”. No matter what our religious beliefs, we all need to enhance our life to increase our spiritual awareness. Now everyone, as my grandmother told me, has at least one guardian angel at their side. It depends on each respective person’s needs, and desires. As we pray, depending on what we ask for, calls certain angels to our side. They come quickly, and no matter how many people pray for the same thing, they can quickly come to thousands of prayers at the same time. They leave no one out. These Godly beings are very respectful to our privacy, and they won’t intervene unless we ask them to. They are basically here to comfort and protect us when needed.

It is said that there are many systems that find things in numbers, such as; Numerology, Kabala, Pythagorean Cults, etc., meaning they these ways of finding meaning in numbers are a dime a dozen, because people see in numbers; what they want to see, not necessarily what is. I say that there are naysayers in most every instance that are just afraid to see, know, or even believe. However, I believe as most do, that a sequence of numbers are a way of telling us things that we weren’t conventionally taught to see or understand, and even to decipher. Some people have always known about the way the Universe connects with Mankind; by using numbers. These folks chose not to share this information, so to some, it sounds bizarre to even consider such a thing is even possible.

Someone shared this information, and now almost everyone is aware of the communication between the Heavens and Mankind, and we must figure the rest out for ourselves. There are a precious few folks who research and follow the patterns and meanings of numbers. They also delved into information of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Angels. They suggest what each of these Heavenly beings help Mankind with, and how we can connect to them, even after or before our daily prayers. These beings don’t replace God; they are sent to help Mankind through God. I use to think that the Angels just sat around Heaven all day, and did nothing, because there job was done. That would be true, but they volunteered to help us and God talks to us too.

As my grandmother use to tell us; faith is the key to everything. The stronger the faith, the quicker, and complete the manifestation. We need to know that numbers are the key to everything. Numbers created the Universe, each Galaxy, Mankind, Planets, even the furniture that we sit on, and the utensils that we write with, etc. Energy flows where attention goes.

As I was reading one of Doreen Virtue PhD’s books; Archangels & Ascended Masters, she mentioned that these beings chose to be of spiritual assistance to mankind, instead of sitting at the right hand of our Creator, right now. You see, it seems as though; just before God placed us in our mother’s womb, we promised that we would achieve a certain function during our life here in these bodies. We all have a “Divine Life Purpose”. With most of us, one of our tasks is to spread the word and enlighten mankind that the Angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters are real and very much alive and in our lives. As we are more and more aware of our “Life Mission” we will notice Blessings and Miracles coming to us.

I enjoy reminding my readers that; how ascended masters, archangels, and angels talk to us through numbers. Have you ever noticed that, for no reason at all you seem to be intuitively prompted to look up at a buildings address, or maybe a license plate number, not truly knowing why? How about when you look up at the clock and there is the same number staring you in the face and it seems maddening. Your angels are trying to get your attention about something, and they will not stop until you get the message. Yes, I know…what message?

How are you supposed to know that that is how they communicate with us? After all, the entire Universe, even mankind, the buildings we live in, etc. are made up of numbers. Numbers are very important to our very being. Doreen Virtue PhD also has written a book called; “Angel Numbers”. Go to www.amazon.com and take a quick read or purchase her items through “Kindle”, or a hard copy. While you’re there, look up that number sequence that seems to be maddening, and see what they are attempting to tell you.

Do you remember when your grandmother or parents told you that God said that there will be no more miracles; well they were correct. There will be no more grand scale miracle’s however, there will be small ones which will be in our respective lives. Faith is the key, do you remember that on?

Well our families didn’t exaggerate on that one either. It is true, the stronger your faith, the more quicker, and massive your blessings and miracles will manifest. These beings asked God, if they could come down and assist mankind in strengthening their souls/essence. They want to help us fortify our inner beings strength, which thrives where “God” lives within us. The “Creator, Of All Things” is in our “Core”; 4th chakra, called “Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra”. His essence is also in our 5th chakra called “Anahata: Heart Chakra”. Yes, you are correct, he is within and all around us, however, each individual has the honor and privilege to have a one-on-one with our Lord.  

My grandmother and parents were taught that mankind’s most important task is to not every stop learning about any and everything. Sometimes that’s a bit difficult when we think we’ve seen, and know it all. This new planetary alignment that is coming one December 21, 2012 isn’t the “end of the world” doomsday propaganda that most fear. This alignment is more about “Communication” than destruction. It is about some of the things that happened to us recently when we experienced the “Hurricane Sandy” last week of October 2012.

All of our communication devices, everything that is tied to our “Satellite” neatly tucked in place in around our planet. Everything that works through it, stopped working, and the items we depended on daily weren’t available to us. We needed to get up, walk to our family or friends home to talk to them, etc. We will start to look more towards the future and a bit more back to basics. It is going to be interesting to see who is less afraid of change than they thought they were. Do you remember what happened during that hurricane?

We need to get back to basics, as our President Barack Hussein Obama has so perfectly stated earlier. And we need to concentrate on our future in using lesser dependant material/items so that when something like that happens again, we can more readily handle things. What do you think? Peace and Respect!
