Thursday, August 15, 2013

Say NO to Harmful Cuts to Medicare Benefits

Hello, I am Josline Elizabeth Massey, and I have worked since I was sixteen (16) years of age, up until the year 2010. I simply had to seek out my social security benefits in order to merely squeak through my monthly bills in order to stand on my own two feet.

I was grateful for that. If the "House Ways and Means Committee" cuts my current benefits by half, and demands that I pay even more in Medicare benefits, even then I pay now; I won't be able to survive on that remaining amount of money, and it seems even harder to find a part time job, now, to make ends meet, then it was for me to secure a full time job in 2010, to-date. They say the economy is getting better, however not for us seniors.

Evidently the "House Ways and Means Committee" are young people, and feel that by the time they are seniors, more monies and benefits will be in place for them, or perhaps, maybe they have extensive bank accounts and investments in place which would spare them from having to even entertain the mere concept of paying the surmounting increases and cuts coming towards the seniors, of America, of my generation.

Just like those seniors generations before me, I have paid, substantially, into this institution so that I could equally benefit as the seniors of past generations have, and be able to have my social security benefits increase exponentially, instead of being slashed by half, or even worse. Now, I constantly have to borrow from Peter to pay Paul each month to pay for my bills, and Medicare benefits.

Somehow, this month, I had to pay for my health care benefit bills first; instead of paying my rent beforehand. Now, since for quite a while, I am delinquent in paying my rent for this month; I was so embarrassed to report that to my landlord. I couldn't believe that that happened to me. I tried to be so careful in paying my rent first, however I continued to get mail from AARP MedicareComplete UnitedHealthcare services about the monies that were due for the month. I became very nervous in the thought that I would lose my medical support benefits.

I can just imagine the bills I will incur, and the struggle I will endure, in order to make ends meet. It is just not fair. Do these gentle people even have a senior family member, friend, neighbor, or maybe even a conscience? And don't tell me that politics has no conscious. My mayor knows the seriousness of helping us seniors to make ends meet and everyone in our city. He does his level best to make strong and positive changes. However, he is not a member of the "House Ways and Means Committee". I know that it's difficult, however it can be done.

Please, don't slash my/our monthly social security benefits at all. In fact, we need an increase, not a decrease. And don't make it where we'll have to pay even more for our monthly healthcare benefits too. Thank you!

Josline Elizabeth Massey 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Unusual Happenings in Our Weather

Here Is What I Have Noticed:

Let’s face it; we have all be eerily concerned about the weather lately. We have all noticed how our seasons don’t resembling what should naturally occur during a given time of year. Are we in the Spring Season of 2013, or are we still in the Fall Season of this year? Well yes, we have no other recourse but to roll with the punches, however I am asking; have more than a few of us questioned what is happening, putting aside an “Act of God”. Weather changes have been making its presence known very frequently for a number of years now, and in close proximity to one another all around the world.
In remembering what the changes in weather has wrought all around the world; we mustn’t forget the multiple loss of lives and property in each event. Some are blaming the frequency of the bad weather on NASA and not Mother Nature. What if this is not merely an “Act of God”? No, there is no doomsday event on the rise. I do believe that our Creator is much more exacting then what we are experiencing now.

We are all aware that “The Creator of All Things” ultimately controls natural events who blesses nations that obey Him with rain in its season (Leviticus 26:4), and that there will be famines, pestilence disease epidemics, and earthquakes in various places; (Matthew 24:7-8) also states that these are the beginning of sorrows. However, I do remember being present in Bible School when they read to us that God said that He wouldn’t reenact the “Flood” for destruction of Humanity again; the next time, the “Fire”. So, act of (God), I don’t think so….

