Sunday, January 29, 2012

When Angels Talk

This is what came up as I translated a conversation with my angels, ascended masters and our Creator. I was compelled to jot down numbers during my bus ride through a very popular, nearby, highway.

You have an important life purpose that is much needed in the world. This mission involves your natural talents, interests, and passions. All you need to do is use your gifts in service to others, and your needs are abundantly supplied in exchange. Let go of any material concerns that could delay your mission. Your Divine life purpose is very important and much needed right now.

Focus on your purpose, and all your needs are supplied. The angels and ascended masters are guiding and protecting you through life changes that help you in your role as an Earth angel. Surrender stress or fear about change to Heaven, for a smoother transition. The archangels, angels, and ascended masters support you fully in your decisions. You're making choices based upon love and light.

Your angels want you to give them all your cares, worries, and concerns. Work as a team with Heaven to approach any seeming problem. The archangels, angels, and ascended masters are with you right now, helping you with this situation and anything else you need. Call upon them, and be open to their help and guidance. Your life's work is needed right now.

The ascended masters ask you to give any seeming obstacles to them so that you can dive fully into your mission. To be fully geared toward your life mission, you first need to make some changes in your life. Trust that you already know what those changes are, and take action accordingly with full faith. You have an important life mission that's part of God's plan. Keep your thoughts peaceful, and spend time daily working on your priorities.

Pray and affirm that God meets all your needs, and it is done.

Congratulations! You're on the right path mentally and physically. Stick to your intentions and stand your ground. This is a message from the Creator that you're on the right path. Stay centered through prayer and meditation. This change is for the better. You made the right decision, even if you don't know the final outcome yet. Keep going!

A major change is helping you with your life purpose. You're also a teacher of change on all levels and aspects. Please step forward and share your wisdom. The archangels support your path, and they ask you to continue allowing the transformations that are emerging. Everything is changing for the better.

You're clearly and correctly hearing the Divine infinite wisdom of God and the angels. They're with you, helping you put this guidance into action. Be open to receiving help. The Creator is helping you with your material concerns. You're reminded to seek first the kingdom of God, and all the rest is added unto you.

Keep your heart and mind focused Heavenward, and know that your needs are always met. Keep your thoughts focused Heaven ward during this time, and avoid excessive worry or obsession with materiality.

Your deep convictions have placed you firmly on the right path. Keep the faith! Have faith that the changes you're experiencing or considering help you to manifest materially. Now that you've called upon the angels for help with your material supply, your needs are met in miraculous ways. Keep working with the angels to manifest your needs. God and the spirit world are urging you to make this change. They ensure that the transition is harmonious and that you and your loved ones are supported in all ways. Let go, and let God help you during this time of change.

God and the ascended masters watch over you and your loved ones, ensuring that you're well taken care of. With such powerful help, you needn't worry. Give all your cares or worries about material concerns to the ascended masters, who love you and want to meet your needs. The archangels, angels, and ascended masters are with you right now, helping you with this situation and anything else you need. Call upon them, and be open to their help and guidance.

The archangels and angels are boosting the way you see yourself so that you'll know how powerful you are. Have faith in yourself and your abilities, and trust that life is good. The ascended masters congratulate you on the path you've chosen. Please keep in close contact with them, asking them for guidance and help. Have faith that God and the Universe hear and support your requests about your Divine life purpose. Focus on starting and finishing one small task at a time related to your soul's desires.

You are qualified and ready now for your Divine life mission. Know and feel that truth. Affirm it often. The ascended masters ask you to believe and have faith in yourself and the spirit world. Trust in the Divine guidance you're receiving.

Have faith in humanity and the world's future. Remember that the ascended masters' most powerful asset is their perfect faith-be like them. A major change is helping you with your life purpose. You're also a teacher of change on all levels and aspects. Please step forward and share your wisdom.

Your angels support your Divine mission. They're healing your life to allow you more time, energy, and other resources to devote to your purpose. The angels assist with your manifesting by helping you see your desires as already being a reality. Work with these Heavenly beings to stay positively centered in the magnetic energy of gratitude.

The Creator is emphasizing this message to you and asks that you pay attention and follow the guidance without delay. The ascended masters (such as Jesus) are near. They've responded to your prayers and want to help you. Have faith that your life is changing for the best. You and your loved ones are safe and protected throughout these changes.

Your belief in God is ensuring that your material needs are always supplied. Keep the faith, and be open to receiving. The angels and ascended masters urge you to maintain a positive viewpoint about yourself and your world. Ask them to help you stay in this frame of mind, if needed. The archangels, angels, and ascended masters are with you right now, helping you with this situation and anything else you need. Call upon them, and be open to their help and guidance.

Your faith that the ascended masters hear and answer your prayers has helped you live in the flow of Divine abundance. You're prosperous in many areas, as you stay centered in faith and keep in close contact with these Divine beings. Trust that your material needs are supplied in order to support you in your life purpose. You have very powerful faith, which is a magical secret for manifesting. Stay centered in this faith, as it's tapping you in to the Universal power. Your mission is important right now-don't delay it.

Why not use my link to: stop by Amazon/Kindle and see books by: "Doreen Virtue, Ph.D."

This book is called: "Angel Numbers" and you can download a Kindle app to your computer desktop or your device and see what we've been missing. 

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