I was reading an article in one of the links placed at the end of this article, and it appeared to me that the emotional struggle I am experiencing, as well as others I have spoken with, is due to an upcoming Eclipse. The Full, Lunar, Moon in emotionally deep Scorpio is always an intense event. This one, though, takes things to another level that challenges relationships as well as finances.
If you are old enough to remember what happened in your life, let’s say, about nineteen years ago to the day, on April 25th; then what we will be experiencing tomorrow will be just like what we experienced then. Is it just me, or do you find that trying to have a serious or even a casual discussion with a loved one is much more strenuous than it should be; these days?
I bet the same thing is running through our loved one’s mind as well. Why does communication seem so difficult these days? It was said then, and is reiterated during this new upcoming process, that if we want to move forward, and make positive strides towards our goals and desires, we will have to leave certain people or places behind now; then double back to retrieve them in our future, if they are ready or prepared to reconnect with us. In an “Eclipse Season”, we all have something to learn, and or let go of and to move forward so that we can grow and become successful in various areas of our life.
I am hoping that that doesn’t mean we will have to just cut our self off our loved ones just because conversations are just too difficult to work through, right now, and that we can’t seem to get anywhere peacefully, trying to carry on a decent conversation. We can’t discard each other like so much gum under our shoe… Now, I do understand that if we have been with, let’s say, a lover for so many years, and things haven’t gotten any better; then we will have to make a choice whether to leave or stay. To get things to change, we can make all of the positive affirmations towards our concerns that we will, in hopes that things will get better, however what is meant to be will happen no matter how strong we intend to remain steadfast in holding on.
I am saying, that this is merely “survival of the fittest”, and we are just turning our wheels trying to get leeway with a situation such as that and it would probably be best to move on and attempt to talk about our concerns later, if possible, unless we have truly moved on and found our soul partner by then.
I am concerned with, let’s say, a relationship like one of our children, who may for whatever reason, be holding onto something that they feel they were lacking as a child, and doesn’t know exactly how to verbalize their emotions even a young adult, and how to state just what they are hurting from so every work or gesture is offensive to them, even if it wasn’t meant to be, on your part.
I once read that “sometimes we have to move apart in order to grow”. However, for how long must we remain separated in order for the process to be effective? In a book called “Angel Numbers”; the Ascended Masters as well as Angels sent me a message suggesting that in learning to let go is merely a learning process which strengthens us, in order to help us grow as a soul or an earthly being. We are tied to our genetic family by that thin thread we have been told about, and it’s not as easy to move on from that person as we know we should; not even for a while.
The Ascended Masters and our Angels also suggest that in order for us all to grow, we have to go through these changes or transformations which are Universal and Heavenly tests; so-to-speak. I am finding myself in one of those trying times, and test with my only daughter. She feels that I need to get on with my personal life and meet someone, and I feel that she needs to experience life as a young and vibrant adult away from mommy. Needless to say, we are both a bit fearful of the unknown.

I believe that we are holding on so tight to one another for fear of making a mistake and then have to deal with that as well. She feels stuck in some way, and I don’t know exactly how to help her get over that state of being. I feel stuck in trying to appear understanding, and patient with this process that has been going on for a very long time, it seems. I know that she is a very loving being, and she will have to come to grips with whatever is troubling her regarding our relationship, or is it even regarding our relationship!
If we both continue to hold onto one another only out of fear of change, as well as for fear of losing control of our place we hold as mother and daughter, then I truly fear that neither of us will grow, and will not become who we are meant to be, in the long-run. So, I will face my fears during this “Eclipse Season”, and allow both of us to move on physically, and remain connected emotionally as well as spiritually. In this way we can become stronger adults, as mother and daughter, and heavenly beings.
Wow! Eclipses are powerful heavenly processes. Whether we are emotionally strong enough to face the process or not; it is going to happen just the same. Who knows, we might fail one another if we didn’t even try to let go, and grow, so we might as well tough it up and allow ourselves the process of growing and invite change in, because it’s coming anyway.
Yes, as long as they are of an adult age, and hopefully, emotionally sound, it appears that we will need to just let go. We don’t want to continue to butt heads in trying to talk to one another about sensitive matters without learning about ourselves first. We might also continue to put forth empty efforts, and find sore spots in almost every word spoken, before we finally see that we have to “just let go”; for the time being. So fly my sweet dove, and when you feel secure enough with yourself and me then follow your renewed heart home.
You can find a bit of the information that I have found on these links below. I wish you insightful reading!
http://www.tarot.com/horoscopes/scorpio-full-moon-lunar-eclipse http://www.angeltherapy.com/ https://www.amazon.com/gp/yourstore/home?ie=UTF8&ref_=gno_signin&