Tropical Cyclone Hurricane Sandy:

At the “National Hurricane Center” part of their study reveals that Sandy was a classic late-season hurricane in the southwestern Caribbean Sea. It is reported that Sandy reached Jamaica, then Cuba before quickly weakening to a category 1 hurricane while moving through the central and northwestern Bahamas. Sandy gain strength again and became a hurricane of full force while moving northeastward, parallel to the coast of southeastern United States and eventually turned northwestward toward the mid-Atlantic states. Let’s not forget, again, the devastation wrought in her wake. The NHC has researched much on more statistics on Sandy, as well as many other researchers of various groups.
The Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011:

On Wikipedia, it was reported that this disaster is known as the April 1st, Great East Japan Earthquake as well as the 3.11 Earthquake. It is reported that this was the most powerful known earthquake ever to have it Japan, and the fifth most powerful earthquake in the world since modern record-keeping began in the 1900’s. The earthquake was the key factor in triggering those powerful tsunami waves that reached disastrous heights in those troubling times. That earthquake moved to the main island of Japan and shifted the Earth on its axis by estimates of between 10 cm (4 in) and 25 cm (10 in). Many are still crying in remembering the loss of life, property, normal lifestyle and practical existence as well as personal and emotional shock regarding the lack of normalcy of Mother Earth, and how she was before these events. 
New Orleans (Tropical Cyclone) Hurricane Isaac of 2000:
Again, we can find information from the “National Hurricane Center” regarding the massive storms of our day, and in my recollection; Isaac was the worst storm event I have ever, and hope to ever witness again. Even though hurricane Sandy was right at my front door; Isaac was the first massive disturbance that I had ever witnessed in my life, and watching such destruction for so long a period was mind-numbing. Part of the NHC’s study mentions that; Isaac, a Cape Verde hurricane followed a long parabolic path across the eastern half of the Atlantic, and its maximum sustained winds reached close to 120 kt, connecting it with (Keith) as the strongest hurricane of that season.

The NHC went on to say that: a strong tropical wave came up from western Africa on September 20th   which eventually became known as Isaac. As Isaac’s strength mounted, it was soon apparent that a faint eye of the storm was evident on visual satellite imagery. Shortly after seeing a faint view of the eye of that hurricane; the eye became more defined, the hurricane quickly strengthened in intensity to massive numbers. Most of us remember what happened after that regarding hurricane Isaac.
The Floods of Grand Rapids Michigan 2013:
Just recently, a record-breaking rainfall and flooding hammered parts of the Midwest of our United States, it had lasted for several days. More than one million residents of that area started to clean up the debris. It was reported by the “Huffington Post” that the storm continued to batter surrounding cities while they watch the floods continue to rise, and concerns of additional destruction begin to worry nearby neighboring residents who hadn’t received the brunt of those waters so far, and they were mounting sand bags and all that might help them hold back the anticipated onslaught of flood waters.
As being declared “A State of Emergency”, Michigan witnessed troubling waters continued to bombard them and the surrounding areas with rain, flood waters, and pounding debris. In the Huffington Post, it was also reported that that was a more than rough week for the second largest city of Michigan as well as other areas of the West Michigan region. During that heavy rain, and flooding event; it wasn’t expected to let up any time soon, for at least a week, it was reported.

In Conclusion:
I revealed this to say that; we as a world community need to look toward ourselves in connecting in positive affirmation, stated in private prayer, aloud, or together in group gatherings. We need to connect in order to pray for those who have lost more than we, and to understand that it isn’t always God’s design for these disasters to fall upon our land(s). Research could have a big hand in this in attempting to move toward the future, or for whatever reason they engage in experimentation as well as research. Including, the off shore drilling research could trigger off some underwater event that takes on its own mind.

Whatever energy our officials are directing towards the stratosphere, etc. takes on a life of its own, hence the domino effect. Scientist all around our world; in trying to learn more about how to enhance control over our worlds future events, perhaps in attempts to make things better; we could be signing, by our own hand, our own doom, and if they feel that they have a sure proof escape plan for themselves in an eventuality and leave the masses here; well you remember about the best laid plans, don’t you?

What do you think of this matter?







Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Eclipse Season

I was reading an article in one of the links placed at the end of this article, and it appeared to me that the emotional struggle I am experiencing, as well as others I have spoken with, is due to an upcoming Eclipse. The Full, Lunar, Moon in emotionally deep Scorpio is always an intense event. This one, though, takes things to another level that challenges relationships as well as finances.

