Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Knowing Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels

These beings have always wanted us to know that they are around us, ready to help us, and to answer our prayers. Have you ever noticed that you suddenly look over to a building number or down to a car license plate? 

Do you remember your grandparents telling you about how our Universe was created, and that it was created by number, and most everything in this world and around it is created by numbers? Some of us just intuitively know how to communicate with the Angelic Realm and every bit of their prayers are answered, quickly. 

We sometimes think that these folks are the luckiest people in the world, and why doesn't that happen to me; I'm a good person. I don't hurt anyone or anything, and I say my prayers dutifully. Well, it all comes down to "Faith". Your faith has to be strong for you to be able to manifest your desires quickly. The stronger the faith, the quicker your answer will be manifested to you. It's just that simple.

Well, this is how these beings attempt to talk to us. I use to drive me crazy when I kept seeing the same number in my mind’s eye, and not know why, well I have been reading “Angel Numbers” and this shows me how to decipher every number sequence that I encounter, no matter how large the number. 

Jesus, and Moses are just two of our Ascended Masters, Michael, Raphael, among many, are our Archangels, as well as numerous Angels within the Angelic Realm. Just to give you a small understanding of a few things, some of them are in charge of let me introduce you to only some of Jesus’ miraculous gifts for mankind. 

Jesus, one of our Ascended Masters helps with;
  1.     Clear communication with God
  2.      Divine guidance and direction
  3.     Faith issues
  4.    Forgiveness
  5.     Healing of all kinds
  6.   Manifestation
  7.   Miracles
  8.  Moses, another of the Ascended Masters helps with;
  9.   Dealing and negotiating with authority figures
  10.  Clear communication with God
  11.  Courage
  12.   Faith
  13.   Leadership
  14.   Miracle-working
Moses, another of the Ascended Masters helps with;
  1.      Dealing and negotiating with authority figures
  2.      Clear communication with God
  3.      Courage
  4.      Faith
  5.     Leadership 
  6.     Miracle-working
Ask Moses to lend you his courage, and or strengthen your courage; cast out doubt within you, and ask him to fill your heart with your God-given abilities; and to please guide your words and actions so you too can guide others according to God’s will.

Michael, one of our Archangels helps us with;
  1. Commitment and dedication to one’s beliefs
  2. Courage
  3. Direction
  4. Energy and vitality
  5. Life’s purpose, all aspects of
  6. Motivation
  7. Protection
  8. Space clearing
  9. Spirit releasement
  10. Worthiness and increased self-esteem
Raphael is another of our Archangels that helps us with:
  1. Eliminating and reducing addictions and cravings
  2. Clairvoyanc
  3. Eyesight, physical and spiritual
  4. Healers, guidance and support for
  5. Healing, for humans and animals
  6. Pets, retrieving lost
  7. Space clearing
  8. Spirit releasement
  9. Travelers—relating to protection, orderliness, and harmony
Just to name a very, very few, there are countless number of these beings that have been given the job to help us, help ourselves, and to help each other. Not to mention to help, put in our heart to heal our mother Earth, so that at least two of the planets that are very close to us, and that helps to support ours, are able to continue to do so (Sun and Moon). 

It appear to most of us that the reason the large mammals are beaching themselves, and the birds crashing into items that they haven’t ever hit before; and the ice lessening itself where it was plentiful, is because that the core of our planet is stressed and not moving at the same speed, and or in the same direction, all of the time; as it should.

Yes, Lightworkers, and Earth Angels, we need to get to work to help heal our great Mother, because Mother Earth needs us. The numbers 999 says exactly this, when you learn how to decipher their meaning.
Some people don’t believe that there is a God, or a being that is called God, however but that God is a positive spirit/entity that created everything and that all energy, (positive or negative) emanated from it.

No matter, if you use the positive energy, you ask this creator of all things, to bring all and more good to you so that you can help others. I have also been told that man gave the Spirit this name (God) to help us to better be able to deal with the strength of this entity, and that it has many names. I was also told that there are some of us who know even better than most, what it’s (or if it makes you feel better) His names are. 

None of this takes away from the fact that He loves all of us, wants us to be happy here on this world that he placed us, and that if something bad happens in our personal lives, He didn’t cause it to happen to you, or allow it to happen to you, you turned to meet your own fate. 

Again, you remember what we were taught at a young age; the choices we make, takes us to our end, or what happens because of our choice. That is what makes human beings very beloved by God. We are the only creation that was made with free will.

Once we read, and learn these things, it is our job, whether people choose to believe us or not, to share it with mankind. The more I learn, the more I will jot down and put it out there for my fellow man.

I suggest that you read works from: Virtue, Doreen, PhD. You can find her on Amazon.com.

1-800-ASK-KEEN ext.: 03234607 


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