Thursday, August 15, 2013

Say NO to Harmful Cuts to Medicare Benefits

Hello, I am Josline Elizabeth Massey, and I have worked since I was sixteen (16) years of age, up until the year 2010. I simply had to seek out my social security benefits in order to merely squeak through my monthly bills in order to stand on my own two feet.

I was grateful for that. If the "House Ways and Means Committee" cuts my current benefits by half, and demands that I pay even more in Medicare benefits, even then I pay now; I won't be able to survive on that remaining amount of money, and it seems even harder to find a part time job, now, to make ends meet, then it was for me to secure a full time job in 2010, to-date. They say the economy is getting better, however not for us seniors.

Evidently the "House Ways and Means Committee" are young people, and feel that by the time they are seniors, more monies and benefits will be in place for them, or perhaps, maybe they have extensive bank accounts and investments in place which would spare them from having to even entertain the mere concept of paying the surmounting increases and cuts coming towards the seniors, of America, of my generation.

Just like those seniors generations before me, I have paid, substantially, into this institution so that I could equally benefit as the seniors of past generations have, and be able to have my social security benefits increase exponentially, instead of being slashed by half, or even worse. Now, I constantly have to borrow from Peter to pay Paul each month to pay for my bills, and Medicare benefits.

Somehow, this month, I had to pay for my health care benefit bills first; instead of paying my rent beforehand. Now, since for quite a while, I am delinquent in paying my rent for this month; I was so embarrassed to report that to my landlord. I couldn't believe that that happened to me. I tried to be so careful in paying my rent first, however I continued to get mail from AARP MedicareComplete UnitedHealthcare services about the monies that were due for the month. I became very nervous in the thought that I would lose my medical support benefits.

I can just imagine the bills I will incur, and the struggle I will endure, in order to make ends meet. It is just not fair. Do these gentle people even have a senior family member, friend, neighbor, or maybe even a conscience? And don't tell me that politics has no conscious. My mayor knows the seriousness of helping us seniors to make ends meet and everyone in our city. He does his level best to make strong and positive changes. However, he is not a member of the "House Ways and Means Committee". I know that it's difficult, however it can be done.

Please, don't slash my/our monthly social security benefits at all. In fact, we need an increase, not a decrease. And don't make it where we'll have to pay even more for our monthly healthcare benefits too. Thank you!

Josline Elizabeth Massey 

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