If you are old enough to remember what happened in your life, let’s say, about nineteen years ago to the day, on April 25th; then what we will be experiencing tomorrow will be just like what we experienced then. Is it just me, or do you find that trying to have a serious or even a casual discussion with a loved one is much more strenuous than it should be; these days?

I bet the same thing is running through our loved one’s mind as well. Why does communication seem so difficult these days? It was said then, and is reiterated during this new upcoming process, that if we want to move forward, and make positive strides towards our goals and desires, we will have to leave certain people or places behind now; then double back to retrieve them in our future, if they are ready or prepared to reconnect with us. In an “Eclipse Season”, we all have something to learn, and or let go of and to move forward so that we can grow and become successful in various areas of our life.

I am hoping that that doesn’t mean we will have to just cut our self off our loved ones just because conversations are just too difficult to work through, right now, and that we can’t seem to get anywhere peacefully, trying to carry on a decent conversation. We can’t discard each other like so much gum under our shoe… Now, I do understand that if we have been with, let’s say, a lover for so many years, and things haven’t gotten any better; then we will have to make a choice whether to leave or stay. To get things to change, we can make all of the positive affirmations towards our concerns that we will, in hopes that things will get better, however what is meant to be will happen no matter how strong we intend to remain steadfast in holding on.

I am saying, that this is merely “survival of the fittest”, and we are just turning our wheels trying to get leeway with a situation such as that and it would probably be best to move on and attempt to talk about our concerns later, if possible, unless we have truly moved on and found our soul partner by then. 

I am concerned with, let’s say, a relationship like one of our children, who may for whatever reason, be holding onto something that they feel they were lacking as a child, and doesn’t know exactly how to verbalize their emotions even a young adult, and how to state just what they are hurting from so every work or gesture is offensive to them, even if it wasn’t meant to be, on your part. 

I once read that “sometimes we have to move apart in order to grow”. However, for how long must we remain separated in order for the process to be effective? In a book called “Angel Numbers”; the Ascended Masters as well as Angels sent me a message suggesting that in learning to let go is merely a learning process which strengthens us, in order to help us grow as a soul or an earthly being. We are tied to our genetic family by that thin thread we have been told about, and it’s not as easy to move on from that person as we know we should; not even for a while. 

The Ascended Masters and our Angels also suggest that in order for us all to grow, we have to go through these changes or transformations which are Universal and Heavenly tests; so-to-speak. I am finding myself in one of those trying times, and test with my only daughter. She feels that I need to get on with my personal life and meet someone, and I feel that she needs to experience life as a young and vibrant adult away from mommy. Needless to say, we are both a bit fearful of the unknown.

I believe that we are holding on so tight to one another for fear of making a mistake and then have to deal with that as well. She feels stuck in some way, and I don’t know exactly how to help her get over that state of being. I feel stuck in trying to appear understanding, and patient with this process that has been going on for a very long time, it seems. I know that she is a very loving being, and she will have to come to grips with whatever is troubling her regarding our relationship, or is it even regarding our relationship! 

If we both continue to hold onto one another only out of fear of change, as well as for fear of losing control of our place we hold as mother and daughter, then I truly fear that neither of us will grow, and will not become who we are meant to be, in the long-run. So, I will face my fears during this “Eclipse Season”, and allow both of us to move on physically, and remain connected emotionally as well as spiritually. In this way we can become stronger adults, as mother and daughter, and heavenly beings.

Wow! Eclipses are powerful heavenly processes. Whether we are emotionally strong enough to face the process or not; it is going to happen just the same. Who knows, we might fail one another if we didn’t even try to let go, and grow, so we might as well tough it up and allow ourselves the process of growing and invite change in, because it’s coming anyway.

Yes, as long as they are of an adult age, and hopefully, emotionally sound, it appears that we will need to just let go. We don’t want to continue to butt heads in trying to talk to one another about sensitive matters without learning about ourselves first. We might also continue to put forth empty efforts, and find sore spots in almost every word spoken, before we finally see that we have to “just let go”; for the time being. So fly my sweet dove, and when you feel secure enough with yourself and me then follow your renewed heart home.

You can find a bit of the information that I have found on these links below. I wish you insightful reading!