If you have ever wondered why you can see, hear and feel things that others can’t or just won’t. These are gifts that have been strengthened for you; by the Ascended Masters and all of the righteous angles; through the will of the “Creator of All Things”. Some of the most famous Ascended Masters; you may remember as being named: Jesus, Moses and Mary. Now I believe that it’s Mary, mother of Jesus, and Mary, one of Jesus’ disciples. However, when I read an article in “http://www.numerology.com/” called: “Number Sequences From: The Angles by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. I am now reading one of her many books called: “Angel Numbers” by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. You can read many of her books on Kindle on http://www.amazon.com .
When you see the ads that show; there are many starving fellow Americans. There are people in many other countries with sick children and adults alike. There are sick and dying animals all over the world.

This is where our energy counts. We need to begin to put any differenced aside and not be so cynical in feeling that if we give to these charities, those who are showing these late night commercials, will just abscond off with our monies and we will have only put it in (big business’) pocket and they won’t really give it to the charity that we sent it for. This is where “Faith” comes in. It’s time for us all to stand up and be counted; for something that is positive and that generates positive energy that Mother Earth will definitely use to heal the core of her center. I honestly believe that our positive energy, between now and December 21, 2012 and, especially from now; will earn us favor from “The Creator” and he won’t turn his face from us. Any humanitarian efforts will succeed during this upcoming, strong, planetary energy alignment.
Cynicism isn’t the way to bring in this New Year and it certainly isn’t the way to end it. Please, don’t just start when it is nearing this year’s holiday season and start trying to flood the charities with the monies that they need. The time to show the love is now. Those who need it won’t care if it is fifty cents or one million dollars. They will just love and appreciate the fact that you took the time, ENERGY, and a portion of what you needed for yourself; to send it to them to help.
It hurts my heart to see the many dogs and cats that are abused by their owners. The cows and horses are abandoned and left to die. Young people are roaming the streets looking for a kind word and or hand; not a hand-out. They may have felt that they had to run away from their homes, for whatever reason. Government and we as individuals have to come together on this and make a stand, in order to make a change. I’m seeing many people give this ENERGY to the world freely, willingly and lovingly. I know we all can do our small part too!
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607
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